Supreme Education

Without being fanatizado. The important part of a well-rounded education as indicated in the Mexican Constitution is to focus learning on the evolution of the consciousness of the students in developing the capacity of holistic understanding of the kosmos. If education does not meet the objective of raising the level of thinking, is an education that does not work, because the Supreme goal of education of the 21st century is to be the conduit for the evolution of consciousness, expanding the capabilities of human beings to be more conscious, autonomous and accountable. This is one of the last books of Dr. Gallegos, this book analyzes the difference between types of intelligences and the importance of discernment to achieve spiritual intelligence. The concept of spiritual intelligence is considered the newest and the oldest known that at least 2,500 years ago, when the Buddha called it thorough vision or Vipassana; He pointed out that it was the ability of penetrative vision to understand the profound reality of the phenomena, I think understanding and much more the achievement of that spiritual intelligence is difficult, but some roads are defined in this work to try at least. I think the contribution of Howard Gardner in 1967 on the theory of multiple intelligences is one part water in the practice of teachers, their work yielded much valuable information to diversify the way which was practiced process teaching and learning with, traditional methods with the standardization of ways and means, without considering the various capabilities of students. However this differentiation is not sufficient for holistic education, because it leaves out the part of being human, spirituality and thus continues the fragmentation, since these intelligences are just parts of one greater whole, components of a higher reality, fragments of a superior intelligence. One of the problems generated in the field of education is the term spirituality, often confused with religion, however spirituality is inseparable from the human being, inherent and through her he transcends, is the essence of everything that exists and is beyond everything that exists beyond the ego.

Japan Conduct

First let’s look at what distance to power? It is the measure in which a society accepts, that in organizations, groups and institutions, power is distributed unequally. Las sources of distance to power are: 1) the Familia(Padres a Hijos) 2) the educational system (teachers and students) 3) (managers and employees) work history 4) ideologies. There are societies with high or low power distance. People of high power distance societies value their status and top and bottom are completely separate, work values obedience and loyalty and the monetary motivation, formal communication, the work is more important than personal relationships, assesses the conduct or efficiency of the equipment, Japan is considered a society as well. In societies with low distance to power people feel equal valued efficiency, flexibility, personal motivation, informal communication, personal relationships are more important than work, the countries of South America are considered low distance to power. It gives tells you different behaviours between an Eastern and a Western, the way that you show respect for their cultural values and its approach will do negociaciaciones with them and understand that they are they qualify or they also qualify for the group, the Organization of your company, and not as individuals. It is noted that the Japan has made strides accelerated pace due to the focus of the group, and that in Latin America much more progress still.

Eduardo Galeano

A worldwide used skillfully as a smokescreen behind which the military, the Government then owners, hid the disaster of its management. Thirty thousand missing ended up disappearing behind that numbing curtain I embriago everyone less to the mothers of the Plaza de Mayo who still feel the weight and guava from not having seen more yours. Sabe, Professor? Now walk a few teachers out there with the deception that the most important thing is not teaching or learning, or memorization, but to the aprehendizaje. I do not understand that. Probably it’s a spelling mistake and placed a hache was going no where. Or perhaps another extranjerismo of those who flood our language and against which us Spanish teacher prevented, say things very difficult to understand. They argue, for example, that for the development of education is necessary to take into account the culture, the atmosphere surrounding the school, environment and all those nonsense.

Rather, would play the blond monkey forget the Nile, the Tigris and the Ganges and learn the name of streams of the people. How awful! How is, sine Lucy? Crazy, right? Or is Today you would that do not ban us that we saw the World Cup matches. Otherwise, take advantage of this evil event to talk about these gentlemen so vacant that passed life kicking ball from here and there to here.I do not know from which removed Eduardo Galeano (do the same of the open veins AM?RICA LATINA) that that football remains one of the most powerful expressions of cultural identity, those that remind us that the best thing in the world is in the amount of worlds containing the world if he turned up in full compulsory globalization era, poet Galeano talking about that sport. But well, thinking about it well, it would not have been so bad that take into account the environment and the topics for the aprehendizaje.


It is said that sociology as science cannot exist because in the sciences it acts with beings or objects without will, on the other hand social intervenes volitional factor which would make impossible the establishment of a science (because science is based on predict events but yes intervenes the volitional fact may modify or change what will happen). This argument goes against the sociology and all other sciences. The intervention of the will makes more difficult the problem of the human sciences, but you cannot reach us to deny that they exist. This intervention of the social facts will leads us to consider one of the problems which are freedom and social determinism. Weber intends to demonstrate practically that there is not one but several causes in the social phenomenon. It makes the study of the economic phenomenon and of the religious phenomenon at the same time and in the same place, take as fact the Protestant reform in relation to the economic phenomenon of capitalism that emerged at the same time. In first term examined the modifications that the economic phenomenon (capitalism) exerts on the religious phenomenon, taking as a cause of this one. It takes as causes of the religious individual capitalism; then inverts terms and examines the effects that in the economic field has the religious Reformation.

It reaches the conclusion that they are cause and effect mutually. Social matters when studying the social phenomenon, checks that there is no unique but multiple causes. He says, if we were to tip us toward a cause, placed the religious because Weber is spiritualist. This problem of freedom and social spiritualism acquires a new projection in the work of the sociologist Pinot, who formulated in this regard a clear distinction between the social and the natural. Expresses the physical law of nature has in all cases a conditional expression whose formula would be this: If such cause is given such effect occurs. Worldwide social this not happens precisely by the intervention of the factor will in the Constitution of the social fact. The intervention of freedom in society makes the social laws have different characteristics in the natural order. Here you will find quality items for the care of the body, mind and spirit; In addition to other sections such as: sports, entertainment, computing, health, languages, painting and more.

Psychological Science

Psychology is the scientific study of behavior and experience, of how humans and animals feel, think, learn and know to adapt to the surrounding environment. Modern psychology has been devoted to collect facts about the behavior and experience, and to organize them systematically, developing theories that explain them. These theories help to know and explain the behaviour of human beings and on occasion even to predict their future actions, and can speak about them.Psychology has been divided into several areas of study. However, these areas are interrelated. Physiological psychology, which is studying the functioning of the brain and nervous system, whereas the experimental psychology designed tests and organizes research to discover, for example, how you learn and remember.Areas of psychology can also be described in terms of areas of application. Social psychologists, for example, are interested in the way in which the people influence each other mutually, and the way in which act in group. Industrial psychologists study behavior at work and the effects of that environment. Educational psychologists help students choose their studies and their future profession. Labour psychology, which is basically operates in service institutions both private and public, intervening in interpersonal, organizational and human resources processes, as well as the psychological factors that impact on labour and productivity. And clinical psychology, which attempts to help those who have problems in their daily lives or are mentally ill.