Job Search Success Training

One is successful only if it is different than the mass (gray). Therefore you should do always something more of what others expect! A professional job application is the art itself failed to present. The search is similar to a bit after an employer of partner choosing. You need in the competitions to find out how to make aware the others, without being intrusive. Below some fundamental aspects, which should be followed in order to stand out from the broad Bewerbermasse: Respond not only to job offers, but are active on the labour market. This means that even companies call and make appointments. In preparation for the telephone conversation is crucial.

Many employers prefer applicants with experience abroad. With an international training, it is easier to find work in the country and abroad. Many compete often in large companies, because they believe that the jobs are there safer and better paid than in medium-sized companies. But in medium-sized companies such as ambitious young professionals can early responsibility entrepreneurial talent and ascend to leadership positions. Unlike in corporations and large companies the hierarchies are flat and good services run faster in the management. Conferences, congresses and trade fairs can visit, because you can learn a lot about jobs and establish first contacts. Jobs are nowadays often first searched in the Internet.

Online stock market is booming, and even the application is sent only by mail or placed on the corporate website in a finished form. Experts recommend the job search once a week. Apply you should but not indiscriminately on all available vacancies, but with heart and mind. Now appear far more job advertisements on the Internet, with online job boards and on the company’s sites as in print media. In many job boards, you can specify its profile. While precise data do to increase the hit rate. A job comes in, who fits the profile, comes a message by E-Mail. Not every job board is suitable for any profession. As Candidate you should make sure that the job search engine has the own sector as a target group. Tip! Perfect knowledge of English are provided in many occupations, as a matter of course today and an international career without English proficiency is inconceivable. Perfectly and thus also differently than many others – is it if it is still a second foreign language. Info, hints and tips for successful job search: info/yoke/yoke is bildungsdoc education service and guidance for schools, parents, students, trainees, graduates, students and adults. Find all here is simple and fast unbiased information on educational topics, education, training providers and educational institutions. Matching funding, including funding programs will be presented to all training. Including grants (money gifts) and/or low-interest loans can be. There are neutral information, hints and tips for trips abroad, school, study, vocational training, job search and training. Contact: bildungsdoc AP: Horst beef Theodor Friedrich WEG 4 01279 Dresden E-Mail: Internet:

Theodor Friedrich WEG

Around the globe, the own career education stays – is planned. The competition is intense and who want to make a good impression with his future boss, presents itself confident and open-minded, presents good evidence and is facing at least abroad better even more. Horst beef, owner of bildungsdoc: “an alien in the upscale professional life also assumes such a degree. Of the students learn about the High School Year up to the internship abroad are many offers available, which can. What’s missing but nowadays is a professional education consultant who plans their own education for its customers and makes them successfully. Just an education consultant, which shows what foreign offerings there and presented the possible funding in parallel.” Which foreign offers are there? bildungsdoc is a roadmap for successful training stays abroad. The information portal collects continuously competent and compact all important Information and gives many helpful hints.

The portal presents because even students language holidays for children from the age of 8, informs about the High School Year, reported by language courses from the age of 16 and indicates the possibility to work abroad as an Au Pair. “Work and Travel” is always popular and who participates in the voluntary work abroad, can prove even more social commitment. A Bildungsurlaub and studying abroad also informs bildungsdoc. Suitable to any foreign program the portal presents a hand-picked selection of operators, agencies and organizations with address and contact details. A stay abroad costs money pots of funding for education abroad. Wealthy families can afford it. Where the revenue with the parents not so lavish gushing, 10,000 euros for a UK High School Year are difficult to muster even if it extends the horizon and perfected the knowledge of foreign languages.

Horst beef: “what many parents do not know: there are many” Pots of funding for education abroad, both public as well as the EU. This funding pots are currently so full like never before. We inform what funding there is for overseas programs and how the measures can be effectively exploit.” Very important: All recommended Organizer for educational stays abroad are members of professional associations and educational institutions are accredited. Thus, also the necessary expertise is conveyed to the parents and the young traveler. This is the only way to guarantee that the money is well spent and not lost. By the way bildungsdoc does not let “his” students & students to stay abroad, but offers among others on the topics of career and education a comprehensive compendium. Here many tips can see that show up, how market the own abroad especially profitable in their own right. Info, hints & tips to Bildungdaufenthalte abroad: info/alien/au bildungsdoc is educational exchange and educational orientation for students, trainees, graduates, students, parents and adults. Find all here is simple and fast unbiased information on educational topics, education, training providers and educational institutions. Matching funding, including funding programs will be presented to many education at home and abroad. Including grants (money gifts) and/or low-interest loans can be. There are neutral information, hints and tips for trips abroad, school, study, vocational training, job search and training. Contact: bildungsdoc AP: Horst beef Theodor Friedrich WEG 4 01279 Dresden E-Mail: Internet:

Evening Courses

Intensive training for jazz and popular music of the new jazz school Munich starts in the summer term 2012 with its intensive training for jazz and the new jazz school Munich e.V. in evening courses prepared popular music on the live and Studio work or study at a music college. Applicants to the placement test for the compact training program in Munich can apply until 3 February 2012. 6 half hours per week are harmony, ear training, rhythm and arrangement/composition practical teaching in the major and minor instrument, band workshop work, as well as the theory subjects on the curriculum. The intense training a candidate when the placement test at knowledge corresponding to February 10, however is semester, occupied on four, can he already get in a higher subject-related semester and thus shorten the training time. To the participants in the examination must prove their knowledge in the theoretical subjects and play two pieces of different style on their instrument or audition. The result of not enough for the first semester, the jazz school recommends preparing to attend the induction course in their theory and their instrumental or singing lessons. Because of the intensive training course takes place on the Wednesday and Thursday night, they especially suitable as training for professionals, but also for students who want to prepare for the entrance examination to a music college. The final examinations of the fourth semester are successfully filed the Institute diploma of the new jazz school Munich confirmed the acquired knowledge and skills. On February 29, 2012 starts the training program in the summer semester. The registration form for the placement test and more information about the audit and to the teaching there on.

