Project of implantation of RH in the Municipal School of 1 Tiradentes Degree Identification: The Municipal School of 1 Tiradentes Degree, situated the Pa Valdemar Walnut S/N in the city of Brook of the Plaza-BA. The school functions in the three turns (60h), possesss 09 classrooms, 01 secretariat, 01 kitchen, 04 bathrooms with the following picture of employees: 01 director and 01 vice-director, 01 pedagogical coordinator, 03 permitted secretaries (being 02 assistant), 07 professors graduated History, Letters, Geography, Mathematics and Normal Superior, 07 permitted professors if graduating and 07 not yet. The school functions of alpha to 4 series of Basic Ensino. The school works in agreement to the PCN' s and to the transversal subjects, has a boarding to interdisciplinar, encloses the intervention projects and commemorative dates, all participate of the organization and the functioning of the pertaining to school institution, has integration of the community in the elaboration and implementation of the educative projects and the values implicit and explicit that permeiam the relations between the members of the school. Although still if it is unaware of as these aspects influence the learning, it is known that, in the schools consider that them excellent, the pupils have a better exploitation.
The community participates of the events occurred in the school, what with certainty it is sufficiently interesting for the dinamizao of the pedagogical activities, after all, all are inserted in the process and can collaborate positively for the perfectioning. Summary: That approach the organization intends to give to its politics of human resources? The current model of management estimates the migration of the traditional one for the innovator, in the search of the quality and better performance of the professors and consequentemente to the benefit of the customer, that are the pupils. Inside of this perspective conquest possibility to grant claims to it and thus to contribute for the magnifying of chances and better conditions of work.