
City still there awaiting the arrival of autumn while that man’s soul is still dozing, numbed by a society where there is custom of escape from the problems, the priests have lost their influence in favour of psychologists, which are depositories of our fears, fears, dissatisfactions and various phobias. People take refuge in a continuous loop of your home to work and vice versa, little more, some good-hearted souls spend a little of your time selflessly to others, but as that does not sell does not come out in the news, nor in the radio, or in newspapers, which have become a machine replicate news prepared by an agency where everything is asepticimpersonal, cold and photocopying. All newspapers share the same news and even the same ideological approach always silencing what they consider that does not sell and that the information is also a business, as you can be the sale of blinds, or serve coffees we are going towards a society equal in all respects, press also is going equating by Unfortunately loses the critical spirit which assumes them to form opinion. All every day is closest, originality is lost, everything is each day a little more gray and less conspicuous, although one to strive in being provocative joking with something as serious as religious beliefs to make humor. The striking thing is not to criticize the powerful hoping that this do some favor that benefits one who makes the ball, everything is submission by all sides.

If someone tries to be critical is called radical, now fashion is the different cornering and disqualify it. Everything is or white or black, none of the media terms that’s not going with the society today, sleepy, happy pending the arrival of the weekend to flee from all soccer for criticizing a type that it goes black I don’t understand some things that happen to our around that interest there is in that everything is the same, if the fun and colorful is that there are different things, various ideas for not seeing it all grey. It seems that think differently is insane and so we must eradicate any possibility of critique..

Important Training

The training process is a tool used to improve personal and business; in order to implement an in-house training first needs detection should be to know to whom the training is applied if the company or a Department in specific. These needs are being detected through questionnaire, interviews, etc. Become staff linked with the lack or deficiency of the organization. Implement training programmes has substantial benefits q are of great importance both for the company and for personnel working in it; training is very important to ensure better productivity, to accomplish this personnel carry out their activities with satisfaction since this will bring benefits to the company and the company trabajador.* will have an economic growth * worker: be able to develop their knowledge, skills and attitudes, to develop their skills will have greater effectiveness for developing its efficiency and its effectiveness, and being cash in your work is going to perform with quality and at the same time is going to be productive; their attitudes in developing employee will be updated, is exceeded, be formed and be trained on a voluntary basis, one of the goals of the training is the overcoming of the staff, give them the opportunity of development through a specialty, master’s degree or doctorate as the case may be, the personal benefit to the worker is to be trained you will have the opportunity to occupy a level most high within the organization. To carry out the training there are different ways of applying it as they are as follows: movies slides conferences exhibitions symposia by: Oscar bathrooms Sanchez student of the specialty in administration of RR.HH. in the original UCLAH author and source of the article.

Munmi Be Renewed

Munmi is the first training centre for entrepreneurs in MLM which was born in for all the Spanish-speaking market. Over the course of two years of life has been consolidated within the entire market for our language. More… Its mission is to train business professionals mainly MLM in the Internet and even for those who do not develop this type of industry, because their strategies are focused towards promoting on the Internet correctly and effectively whatever their nature. Do not spam, technical basic and advanced optimization promotion, elaboration of effective web sites, organic and payment for search engines (SEO and SEM), social networks, and a long etcetera is what you can find at Munmi. A few weeks ago we became echo in our blog from the disappearance of Munmi and its training center as we knew it. Well, from this moment already we have active the new face of the multilevel University on the Internet. For those who develop business through Internet they know of the importance the training.

It is no secret that Munmi has been a starting point for many of us, at least those who are aware that a knowledge base is necessary to be able to undertake any activity. For me, I know and participate in the University from more than year and a half I can assure you that change was therefore asking loudly needed were all more intuitive than it was today. Improvements include:- as we said at the beginning. User interface completely renewed, both portal and its training center. Now remains the same corporate image both outside and inside. -More organized and intuitive menus.

It is much easier to find the content. -Munmi does not compete with any MLM, but allows to self-finance your training with a small compensation plan. Now it is much more powerful and practical. -New Landing Page. According to the company’s image, but with the possibility in the near future to be able to modify it according to the preferences of each user. -Designer of integrated Web pages. Now already will not need an application of design externally, because all that student who so desires may use the online editor which gives us Munmi. Course includes video tutorials for use. As the proverb says. A picture is worth a thousand words, so I’ve decided to show you the Centre of training of Munmi inside in a short 7-minute video. You can be part of multilevel training center and/or participate in the free weekly seminars that celebrates Munmi, through the following link: registration/access to seminars original author and source of the article.

Hispanic Product

As I mentioned in the previous article, build a mailing list when carried out campaigns of marketing of any product or service, it is not an option. It is vital. This is due to that, based on experience, clients, generally, don’t buy the first contact you have with our web site, our business or our product. One of the topics frequently addressed by marketers of the internet refers to a marketing campaign conversion rates. For most of them agree that the conversion rate is, on average, 2% of the traffic that comes to our web site. The foregoing leads us, immediately, to ask ourselves, what happens to the 98% of people who visit our website and who do not buy. It is very likely that these people are interested in our product or something similar and so arrived to our website in your search. Hence the need to capture the information of these visitors, mainly your email, will give us the possibility of selling them in the near future.

