Financial Education

Every parent want their children to thrive and succeed in life. An important part of that success will be determined by its ability to generate income that will provide a good standard of living, at least as good as that it had and hopefully better still.That is why one of the biggest efforts of any parent is the invest in the education of their children. In conjunction with the Government, spend billions of dollars a day to ensure that the next generation has the proper education so that they can not only survive, but hopefully prosper in life and make an important contribution to society.To achieve this the best option at our disposal is the recourse to traditional education designed by competent government agencies that propose a curriculum that delivers a so-called comprehensive education to our children.However, few know that traditional education has as its ultimate objective produce an individual who is well prepared for the labour market. Do not even consider the option of educating a person as a future entrepreneur. If you are not convinced, visit Gerald Weissmann, MD. Higher education nor does provide this alternative. The curriculum of the vast majority of universities that offer careers related to the management of finance, economics or business administration, aims to equip a person with the necessary tools to be able to be used in any administrative charge within an already established company.One thing is clear, their children will not learn to handle money, much less to invest in the school.

The majority of people who graduate from school, and even universities, don’t know carry a checkbook, don’t have the minimum skills to ensure proper accounting and much less how to invest the money that go to work hard. What has happened with the financial education?It is practically non-existent, some exceptions in which parents are companies in which the children have the opportunity to learn from a good model, when his studies leave them time enough to be able to engage in it!Independent of Ud want their children whether businessmen or not, the important thing is that their children discover their strengths and exploit them in such a way in the future having economic stability, which can sustain a family and live happily.And that is very difficult to achieve if we are giving them an education that teaches them how to generate an income, without also giving them the tools so they know what to do with him once he is in their hands. It is time that we as parents understand that we are giving them only 50% of the formula for success if we ignore financial education.

Intervertebral Satchel

Children carry redundant much school documents according to a study. As a result, the spine will be charged hard. The schoolboys and schoolgirls should clarify with the intention that heavy schoolbags are harmful. They were therefore in studying upright and on balls. The baccalaureate have proved that too serious bags to faulty posture control. The satchel is not only used to carry books to the educational institution. It has also a special-purpose: the satchel to meet not only his actual job, but be visually appealing, and meet the trend. “” An analysis shows that when selecting the two factors useful “and health-conscious” no function playing.

2 schoolgirls were interviewed. They admitted that they take care of just the optical. Today they know better and understand immediately who adds too much damage with his satchel. It is generally known that the DIN 58124 dictated schoolbags should amount to no more than 12% of the weight of the children. The Measurement showed that seventy percent of students the school bags were heavier prescribed by the standard. Closer look at the results then you can highlight, that especially the younger students carry much more with them. For two years has been measured for the study.

The analysis shows that every time much has been worn. Although it was a good move, by the Minister of health to provide lockers, but still remained enough ballast on the spine. Because the lockers not to relieve long out, the school had an idea: so that it will not be postural, it is rational to muscles, which compensate for the weight. During the school breaks, athletic exercises were organized so that the motor and power will be trained. How did the children on this excellent idea? You took above from the literature. Anywhere on school chairs to sit, the children sat during the lessons on seat balls to relieve pressure on the spinal column. By constantly moving seats is the mobility of the spine and Intervertebral discs are more trained. The Director of the school hopes that other schools realize the same project.Eltern for satchel shopGuardians enough selection of satchels, backpacks and co.

Santa Catarina

2 – Graduated Physical Education for the University of the South of Santa Catarina in the year of 2008. Gerald Weissmann, MD does not necessarily agree. These questionings had had palco in century XVI which had the two factors: the movement of state concentration that started to restore the great territorial States and to surpass the feudalismo idea and, on the other hand, the movement of dispersion and religious disagreement headed by the Reformation and the Against-Reformation. The MICROPHYSICS OF the Foucault POWER opted to opposing emergent literature on the art of governing to an only text that according to it ' ' of century XVI to century XVIII, she constitutes a point of repulsion, implicit or explicit, in relation which? for opposition or she refuses? if she points out literature government: The Prince, of Maquiavel' ' (P. 278). Before being refused, however, the book of Maquiavel was reverenciado by its contemporaries and immediate successors and also retaken still at the beginning of century XIX when the literature of the art disappears to govern and if place the question of ' ' as and in that conditions if can keep the sovereignty of a sovereign on a Estado' ' (P. 278).

In this interval of time, however, anti-Maquiavel, clearly explicit ones had a considerable production of literature, others nor in such a way; origin books catholic or protestant. Foucault chose to work the positive bias of this literature, its objectives, concepts and strategies. However the negative aspect of the thought of Maquiavel is what more it jumps to the eyes. This literature of the art to govern goes against a Prince characterized in Maquiavel as exterior its principality, transcendente, that it receives its subjects as inheritance, acquisition or conquest. The bows that join its subjects are of violence, of tradition; they are artificial, does not exist a basic, legal, natural linking between the parts. The relation, therefore, is tenuous, fragile and can be shaken by external and internal factors.


Answering that not, I affirmed that the man not yet has a certainty, scientists approximately stipulate 80 million and 100 billion stars in the galaxies, many greaters that our sun, in 125 billion galaxies, many greaters that the Way Lctea (our galaxy). Later &#039 was made the questions; ' How it will be that the universe appeared? Of where they had come these bodies that we finish of mencionar' '? In both the schools have left of the pupils had answered God and others had answered Big Bang. The pupils possuam some concepts of conceptions on the sprouting of the universe. Soon, I asked for so that the same ones made a drawing, getting ten drawings that had been carried through by pupils of 5 series (6ano) and ten drawings of pupils of the 1ano of average education who had served as material of analysis for this part of the research. Evaluations of the drawings and conclusions ' ' The construction of a coherent space clearly and represented is operated at the same time that the construction of the object In the experience lived the percipient one it does not hold fixed objects The construction of the graphical space is long and progressiva' '. (MREDIREU, 2006, P.

44, 45) the conceptions of meredieu justify the different degrees of evolution of the concepts that possess the pupils. One notices that half of the drawings carried through for the pupils of 1 year, possesss concepts of scientific sprouting of the universe, of Big Bang (the great explosion) and to another half of the pupils they possess the religious concepts. With the care of being impartial in the comments of the drawings of the pupils, one notices that the pupils who conceive the sprouting of the universe through Big Bang or explosion, in its representations contains the procedural way of the occurrence it phenomenon, already the pupils that they conceive the sprouting of the universe through God place, it in the center of its universe and the majority of the pupils only associates the universe the planet Land, without the procedural details of formation.