Superior Education Professors

This article is based on the constructive experiences of the importance of a continued formation through the pedagogical action, blossoming the so necessary professional abilities to the professor educator contemporary. The research was resulted of the expositivas lessons in the course of after-graduation in didactics of superior education detaching multicultural the teaching formation and the importance of the interpersonal relationship in superior education. Word-key: Multiculturalismo, Superior Education, Flexibility. ABSTRACT pedagogical This article is based on the constructive of experiences the importance of continuing education through action, flourishing professional skills necessary will only be the contemporary teachers. The research was result of lectures in the course of postgraduate teaching in to higher education emphasizing the multicultural to teacher education and the importance of interpersonal relationships in to higher education. Keywords: Multiculturalism, Higher Education, Flexibility. Autonomy and Release are two basic words to understand the process of transformation in the educational branch defended by the writer Pablo Freire (1996) and its followers. Ahead of some notes related to the question of the educator, Freire explains with much category and to know them to experience necessary to practical the educative one, translating them as manual of instruction for the professor of the future..

Ambient Education

Thus, she is evident the importance of the ambient education to sensetize the human beings so that they act in responsible way and with conscience, conserving the healthful environment in the gift and the future, therefore is known that the ambient education is a subject very little boarded transversal line in classroom. The present article will have, therefore, as objective generality to implant the best form to work, to apprehend and of if knowing the ambient education in the school, approaching and showing to the consequences of the performance of the human being in the half-environment, promoting itself it joint of the educative actions come back to the activities of protection, recovery and ambient improvement, and of potentiality the function of the education toward the cultural and social changes, that if the Ambient Education in the strategical planning for the sustainable development inserts. Add to your understanding with David G. DeWalt.

For in such a way will have to be observed the following specific objectives: to define the ambient education, that is the processes by means of which the individual and the collective construct to social values, knowledge, abilities, attitudes and abilities directed toward the conservation of the environment and to the healthy quality of life and its support; to make possible to all the pupils the knowledge, felt of values, active interest and attitudes necessary to respect, to protect and to improve the way – surrounding; to present the importance of the Ambient Education, leaving clearly that the Ambient Education in the school is of basic importance so that educator-professors can use it as a great tool to intervene inside with this process of the classroom and, also, with the purpose to acquire knowledge its pupil-community and society regarding the preservation of the way in its some aspects. to show how much it is basic that if it nowadays knows on this subject, mainly in the school, since the Ambient Education is essential for the knowledge, learning and socialization of the pupils, therefore works the ambient questions by means of dynamic, practical and action for the preservation of the environment, aiming at one better responsibility of the new generations Nowadays, in all the segments of our society, has an utmost concern with the environment and the public health, because to each day that if passes it is had since the planet is threatened by the pollution, and the worse of everything this, the human beings are the responsible ones for this great evil..

The Education

The best punishment is that one that if it negotiates. It tries to ask to the children what they deserve for its errors. You if will surprise. Of this form they will reflect on its attitudes, and perhaps, they will give a more severe punishment of what you would give. The punishment alone is useful when it will be intelligent. It always explains the reason of everything, does not leave nothing to be in doubt, this will help in the development of the moral judgment of its son. Then we ask in them again: How to educate with limits? The majority of the infantile behaviors is learned by means of the imitation, of the experimentation and the invention. What its children register of you? The negative or positive images? ALL.

They file daily its behaviors, are intelligent or dull they. What it generates the unconscious bonds is not alone what you say they, but also what they see in you. Many parents say wonderful things for its son, but he has pssimas ahead reactions of them. With the time an emotional abyss between parents and children is created. The image that its son constructed of you cannot more extinguished being, only rewrite.

To construct an excellent image establishes the wealth of the relation that you will have with its children. It is the intensity of the emotion that defines the quality of register. The Education of the children, more than what to impose the limits and to compel that they are respected, it must be transmitted through the values and principles of the family. Which are the values that vocs are teaching to its children? The lack of limits and disciplines is caused many times for the lack of time and attention excused to the child, what it generates very great an affective lack, and this lack of attention will be supplied of another one Incomodar, to molest, to provoke malaise in.

