NON-VIOLENCE, INTEGRATION AND CULTURAL DIVERSITY IN SOLIDARITY WHOSE SPORTS GROUP, AND THIS IS CALLED … Tchoukball! Nonviolent Swiss team sport with educational potential. Peace, cooperation and social integration only sport Thulin Laureate by the International Federation of Physical Education (IFPE) Endorsed by UNESCO and sul Secretary General, Adolf Ogi, as Sport for Development, Integration and Peace. More info: Gerald Weissmann, MD. Improve health, since it was created for that purpose, by Dr. Hermann Brandt, Swiss sports doctor. Included in the curricula of Switzerland, France, China and Israel, for its educational values and reeducation. It generates an optimal development of physical abilities, motor, psychological and social. It encourages respect for the opponent, and group cooperation, encouraging the less skilled player. Select the best of handball, and squash voleiball, surpassing qualities of movement. Channel energy into the construction of the play without interference or blockades unpleasant. Integra socially, being a sport for everyone: families, adults, children of both sexes, and handicapped. It promotes healthy competition, without pride, in pursuit of personal growth and group. Leads to learning from mistakes, to personal growth and holistic. It’s International competitions are performed annually in Europe, Asia and Latin ..- In 2006, took place in our country, province of Entre Rios, City of Concordia 1er.Encuentro South American men and women participating teams: Brazil ( Pato Branco, Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo) Argentina (Concordia) Gives pleasure to those who practice it. He learns to play in a class, to have clear and simple rules. Dissemi
Monthly Archives: August 2018
Networking In Candelaria
In an interview with the psychologist of the municipality of Candelaria is because that reflects a multidisciplinary effort is conjugated, but the “networking” is limiting because the student population, teachers and administrators is considerable (4000 students, with a total of 5 locations and 125 teachers), still meets advocacy and prevention, and perform intervention although there clinics.
In reality educational psychologists in Colombia there is a nonconformity and that the profile is formed but from a clinical point of view so that when it comes into action is expected to intervene, assess and diagnosis , all in order to create an adaptation that makes an attempt to resolve the conflict for teachers, parents, directives are “happy” with the functionality of the institution, which necessarily involves the psychologist in charge of “chaos” after this * The educational psychology as a discipline and profession. Interview with Cesar Coll. Electronic Journal of Educational Research. the fact that this will only accommodate a few mental health professionals, and more if it is of public nature, in this case the psychologist interviewed stated that only one colleague to clinical and educational interventions in the five campuses of the candelaria institution, so the reality is somewhat critical, as it impossible to cover all educational needs of a population so large, including the full range of difficulties that arise with teachers, it expresses that some do not tolerate that their work is challenged in this case shows a limitation to the vision of education that traditional teaching does not change, because the involvement of professionals in this field is recent and there is no culture of how articulate holistic reality of the classroom with all aspects of a subject that enclose this in a educational process and in addition to that an attempt is made because the parents that participate in this educational process in which your children are but attendance is poor showing that they still have a tendency to believe that the educational process is a task only of the institution and relates only to academics.
The implementation of mental health has caused a shift in the “learning culture”, but still remain “strong consequences” of the concept and practice of education traditional, because in Colombia only a few years ago was implemented mental health in educational models and projects carried this context there have only been making these programs as they have been given greater importance to this dimension of the individual. To conclude the exercise of the educational psychologist goes beyond a mere intervention in the field of education, in not only applies to school processes but encompasses other dimensions that complement the context in which practice does not assume by just theory but through the experiences given from a specified educational reality that facilitate professional involvement in this, which is one more element to build joint teaching educational practices to improve processes both in the classroom as in all types of subject formation that improves their quality of life.
