Brazilian Government and Education

Frustrations that can happen of the educative use of the NTICs. Gilbert Saints of Oliveira. He is well-known that, in the current global panorama, the use of the new technologies of the information and communication (NTIC? s) takes care of to the diverse necessities of the most differentiated types of pupils. ' ' The more we dive in the society of the information, faster are the demands for instantaneous answers. The people, mainly the children and the young, do not appreciate the delay, want resulted imediatos.' ' (MORAN; MASETTO; BEHRENS, 2006, pg.20) and this necessity of fast learning has taken each time more institutions of education to appeal to the use of the NTIC? s as pedagogical tool. Today the NTIC? s is essential tools to the learning and the impossibility to use them, on the part of some pupils, comes generating in Brazil a new type of exclusion, the digital exclusion. Who suffers badly from this, is seen incapable completely of reaction, therefore it not only involves economic questions and of mere interest in learning to use them. Today in Brazil a computer still is very expensive e, therefore, completely inaccessible for majority of the pupils, this without counting the price of softwares and the digital services that also are raised.

But the Brazilian government comes if worrying about this problem and according to Oak (2009, pg. 25): The concept of digital inclusion presented by the site of the current federal government is associated with the concepts of autossustentvel social development and promotion of the citizenship. ' ' The concept passes for the fact of the citizen not to be charged by the service in the hour that goes to use it, therefore the access to the information must be a right of all Brazilian citizen, as it is the access to the education and health services. The fact of if having or money cannot be one obstculo' '.