The PAPER OF the EDUCATION OR the PAPER OF the SCHOOL the education has initially as purpose, a paper to promote desirable and relatively permanent changes in the individuals, and that these come to favor the integral development of the man and the society. But nor always it was thus. Old the education was treated informally, (inside of its proper houses) and all learned of igualitria form. Educate yourself with thoughts from film director. With passing of the time, the formalizao of the education was inevitable, this because they had understood that the construction of a more significant knowledge was important and that it had objectives more excellent than they were not mere the common one. However, still thus if it makes interesting that the education reaches the life of the people and the collective in all the scopes, aiming at to the personal magnifying of horizontes, the bio-psico-social development of the citizen, beyond the comment of the economic dimensions and the reinforcement of a participativa, critical and reflexiva vision of the groups in the decisions of the subjects that they say respect to them.
Then the education passes to be understood as school, and as well as in all the scopes of the life we pass for changes, with the education would not be different. We live a time where the conscience of that the world passes for deep transformations is each stronger day and finishes being also necessary, a time that the man is changeable, nothing is forever of the same skill. This reality provokes in all we, contradictory agreements, that at the same time brings unreliability and fear, as well as apathy and conformismo, come from newness and hope, but, this never in them took off the idea to always long for the creativity for the construction of a different world, more human and solidary. Thus, we understand that the school cannot ignore this reality and nor it can.