The probability is high, since they already showed interest in a first visit. Analyses about business on the internet, both in the English market and the Hispanic market, have pointed out that most clients require, between 7 and 10 contacts with the product in which they are interested, before you buy it. Therefore, equal amount of messages or emails, before the purchase and shipment, there will be necessary the need of having their e-mails on our list. The above tells us, the necessity of having on our list, the greater amount of emails possible, people who are interested in the products or services that we are selling or promoting. Keep this in mind, something critical to your business. Put it on your list of priorities when you undertake a project of internet business. Despite the saying that businesses should not be mixed with love, both have a great similarity.

Bases Of National Education

The Law of n 9394/96? Law of Lines of direction and Bases of the National Education, establishes in accord with the Federal Constitution, its article IV, III? educational attendance specialized the deficiency carriers, preferential in the regular net of education. Beyond these displayed Laws and Lines of direction it has others, as the Law n 10.098/00, which establishes norms for the promotion of the accessibility for the carrying people of deficiencies or with reduced mobility. Brazil opted to the construction of a system of inclusive education, when agreeing to the World-wide Declaration of Education for All, carried through Jomtien in Thailand in 1990 in accord with the Declaration of Salamanca, Discusses World-wide on the Educational Necessities Special: Access and Quality, carried through in Spain in 1994. Ahead of this displayed, we verify that the fight for the inclusion, already is well old, but that in Brazil, still it is in implantation phase, even so in the paper has implantation indications you give to reach the biggest age, but the speech is not condizente with the reality. We recognize that the government, invested in equipment and adaptation of acessibilidades in many schools in the country, but will have that to also invest in the formation of the professor. Therefore you are welcome it will advance to have an equipped school, without it has a qualified professional, to use available resources in the multi-functional rooms, in the psico-pedagogical development, of the clientele who will have to be taken care of. 7.3 The FORMATION OF the PROFESSOR TO ACT IN INCLUSIVE EDUCATION 7.3.1 theoretical Landmark the reflections concerning the importance of the formation of professors little adds more than two decades, rank who since the crisis of the didactics in the Seventies and eighty many educators and theoreticians come if questioning and using alternative for its reverse speed-significao, aiming at to take care of to the current requirements imposed for the education (CHARLOT, 2002).


For its amplitude and complexity, the factor indiscipline has ' ' taken off sono' ' of the educators, in the direction to contain atonia situations that lose the school. For being a subject very argued in the last times, for some educational agents, one becomes necessary to rethink the condicionantes that intervene with the daily one of the classroom, on the necessity to know, with more depth, the situations that they modify its daily one and they desvirtuam its objectives, being elect some points for reflection on the prxis pedagogical, data that, at first moment, discipline to work it demand to know it, for the viability to set in motion one practical convenient interventiva. As elect points in this analysis, the indispensable steps to intervine significantly and satisfactorily on the indiscipline in classroom, it is alluded situation-problem that turns since the survey of concepts on what it is disciplines and indiscipline, as and when to consider a classroom as indisciplinada or not, printed to the analyses, thinking and making professor in determination of the condicionantes in the relation professor-pupil, pupil-professor, pupil-pupil and professor-professor, and still, the applied methodology of education and the effort of the professor in creating situations that correspond to the necessities and interests of the pupils, the avaliativo character of education, as well as the establishment of negotiations who will define the pedagogical contract, while generating element of the harmony in classroom, by means of practical one where all the involved citizens leave earning. Word-key: it disciplines/indiscipline, practical professor, methodology, evaluation, pedagogical contract. INTRODUCTION This reflection receives, in its context, exploration of one of subjects more argued in scene national and international, between educators, as much of that acts inside of the Pertaining to school Units, specifically with the docncia, how much the ones that put into motion the scope of the pedagogical orientation, when focusing the question of the indiscipline in classroom. .

Educative Activities

Create pdf with GO2PDF will be free, if you wish you removes this line, click here you buy Virtual pdf Printer Picture 3.0. Distribution of the symbolic categories, abstracted from the interview half-structuralized, on ' ' activities desenvolvidas' '. Category: Developed activities Subcategoria positive aspects Code thematic Unit orqudea thematic Unit tulipa Prevention/SRPe Education people makes the lecture with the dentist is the part of the intervention that people pass of house in house explaining people leave with the list, with the name of who the result already is here. That beyond the prevention it makes the auto-examination of the breast. .People work with escovao in the schools Make walked Lectures with orientaes to the adolescents on sex, drugs Lectures with aged, hipertensos, adolescent, odontlogos, aleitamentos maternal, the gestantes ones Orientaes in combat to the affection Integration of the Team and SRIec community.A time people made a lecture there and the staff spoke, that people could not only take care of of health. The staff spoke, because vocs not they obtain to bring a rank.