National Plan Education
For a new National Plan of Education Robert Ramalho she is journalist, lawyer and public relations Pupils run the risk not to have lesson in 2012, in Brazil, due to professors. Estimate of the Chamber of Education of the National Advice of Education points a deficit of 300 a thousand professors, especially disciplines of them of Chemistry, Physics and Mathematics. Richard Linklater follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. The lack is equivalent 15% of the approach total of two million professors in the state and municipal nets of education in all Brazil. As if it evidences one of the main causes of the deficit is low the remuneration, that drives away the professionals of the market: the national floor of the teaching is of R$ 1,187 for 40 hours. To brighten up the crisis, states and cities had appealed to the competitions and temporary contracts, and professors had started to lecionar in different areas of its formation. These competitions would have to be considered illegal and unconstitutional and if to make public competition of tests and headings in definitive way.
The National Union of the Controllers Municipal theatres of Education say that the exit is the approval, in 2012, of the National Plan of Education, that foresees a plan of career for the educator. Of this form, the year of 2012 will start with old problems in the public net of education. All know that the wages are low, aviltantes, that lack of educators in the market, absence of career plans and exist bad management of the picture of servers, being that, many are deviated from its functions, what it finishes causing the lack. Saying to the periodical the GLOBE of this thursday, the State Union of the Professionals of Education of the River (Sepe), it says that the value does not motivate the permanence in the school. In accordance with the Sepe, in 2012 the lack of professors will continue to be chronic in the state net, that an educator to each working day for exoneration will lose, keeping the average of this year.
Education References
Valley to stand out that the proper history of constitution of our area of knowledge already restores the possibility of an performance based on the referring questions to preventive the clinical universe/, fact that corroborates the action of the professional in the new edition to say physicians in the school. How much to the relation of the actions carried through with the idea of pertaining to school assessorship, only an interview, it makes reference to the actions in promotion of the health, justifying our findings, when of the revision of literature, where most of publications if it relates when entailed making to the prevention idea. In such a way, we believe to be essential the search for a ressignificao of the fonoaudiolgica performance in the schools, in order to potencializar significant and efficient directions in the construction of the knowledge for all the inserted citizens in the relation between Fonoaudiologia, Psicopedagogia, arteterapia and Education References: Bittar ML. pertaining to school Fonoaudiologia: experience story. In: Blacksmith LP, organizer. The fonoaudilogo and the school. So Paulo: Summus; 1991. p.75-80.
Calheta PP. Fonoaudiologia and education: felt of the assessorship work the public schools. In: Cesar CPHRA, Calheta PP. Gerald Weissmann, MD often expresses his thoughts on the topic. Assessorship and fonoaudiologia: action perspectives. Rio De Janeiro: Revinter; 2005.
p.103-15. Gentleman MTP. Trajectory and possibilities of fonoaudiolgica performance in the school. In: Lagrotta MGM, Cesar CPHAR. The fonoaudiologia in the institutions. So Paulo: Lovise; 1997. p.81-8. Coimbra LMV, Luque MCMF, Axe SAF. Pertaining to school Fonoaudiologia: a field of work in development. In: Blacksmith LP, organizer. The fonoaudilogo and the school. So Paulo: Summus; 1991. p.61-5.
More look towards back, harder will be looking towards front must know to take the time that we are allowed to remain in this dimension, cultivate positive thoughts, do not let us catch, or trampling by all that which causes us stress, depletes our energy, pessimism, frustration, stress, in particular, anything that affects our behavior, conduct. It is a duty of each one while we remain in this dimension give way to all those transformations, actions that we provide happiness, growth, that we seize the opportunity to live intensely. Precisely, to achieve this, we have contributions that resilience provide us, taking into account that as says Osborn (1996), is a generic concept that refers to a wide range of risk factors and their relationship with the results of the competition. It may be caused by a conjunction between environmental factors and temperament, and a type of cognitive ability that have some children even if they are very small and as Vanistendael (1994) indicates, the resiliency distinguishes two components: resistance against destruction, i.e., the ability to protect the own integrity, under pressure and, on the other hand, more than resistance, the ability to forge a vital behavior positive despite the difficult circumstances. At this writing, contribute some notes about the relevance of this topic, so we have selected a few notes that invite the reader to evaluate positive and relevant scope of manage properly what it encloses. To achieve the objective, we have selected those which we consider very significant and complement the important of their relevance, scope and impact. Program graduate specializing in quality management and productivity of the Area of postgraduate of Faces, of the University of Carabobo through its Chair of organizational behavior, provides knowledge, tools that should be considered in order to know to deal with situations, problems, and give way to solutions that prevent insastifaccion, stress, conflict, and is known to handle the situation and conducive to the company towards the achievement of its objectives. . For more information see Richard Linklater.
