Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

"Roger, you must obtain contracts for the sale this month and do not forget, we have a meeting tomorrow at 9:00. Do not be late again!" Roger was a super salesman, but runs the risk of losing his job because he was too busy running from one client to another to get their paper work. He missed meetings and was ahead when he arrived. Her boss saw his energy and enthusiasm among customers, but it felt childishly irresponsible with him and his colleagues. What Roger would not admit it and his boss did not know was that Roger had Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). The hyper part gives a lot of energy and enthusiasm to go go where you do what you like to do: talk about their products, socializing with clients or meet new people.

The attention deficit causes your brain to disconnect when doing boring stuff like filling out forms, attending meetings or dealing with their colleagues. ADHD is a neurological difference in the brain. The ADHD brain can be very effective when following a passion, but closes when doing the daily routine. Medication is helpful for some, but often not enough. Coaching provides positive support and guidance for anyone with ADHD, but especially for those who do not want to take the medication. The difficulty was that Roger often forgot to get information or lose the paper he had written, and he found the contract is unclear. Through various training sessions and a lot of stress, Roger designed so that it was logical for him to collect and record all the information I needed and set a time in your schedule to complete each contract.

Basic Education

The quarrels of the axle formation and valuation of the professionals of the education place in evidence, the lack of propiciadoras minimum conditions to the good functioning of education in Brazil, being distinguished also the necessity of ruptures with current politics and in addition continusmos of the speeches. Axle V – Financing of the Education and Social Control the politics of investment in education in Brazil makes in them to bring in this text, reflections on as the development of such happens politics for maintenance and development of education being distinguished it importance of a financing system that guarantees the articulated functioning and that it encloses all the stages of education. The reform tax is placed in the document of the CONAE? 2010, as urgent necessity and that it is pautada by social justice and the balance regional and that are mainly, worried in guaranteeing enough and permanent financial resources for the efetivao of the social rights and distribution of income. The education in this perspective, will not have to be harmed, with respect to investments for no instability in the scope of the economic policy. Here, we detach basic education, to if speaking in investments, on account of the changes of deep from 1996 with the creation of FUNDEF and FUNDEB in 2006. Simon Schwartzman in the scientific article Basic Education in Brazil: the agenda of modernity places: The basic education is collective responsibility and must receive, in any society, a substantial part of the public resources. Public does not want to say, however, hierarquizado, uniform, monolithic and bureaucratic. The function of the state in all the levels is to provide resources, to fix goals, to follow resulted and to correct to the inaqualities and iniquities perestroika educational of that Brazil needs consists of returning to the schools the authority, the responsibility, the benefits and the eventual costs of its performance.

Special Education

Wordkey: Inclusion, People in deficiency situation, Public school 1.INTRODUO the LDB, in its article 4, III standes out that it is to have of the state to take care of pupils with necessities special. If you are not convinced, visit David G. DeWalt. However, the history of the humanity demonstrates a passage of social exclusion and human being of the man. Chapter V – of the Special Education, of the Law of Lines of direction and Bases of the National Education it considers, as much for the school as for all society, an enormous challenge in regards to the Inclusion. The school is in a social scope and suffers modifications with the development from its clientele, the technology, of science, involved in a globalizado organism. Had this still more, the treatment to the deficient ones becomes complex. To coexist and to recognize the deficiencies and the differences are a great challenge, to accept that we are different and to break the old paradigms of the education, to take care of to the individual necessities of all the educandos have or not necessity of special education. The inclusive education possesss a philosophy that defends the accessible education for all, and the schools while educative communities must satisfy the necessities of all the pupils with independence to have or not deficiency.

The inclusion appears at the moment where to the theory it practises and it pedagogical they were not giving certain. She is necessary to accept the difference, marks indelvel of each individual. (FELTRIN, 2004, P. 48) It is known that in the past, the individual with some deficiency was eliminated of the society, currently, this practical more is used, however the discrimination subtle continues being practised. Is disfarada exclusion, that happens through the institutions, as chains, asylums and as much others that had been created with this objective: to segregate ‘ ‘ diferente’ ‘ of the society.