People make this meeting with the family Work with children in the schools To look for to make the intermeshing between health team and the community Then, we look in them to establish connection the health to the life of the community Already, in this time that people have of PSF, always we are congregating with the community to know what they desire Integration of the SRIe Team and the coordinator makes question that all the team works I participates. Making posters Always people participate. The team makes the lecture Who makes the lecture is the group Educative Activities, thus, with the dentist, the doctor and the nurse Working with SRTg groups I find that of the gestantes. .That it is the group of aged, that includes hipertenso, diabetes and the aged ones.

Physical Education

The research of the Dra. Kriger had demonstrated that the energies of the custodians could increase the levels of hemoglobina in the patients, a similar phenomenon to the increase in the content of clorofila in plants treated for a custodian. This was one of the first used parameters to effect mensuraes quantitative biochemists in human beings with the intention to detect the effect of the curativas energies. The Dra. Kriger advanced in its research and demonstrated that the people could learn to effect cures. Its nurse-tutrixes obtained to produce rises in the levels of hemoglobina of the similar patients to those produced by people of course endowed with dom to cure, demonstrating that the capacity to carry through cures is an innate human potential and can be learned.

Already the experiments of the Dr. Miller carried through with some custodians, had shown that the curativas energies could affect systems livings creature and not-livings creature to a distance of more than 559,23 miles, what corresponds 900 approximately km However, have stories that the energy generated in the House of Dom Incio of Loyola, for the group of conjuncts (current) has the power even though to cure to any distance, exceeding the Brazilian borders. Perhaps, for this reason it is possible to find thousand of foreigners come of all part of the world the search of relief for its sufferings. The diverse species of curativas energies are associates to a variety of phenomena. The cure for imposition of the hands could be described of form more necessary as magnetic cure.

It is carried through with the hands of the custodian well next to the patient and its effect tend if to mainly reveal in the levels reequilbrio physicist-etrico. In opposing way, the cure spiritual acts not only in the levels physical and etrico as well as it contributes for the reequilbrio of the levels of the functions: energy, astral, mental and of other superior levels. In addition, the cure spiritual can in such a way be carried through in the presence of the patient as well as, with the separate patient and the custodian for great distances. The energy, in form of an invisible magnetic field, passes through the blood, bones and fabrics, so easily how much to the energy of the light it passes through a glass plate. In this way, it can be concluded that we are not so only a physical body with a spirit. But yes, with priority we are a spirit that if it uses of the substance.

Foucault Educative

This is not more than the function of agent of the socialization that it has and that as much him weight of which &quot spoke to us; old and querido" Durkheim. But this function is not the unique one that it owns, also is formed to offer to its students knowledge that the picked up humanity as a whole to and that seem to be in background against the reality of a hour extension that it looks for to solve problems of social nature and not as much educative, and that in addition load to the educational ones with a weight for which no they are neither preparations nor within its roll. Often I have felt desire to shout. I do not want to be father of my students, I want to be its teacher! It would never assume a responsibility that is not incumbent on to me, to help yes in the clear task that, but to occupy a roll that would be so injurious for the student as the absence of the same, that yes that not it desire, neither for me nor for no educational one which one boasts. To be father or mother is for all the educational life however to be hard a school year.

If we are going to extend the schedule we do it with coherence, offering him to the students a greater educative and locativa supply. Constructing more halls the things are not fixed either, but extending the educative spaces gymnasiums, factories, theaters, campings, libraries that in many cases can be outside the school. When the schedule extends the school is in danger to become a jail for the students who feel under control and for the educational one that the experience like jailer. It is not newness mine who the educative centers have much common with the jails said already it Foucault; for that reason it is precise to extend the educative supply, substantially.

Special Education

In this same line, Of Valle and Villanezo (1993) they clarify that the Hospitable Pedagogy is not a science closed but multidisciplinary, that still is delimiting its object of study to give answer to those situations that, in the conjunction of the sanitary and educative scopes, the society is demanding, becoming equally necessary programs of attention to the convalescent boy, that is to say, conceiving the convalecencia in the address like an prolongation of the period of hospitalization. The Hospitable Pedagogy considers in addition like a ramification to the Special Education, inasmuch as it takes care of specific form of the children and children with health problems, after all of children and children with special educative needs. Nevertheless, the attention cannot be considered solely like fundamental and exclusive task of the Hospitable Pedagogy of hospitalized boy and his family. The intention of the Hospitable Pedagogy goes further on, including an ample panorama much more within which more schooling is an element, next to many others, that comprise of the evolution and global improvement of the human being. Therefore, the Hospitable Pedagogy is beyond the medicine and beyond Sciences of the Education, there where the dignity and the solidarity of the ill-hospitalized boy and his familiar context protest, it has more to do with the health and the life that with the instruction and the training: without resigning to the specific contents of the education, it goes beyond this one. The Hospitable Pedagogy is the school in the hospital, but also playful and the attention to the families of the hospitalized children.

At the moment, a specific formation for these professionals does not exist, when the demand is very strong (Lizasoin, 2006). The paper that carries out the school in the hospital is compensatory. The attempt of normalization is fundamental from the life way of the boy. The hospitable pedagogy is socializing, and for that reason the recreational activities are also important that they are possible to be organized in a hospital, from a painting contest to a magazine of plant written by the children.