Job Opportunities

Chances of job in Germany of education depending on the chances of getting a job in Germany particularly strong education depend heavily. People with low education are not very much in demand on the labour market. The job opportunities of low-skilled are particularly bad in comparison to Europe in this country, reported the magazine Spiegel”in its Internet Edition. According to a recent study, 17.7 percent of the low-skilled in Germany have no job. It is the Federal Republic in the Europe-wide comparison on the third place. The EU average is located at 9.2 percent below the German level. Only in the Czech Republic and of Slovakia, the unemployment rate of the low-skilled is higher. The figures are alarming: more than one sixth 25-64 German with basic level of education was unemployed last year.

This is confirmed by projections of the Federal Statistical Office. People who have no more than a secondary school leaving certificate and no professional training is considered to be low-qualified. The figures published by the Federal Statistical Office result from the European labour force survey data. The survey follows the approach of the International Labour Organization (ILO) and to allow a comparison that is independent of national regulation of the labour market. In all EU countries, the risk of having no job, depends on the level of education. The unemployment rate is among people with higher education and professional degree or a higher vocational-technical education in the Federal Republic at only 3.7 percent; in the EU, it is only slightly lower with 3.6 percent.

With the unemployment rate of people with vocational training or high school diploma, the difference is even greater: in this country stands at 8.2 percent and the EU average at six percent. German Chancellor Angela Merkel urged therefore to improve the education opportunities for young people. A chance should be given to each”, the Chancellor said. The Berlin Mayor Klaus Wowereit (SPD) stressed the need for investment of day-care centers, schools, universities and training institutions. This is on up to ten Estimated at billions of euros. The countries it would not be possible this horrendous sum,”alone to raise, as Wowereit. Support by the Federal Government was possible, without that the competence of the countries in question would be provided.

InfoWeb Education

Study: The future of further education portals: what do users want? The future of further education portals is interactive. In the future involves the users not only hard offer information or convenient operating functions. They put significantly more emphasis on direct dialogue. You want support, counselling, follow-up, or participation. And also transparency, assessment facilities and E-learning are they capitalize. It has now found a study of GmbH in Munich. What do expect the Web user today by a training database? A study that training (IWWB) together with the German education server already in early 2008 in an online survey raised the InfoWeb, gives answers: thus users looking for a comprehensive, current, and high-quality range of subjects and courses. In addition, they appreciate the opportunity to quickly compare individual courses and to obtain further information about the provider.

Information about consulting services and institutions the training, which will help them to clarify their own training needs, are important to them. And last but not least, they want to be informed about the latest developments in the field of continuing education. Summary: the user understand a training database today especially as search engine, which provides additional general education information to the party suitable for her education wish leads them quickly and conveniently. As far as the current inventory of the IWWB. Now, it is to look in the future. What do expect users in the future by a training database? What are your wishes? What do they want out of comfortable search functions and general educational information yet? The GmbH in Munich has conducted an internal study of companies on these issues and added the IWWB focus to this aspect of the future. Between October 30, 2008, and February 15, 2009, the GmbH in qualitative interviews has interviewed 35 participants and evaluated their answers. The results differ markedly from those of the IWWB study.