Modern Education

I feel homesicknesses of when I studied, where to study and to pass of serious it was our duty and obligation. At this time we not eramos' ' comprados' ' for our family with toys, as I see nowadays I had that contenting in seeing them my mother making t-shirts I to go the school, therefore I have an infancy without exemptions, but the least I was a free child. Wise person to play, not of video-game, therefore was very expensive for my healthful parents, but tricks, as mother of the street, forest fire, catch-catches, money market cirandinha, to jump rope, rolim among others. Get all the facts and insights with Richard Linklater, another great source of information. repair in the children of today, the least I was a child who I learned very playing, therefore as Vigotsky the child learns with the social environment and not contrary it, therefore the exchange of experiences in infancy made me a mature and always responsible adult person. At the time of 1980 as many obesas children did not exist as today, but for the fact of us to play and with this the burning of calories and also did not eat as many besteiras. Today I am specialist in special education and teacher of biology and also work in RH and I see that the majority of the adolescents does not want to know to study, do not give value to this. Checking article sources yields David G. DeWalt as a relevant resource throughout. the school ' ' empurram' ' the pupils with 4 red notes for the next series and consequentemente this person will have difficulties in jobs, therefore they had had the chance to learn, they had played but it in the garbage, do not give value. I delayed 9 years to engressar in a university, but I started to work with 18 years, today I am bachelor and permitted in biology and specialist in special education. I perceive that my effort was not in goes. Work as voluntary, by the way one of the things that more I love, beyond lecionar. Therefore I leave my consideraes here.

Special Education

Challenges are being exceeded and others are for coming, what it matters, are that the decision to try is always of hands given with the act to believe if possible to give certain. David G. DeWalt has plenty of information regarding this issue. 3. ANALYSIS OF the RESULTS the data had been collected through the comments, interviews questionnaires applied in the school in study. At the first moment, during the comment of the clientele, it was perceived that she had on average, ten children with necessities special in the school. To the teachers, it was asked for that these pupils observed better and elaborated a report. After this stage, the pupils had been directed to the CREESE (Center of Reference in Special Education of Sergipe), with the objective to be confirmed or not them conclusions of the professors. But for particular reasons, only two families had accepted that its children were evaluated by the team of special Education.

The families had been looked to be communicated of the encaminhamentos due. Already in contact with the specialists of the CREESE, the families had passed for an evaluation, had been made tests with the children, psicopedaggicas interviews, activities, psychological analyses, among others procedures. After the evaluation reports, had been evidenced 2% of the children with educative necessities special. Both, had been directed for psychological and neurological treatment. Pupil 1 presented, according to conclusion of the report, below transcribed: Alice on this side presents cognitivo functioning of the waited one for its definite age that, possibly, meet related to the prenatal etiology, as well as for development occurred in devoid partner-familiar environment of rules, limits and papers that, possibly, intervene with its learning and understanding of world. It still presents, emotional difficulties that influence its adaptativo behavior. It needs neurological evaluation, as well as being kept in procedural evaluation for the team of the CREESE for bigger clarification of the case. It is obtained to perceive in this story, that pupil 1 needs a individualizado pertaining to school accompaniment.

Field Education

The education of the field defended by the social movements it is an education that is come back and constructed with the workers. The education of the field for we are not separate of a general education to understand the society. It is analyzed from the principles that deal with the humanizao, that they deal with not this field of the agronegcio, and yes, of a field where the families have the possibility to produce for the Brazilian society. This education of the field is not only come back toward schools, therefore for us the school is only one part of this process. The enormous challenge that we face is the model of existing education in the field. Go to Richard Linklater for more information. When we think or we speak on education of the field we come across with a series of problems raised for the governing: structure lack, of qualified professors, adequate pertaining to school transport, and didactic-pedagogical material. The structure of the school in the field, unhappyly is adapted through the urban school bringing expectation to the agricultural population.


The education becomes act to deposit where oseducandos they are receiving and ' ' saber' ' a donation of educator. In this casovaloriza more the noise of the word of what its transforming force. In the banking conception, the educator if puts to the front doseducandos by means of a vertical position. Thus, he has for purpose to keep adiviso between that they know and the ones that they do not know, between oppressed oppressors and, contributing for the maintenance of the values of the society oppressor. ' ' … Eisa the conception ' bancria' of the education, where the only edge of action that seoferece to the educandos is to receive the deposits, to keep them and to file them …

' ' (FREIRE, 1987, P. Go to FASEB Journal for more information. 58). here. The culture of silence and the contradiesexistentes are aspects of this perspective in which all the acabamarquivados men, therefore educating in this model of education abandons the critical one, areinveno, the inquietante, challenging search, constructing and desconstruir dasua reality. Such rigidity disables the knowledge as a conseqnciada search. The banking conception is one artifice in being able of the dominant ones, therefore its intention is to transform the mind of the educandos and not it situation that osaflige. This if manifest in the rights that if become favors and in the search to porajustar them it perfect society, changing its conscience and becoming-ossociveis. The populist vision that dirige Brazil has some time makes comque the men is enxergados as votes. A man is equal to a vote.