Scientific Education

The envolvement of the group was increasing during the accomplishment of the painting and this was evidenced well through the solution in the works, in which they had used the creativity, acquired knowledge already previously and that they had brought for the classroom. It was propitiated there from quarrels on the proposal, comparing and looking for to establish a relation it enters the thought of a pupil and the other, the teacher and the pupils. It fits to stand out that initially dimension was not had of how much the work would involve the pupils. One knows, however that they had looked for to observe the significant and characteristic traces of images, inquiring the consideraes made for the colleagues, assimilating them and decoding them, making a verbal reading of the universe in question. The experience was recompensadora, therefore the pupils had demonstrated capacity, availability, force of will and much devotion to the painting. Salient that the group of the EJA of the UNICRUZ worked with tenacity and devotion for the accomplishment of this proposal. The readings and the releituras carried through for the pupils show to the diversity of meanings and the experiences of each one of the involved ones, that they had looked for to give a personal direction for the images which were observing and if inhaling.

CONSIDERAES FINAL the gotten results point excellent perspectives and are demonstrated through the relation of the production of each one of the pupils with its daily one lived. They are also proven by means of the valuation of auto-esteem when recognizing its potential to elaborate a work that until then believed to be inapt to carry through. If to include to the group interacting of intra-organic form interorgnica disclosing still the magnifying of its possibilities social and cultural and the capacity to create of independent form, through the establishment of the relations between the Real and the imaginary one.


Preschool age – an extraordinary time. David G. DeWalt pursues this goal as well. According to inflame emotions, internal rate of conversion rights, it is akin to the first year of life. The child is changing right before our eyes. Man grows throughout life. But for the first time sense of adult wakes up in us is in 6-7 years. The child really wants to become an adult and therefore all that brings it to the state of an adult ("I go to school," "I'll soon be as big brother"), it had only important and significant. Own desire to "grow up" is amplified and complicated by the responsibilities that lay at the little man's parents and society due to the fact that he goes to school.

Change all forms of life and the meaning of his life is another – a child not judged based on his emotional, behavioral achievements and accomplishments in school. All childhood leading activity was a game kid. And as a consequence – self-sufficiency. Now he meets with the external evaluation – this is probably the main source of difficulties and maladjustment. Previously, the child was assessed people close to the family, and his self-esteem, his self-awareness – the result of Education intra. When he comes to school, then meets with the assessment of others for themselves people who are very much changing its view of themselves. It turns out that for which his earlier praise at home here already has a smaller value, for which he blamed – is more curse, etc.

Ambient Education

The Ambient Education seems to be recent in Brazil, more although to have walked in slow steps being that only from years 80 it was become popular, believing that this in such a way happened for the fact of Brazil to be considered parents peripheral, where generally the innovations arrive later. For Guimares (1996), practical that they had been late the wakening of the Ambient Education in Brazil does not possuam affinities with the considered basic principles for the Ambient Education, that are eminently questionadores of ' ' status quo' '. However, some isolated acts had occurred to call attention the use of this instrument for the life in the Land, developed in this period, without, however to reach greater repercussion front to the institutions. 1.2 DEFINING the AMBIENT EDUCATION According to Reigota (1994). Before defining the ambient education that we want to make we need to have clearly that the ambient problem is not in the amount of people that exists in the planet and that it needs to consume each time more the natural resources to feed themselves, to dress and to live. They are necessary that it has warning the people the question of this controlled consumption and with each time more resources you renewed. To educate is to know ' ' ler' ' the world, to know it to transform it e, to transform- lo to know it. Such movement involves participativas methodologies and dialgicas associates the contents transmitted, assimilated collectively and reconstructed. (LOUREIRO, 2003) According to Diaz (2002) the biggest difficulty of the research-action, in its point of view, this situated one in the relation between popular knowing, or common knowledge, or the knowledge given for the life, and the scientific knowledge, or rational speech. This difficulty is derived from the fact from that the position of I dialogue puts in question the modern cultural tradition, a time that this tradition carried through a rupture with the common sense.

Average Education

The great current challenge is the sustainable development, that searchs the balance between the socioeconmico development and the preservation of the environment. The term ‘ ‘ development sustentvel’ ‘ is including engloba economic, social and ambient aspects, he was express in the Brundtland Report as ‘ ‘ development that takes care of to the necessities of the gift, without compromising the capacity of the future proper generations to take care of to its necessidades’ ‘ (MOUSINHO, 2003, P. 348). Thus, the focus of the society contemporary cannot more be directed only for the production of wealth, but for its distribution and its better use. A true one is necessary and accomplishes change of position in the relation between the man and the nature, where it does not have the domination, but the harmony between them so that if it can save the natural resources.

