Tourist Sites

Chiapas is rich in natural beauty making it a very special place to choose your next vacation, since you can enjoy the areana, of the Sun, of the sea; but also you can enjoy ruins archaeological in the middle of the jungle. Also taking the opportunity to delitarte, noting gaps in stunning colors. There are several reserves in Chiapas, and in this article we will mention four of them. Where each one of them is home destinations tourist that you leave pleased of visitralos. Reservations that are in Chiapas are the following: reservation of the biosphere El Ocote, is located in the Northwest of the State of Chiapas.

This reserve comprises the following municipalities: Cintalapa de Figueroa, Mezcalapa Tecpatan, Ocozocuatla of Espinoza and Jiquipilas. The tourist destinations found in this reserve are: Sima de las cotorras and nearby is the Canon del Sumidero National Park, Canon Rio sale, etc. Reservation of the biosphere biosphere the crossroads. It comprises part of the municipalities of Acapetahua, Pijijiapan, Villa Comaltitlan and Mazatan and Huixtla. That tourist destinations We find in this place are: bar Zacapulco and ecotourism Center Las Palmas. In these places can one strolls in boat through mangrove swamps which measure more than 35 meters high and taste delicious dishes based on seafood.

Reserve of Montes Azules biosphere, also known as the Lacandon Jungle and is located in the northeast of the State of Chiapas. This reserve comprises the following municipalities: Ocosingo, Las Margaritas and Maravilla Tenejapa. The tourist destinations found in this reserve are: Yaxchilan, Bonampak, caves, Naha, Las Nubes, shield Jaguar, the guacamyas and so on. Win this reserve biosphere biosphere reserve comprises part of the following municipalities: Pijijiapan, La Concordia, Villacorzo and Acacoyagua in this zone, there are no major tourist attractions. In general these reserves are the most important with which counts the State of Chiapas and allow all tourists spend unforgettable moments and the monotony of urban olvidrase and enjoy contact with the environment. Chiapas is beautiful, visit it. Original author and source of the article.