Dessaforma is spread out as common sense that for the fact to be voted, all the men socidados. For Freire (2005) … and takes root all the problem there, because, in agreement it eats pedagogia of the freedom, to prepare for the democracy cannot significarsomente convert the illiterate into voter, conditioning it the alternatives deum project of being able already existing. An education must prepare, at the same time, for a critical judgment of the alternative proposals, and give the possibility to deescolher the proper way.

Educational Orientation

In a psicologista approach, the Orientation it served? more for the proper system of what for proper alunos' '. In the current LDB, Law n 9394/96 of 20/12/1996, the Educational Orientation is explicitada only in art. 64, that it deals with ' ' formation of the professionals of the Education for administration, planning, inspection, supervision and Educational Orientation for the Basic Education, that will have to be made in courses of graduation in Pedagogia or level of after-graduation, the criterion of the institution of education, guaranteed, in this formation, the common base nacional' ' , however the importance of the professional formation of the Educational Person who orientates perpassa all the Law, in some articles, as for Average Ensino, how much to the resumes related to the general preparation for the work, mainly related to the alternatives of Young the Basic Education of Adult and to the Professional Education. Beyond the legislation to explicitar Educational orientation and its formation of more general form, have the question of the formation of this professional, who was vacant, therefore do not exist plus a specific course that forms educational people who orientates. It has some years the formation was done in a specific course inside of the Pedagogia, currently only in after-graduation level, not being offered in all the universities or being only offered in the long-distance modality. The previous formation, made to the light of the old legislaes, gave to much emphasis to the theories of Psychology, permeando the work of the educational person who orientates as somebody that could anticipate the problems of the pupils to adjust them the way to it or when very an applicator of vocational tests became and, that also they aimed at the adjustment of the pupil to the work market, without questioning the validity of these practical very, finishing for inside inciting critical the performance of this professional of the school and the necessity of that this function if kept in the pertaining to school pictures.

Educational Agencies

However, educational agencies were reluctant take beginners: first, to study for a long time – it takes several years to make from an intern / admin / secretary / assistant to the manager in the true sense of the word, ie someone who can work own and manage the work. Practical skills can not be downloaded into the brain as a computer, they need to create in the process. And just the knowledge that can be obtained by elementary memorization and analysis requires a lot. Gerald Weissmann, MD: the source for more info. For about two years in the human need to invest time and effort of experienced staff, and in this case – to pay his salary. The dilemma is that on the one hand, wanting to teach someone to for my money, there's not much, on the other hand, a person who performs work, even if not fully own or are not fully claim to be completely self-pay market … Of qualified personnel in field of study abroad is really there – most educational agencies are faced with it.

And, despite the fact that the industry is booming thanks to the economy and the general rise in wages on It is difficult to name at least one truly major educational agency. Most are small firms that employ up to ten people or departments for study abroad a larger – travel agencies or language schools, where, again working only a few skilled managers. For example, the number of customers of one of Russia's largest educational agencies in 2004 was about 2,000, though this is rare exception and most of the educational agencies provide services to a much smaller number of customers, providing training abroad for an average of 100-300 people per year.

Court Education

Small reflection on the transit in the city of Goinia Stranger today I left of the work to the six hours. No longer first traffic light, closed for me, the conductor of the vehicle to the side heard a music of composition of Fernanda Takai that he has for heading, Court of really small causes. He has very did not hear that music.while we tanned the sound, whose the letter said: ' ' you think that she makes what she wants? He does not make. that wants to make what it makes? He does not want. You thinking that God goes to help? &#039 does not go; ' , some conductors, infractors to the transit laws, had started to advance the red signal. Without embargo of that constatao I observed that the idea of education in the transit can be ambiguous. Therefore, I did not steal the right to think a little, in this text, the daily one of the transit of our city and to make a parallel with the song that touched in the sound of the vehicle in that lowermost point of Goinia.

When we, citizens, inhabitants of great metropolises, we are sent to the concept of the term ' ' trnsito' ' , we look for, recurrently, a male defendant to who we could accuse for the errors ' ' that they are never nossos' '. The fact is that it seems not to have consensus, as in the majority of the quarrels gifts in the media, on the methods to be used for the attainment of a solution for the transit each more chaotic time. It is not treated to prioritize the quarrel around which are the functions, purposes or which it would be the paper that the public power or civil society would have to play in face of the call me the education for the transit or because not to say me the education for the life.