4. Substances and Methods the ultilizado method was to apply a perpectivo questionnaire people to answer them, and thus, ahead of the results, to carry through the data-collecting, for then having a profile of who of the preference to the sustainable products, that is, that less it degrades the environment. The applied questionnaire had as base the questions of the page of the Internet of the Federal University of the Bahia of Department of Ecological on the ambient footprint of the pupils. Had access in day 15/06/2011, the following electronic address: . /questionario_ pegada_ambiental_Final.pdf.

White public: pupils of Basic Ensino, average level complete, graduated and students postgraduates, with diversified etrias bands. Quantitative of interviewed: seventy and three students of basic level and as complete degree in Brasilia, seventy and seven student of after-graduation and graduated Goinia; Totalizing: one hundred and cinquenta interviewed people. 5. Results gotten in the research the research was applied the students of the Center of Basic Education 16 of Taguatinga, that is a city satellite of Brasilia and, also, to some pupils of the Federal Institute of Brasilia, of the course technician in recycling of solid residue, therefore, the same it possesss complete Average Education; in the total seventy and three people had been interviewed.

Physical Education

I want here to share a small estria with vocs. It is a small episode in the pertaining to school life of my former Rose pupil. Rose, pupil of a particular college was having serious problems with its notes of mathematics. To its it called me mother and it said: _Lazaro, more sees what you can make for my son, I already not aguento! we _Vamos to try, I will see what I can make? I said. _Voc goes to make the attempt, but if not to obtain if does not worry. I find that it pulled the family of the father of it. To broaden your perception, visit Gerald Weissmann, MD. There nobody likes very to study.

The father of it adjusts schemes of refrigeration, catches an old machine and leaves it novinha, but he is not fond of the studies. We start to study. The 4 hours of lessons per week were of 2. I started to pass to Rose the bases of this disciplines loved for some and hated for many. Next to this it went saying that Rose would have to dare, that it was capable, it could, it had capacity and intelligence enough to surpass its difficulties Felt in it a complex of inferiority for taking off notes so low.

Rose had been disapproved in previous year and everything it indicated that it would be disapproved of new. In the first bimaster of the year en vogue it had reached notes not very good. Therefore the concern of its mother. A surprising thing happened. Rose started if to develop, to take taste for disciplines. It made the calculations quickly, without embarrassments. I went up the level, folloied me to Rose. We pass the remain of the year studying together. I observed that Rose was prepared; the mathematical bases had been formed in its being, it had assimilated what it was necessary to give continuation to its studies of mathematics Now Rose wanted only to study mathematics. _Estude the others you discipline, therefore you go to need to pass of year? I said it and its mother. We were taken care of and it he started to take off good notes also in the others you discipline. There it was the total joy. _Acho that I go to make mathematics college? Rose said. _Veja if is this same that you want! Today Rose is formed in Physical Education and has its proper academy. I am its friend and friend of its family. Friends, with pleasure, I share this estria with vocs!

Study Languages Abroad: More Than Just A Study

Study languages abroad: more than just a study. Study languages abroad is always a good opportunity to learn everything that other countries and cultures have to offer and it is never just a mere academic educational experience. It is common knowledge that the best way to learn other languages is to live in the country where the foreign language can practice, this is what is understood as a juntar what is useful to what is divertidoa ie, attach the duty Study the pleasure of discovering a new city, meet new people, new culture and practice a new language and all that we learned the study hours, and perhaps … Deciding to stay in the new city, as happened to me. You may want to visit David G. DeWalt to increase your knowledge. True, language study abroad can be an opportunity for rich, developed on all fronts and returns to the native country, to life with something more: a language more, some other friends, some more knowledge, some adventures , and why not, with different chances and prospects for the future. We are part of a social network expanding, ever more multicultural, then interact and communicate with the world is become a necess. Realize what is happening in the environment, exploit and realiades discover other cultures through language, art, history of a site are, in my opinion, a duty and a pleasure not a privilege of the elite. From my first experience abroad today I learned that the study in other countries is a unique opportunity and is especially much more than just a study..