Hat Equity

Initiative of Kita equity holdings by Berlin started emits today Berlin compared the provinces the most money per capita for the children’s day care and that is a good thing, the initiative is well protected”of Kita equity holdings by Berlin. The comprehensive care and education offers of formerly communal nurseries and kindergartens are at the heart of a campaign that goes at the start of may with posters and bus advertising the site. In a participatory action, parents can show also with a photo of their child, what well protected”means to them personally. Three winning designs will be then in the autumn of 2012, on posters in Berlin. More than 30,000 children start their first education steps, which are so important for a future full of opportunities lovingly fostered in the day-care centres of Berlin equity holdings. That’s enough for us occasion, to draw attention to the importance of early childhood education and the good work of our employees”, explains Karin Scheurich. one of the two coordinators of the campaign of Kita equity holdings. We are the largest Kita Berlin, but also with 280 day care centers throughout the city we are by no means arrived at our borders”, added her colleague Martina Castello.

The equity companies take stock of their six-year history with the initiative and lay the foundations for further expansion of their service offering. We are as old as our oldest proteges and know that the first years are as important and formative”, underlines Martina Castello. The requirements for the equity holdings will continue to grow with the steadily rising demand for kindergarten places. It is in addition to the implementation of policy guidelines to create the best conditions for the combination of loving care and awareness education in the daily work. We are going to continue the future challenges with a lot of heart and mind”, emphasizes Karin Scheurich.

We want to achieve the best possible promotion of children so that they feel comfortable and learn how by itself for life.” The various dimensions of the best protecting”especially in combination with the educational mission are presented on billboards and buses throughout the city. The overall goal of all kindergartens and nurseries is to allow the children a best entry in the educational world. The different motifs in a charming way make clear at what levels, and with how much imagination and verve that happens in the Berlin kindergartens. The creativity of the parents is required with the campaign, as in the photo competition, they will be able to implement their version of the campaign motto: simply take a photo of the offspring with Hat, an own heading to think out and upload to the site. Three winning designs will be in the fall of 2012, on posters in Berlin. More info and photos see: contact on the initiative: Martina Castello (daycare South West Berlin) & Karin Scheurich (kindergartens Northeast) E-Mail: contact with the supervising ad agency: salt communication Berlin GmbH Katrin green & Christine Reichle E-Mail: Tel. 030/34 50 62 30

Successful Education Abroad

Around the globe, the own career education stays – is planned. The competition is intense and who want to make a good impression with his future boss, presents itself confident and open-minded, presents good evidence and is facing at least abroad better even more. Horst beef, owner of bildungsdoc: “an alien in the upscale professional life also assumes such a degree. Of the students learn about the High School Year up to the internship abroad are many offers available, which can. What’s missing but nowadays is a professional education consultant who plans their own education for its customers and makes them successfully. Just an education consultant, which shows what foreign offerings there and presented the possible funding in parallel.” Which foreign offers are there? bildungsdoc is a roadmap for successful training stays abroad.

The information portal collects continuously competent and compact all important Information and gives many helpful hints. The portal presents because even students language holidays for children from the age of 8, informs about the High School Year, reported by language courses from the age of 16 and indicates the possibility to work abroad as an Au Pair. “Work and Travel” is always popular and who participates in the voluntary work abroad, can prove even more social commitment. A Bildungsurlaub and studying abroad also informs bildungsdoc. Suitable to any foreign program the portal presents a hand-picked selection of operators, agencies and organizations with address and contact details. A stay abroad costs money pots of funding for education abroad. Wealthy families can afford it. Where the revenue with the parents not so lavish gushing, 10,000 euros for a UK High School Year are difficult to muster even if it extends the horizon and perfected the knowledge of foreign languages.

Horst beef: “what many parents do not know: there are many” Pots of funding for education abroad, both public as well as the EU. This funding pots are currently so full like never before. We inform what funding there is for overseas programs and how the measures can be effectively exploit.” Very important: All recommended Organizer for educational stays abroad are members of professional associations and educational institutions are accredited. Thus, also the necessary expertise is conveyed to the parents and the young traveler. This is the only way to guarantee that the money is well spent and not lost. By the way bildungsdoc does not let “his” students & students to stay abroad, but offers among others on the topics of career and education a comprehensive compendium. Here many tips can see that show up, how market the own abroad especially profitable in their own right. Info, hints & tips to Bildungdaufenthalte abroad: info/alien/au bildungsdoc is educational exchange and educational orientation for students, trainees, graduates, students, parents and adults. Find all here is simple and fast unbiased information on educational topics, education, training providers and educational institutions. Matching funding, including funding programs will be presented to many education at home and abroad. Including grants (money gifts) and/or low-interest loans can be. There are neutral information, hints and tips for trips abroad, school, study, vocational training, job search and training. Contact: bildungsdoc AP: Horst beef Theodor Friedrich WEG 4 01279 Dresden E-Mail: Internet: