REASON Confidence

The CONFIDENCE Based on a code of norms and behaviors the confidence adheres to many social characteristics, either in any field that will have the necessity of its presence, and is not few, being thus it always has the existence of the confidence as a tuner of ideas and ideals. The government positions are based on the confidence on the people, since they are these that attribute under any or vote form another form of choice, its governing, democratically speaking. Societies basically are firmed in confidence, as well as; marriages, alliances of war and peace, friendships, and other spheres that exist two or more people, everything turns primarily around the confidence. Exactly when one of the parts knows that it could not be having to the same profitability that to another one. This exchange of interests generally firmed in alliances, society or simply investiture of responsibilities can very be directed well by the reason most of the time, exactly that I begin what it was had as rational something can later be seen as been improper. Or when it has the treason of one of the parts and I negotiate all it comes to be deploring to the other part. However the confidence has for proper itself the responsibility to bring us it tranquillity to be able to take our attitudes and thus to form what we call society, yes, therefore the experience in society alone if is possible when we have the personal availability to open hand of fears and incredulidades and to attribute to other fellow citizens trustworthiness that also is configured we for others. It makes thus if then, small parcels reliable, that later are materialized in bigger things augmenting in what it refers to all society. They are psychoactive constructions that appear in way to the necessities social human beings and in them if they credit to all the segments of our lives, simply moved by the reason and some times also for the emotions, already there leaving fully the rational scope or in case that some variant acts that not condiz with the waited one facilitates the discharge of guilt for this feeling.

Practical Formation

The Importance of the Practical Formation Continued in daily of the Professor Analyzing the formation of professors in Brazil comes expressivamente earning in national quarrels only from years 80, therefore it is from this period that if politics come back to the valuation of the initial and continued formation observe of the professors. This comes in accordance with suffering to alterations the vision from education that if constructs at each moment politician? description lived for the humanity. I can today understand, ahead of as much reading and recital, that the continued formation is the essence for the practical one of the professor. Had to the educational advance, this professor becomes necessary to be in constant search to improve practical its of reflexiva form, thus facing the difficulties imposed for the reality of classroom. This formation, in such a way initial as the continued one, had received great incentives from the federal government, through normative Laws and acts, that base and assist the States and Cities in construction of a structure of valuation of the teaching professional, as if it can perceive in the Referenciais for the Formation of Professors considered by the MEC and in the National Plan of Education.

In accordance with the observed realities, were possible to also identify some points that can be seen to optimize this process as: more good planning of the moments of continued formation, autonomy that allows the professors to participate in the planning of the continued formation considering that in the school this moment happens for they, diversification of the methodologies applied in the formation, becoming these more dynamic moments and mainly that if it carries through a research enters the professors to diagnosis the necessities of formation continued before the elaboration of any proposal of formation. Then, a research more including becomes necessary than it makes possible ampler vision of the work of this formation next to the professors, mainly in what it corresponds to the attendance of the necessities of continued formation of the same ones, paraque if makes an analysis of more consistent form of the practical politics and of the continued formation developed so far. However, the present work comes to contribute for new reflections concerning the continued formation, since this formation also will allow an education of quality, rank that the professor will be able to develop research on practical its, will contribute in the process education? learning of the pupil and in the pedagogical development in its educational context. Of this form, it is concluded presenting some recommendations that this study authorize: To indicate professors formadores duly prepared to be in contact with the professors, dynamic, searching to value the profession of pedagogo, making with that these professionals are forming professors.