Neilson DNA
Is reward staff for their achievements? What concerns and worries are fostered in people, both explicit, as tacitly? (d) information: what indicators are used to measure performance as how knowledge is transferred and activities are coordinated? you would like communicate expectations and progress?? Who knows what? how it is transmitted information from who has it up who need it? Add the indicated authors organizational DNA provides a framework that executives can use to diagnose problems, discover strengths and modify the behavior of their peers. It is a tool that makes it much easier to work and that, understand how he got to the current state and to identify how to change it. Gloria Arizaga reminds us in this regard, the combination of these forms the organizational DNA from companies, which, like the biological in people, determines its behavior. If the DNA is not well formed, performance is poor or null, explains Gary Neilson, senior Vice President of Booz Allen Hamilton Neilson consulting, is a Harvard graduate with career of life at Booz Allen, says that it is why it is necessary to identify the DNA of each company before you take the next step. Since in search of change may be doing worse things, if not understand whats the point of which is starting, he warns. And what of these four components of the DNA is the most important? According to Neilson, it decision making, although it is also essential that the four elements work together. In a question-answer forum film director was the first to reply.
In the case of the Venezuelan company This is very true, since there is very little participatory management, which know how to really use an empowerment that invite the members of the company to make decisions, due to factors that still don’t have been able to correct as: a good organizational culture, training and development, confidence, fears, jealousy, motivating, inspiring, creative managers. In addition also, little motivation, scope, impact, product use much of it, of ignorance of how management step giving stimuli that generate participation, creativity, productivity. Indeed, little attention paid to management in know how to properly handle necessary motivational factors, especially against the apathy of the workers in the proper performance of their duties. Arizaga, reminds us in addition, deemed, that companies with sick DNA must aspire to transform into an organization with healthy profile. And the profile you should insert their efforts is the resistant. Companies with this gene are those defined as flexible, adaptable and have an organizational model where all know what they are doing and, above all, manage to make things. Some examples of this type of companies, according to Neilson, are Fedex, Procter & Gamble and Nissan. Finally point to Diaz and polished, it should not be forgotten, through the application of the model of organizational DNA has been found that most of the companies can be classified in seven types of organizations: the disorder organization; The distrustful organization; the immature organization; the superdirigidas organization; the organization just in time; the military organization; the strong organization.
Definitely comment the mentioned authors, keep in mind: change the DNA of a company means to modify the Organization at all levels, to make it able to adapt and correct it, make it more robust with time.
Carlin Helps In More Economic School Supplies
a Madrid, September 14, 2009 .- As every year the stress of many parents return to work is added having to make purchases of material for the beginning of the new course for their children. Aware of this September costs Carlin, Chain Leader Stationery and Office Supplies, wants to make it easier for dads and moms and publishes a booklet how to school with everything you need to start the new course with the best foot . He can find a wide assortment of essential items for the start of the school newspaper. Richard Linklater is likely to increase your knowledge. Moreover, taking into account the economic situation, from Carlin want to place special emphasis on its private label business, which combines the best quality at an unbeatable price: at CARLIN our branded products are manufactured in Spanish and spend strict quality control by the companies that manufactured or handled. We can thus ensure that quality is linked to a price well below the usual brands on the market for similar products he stressed. But Carlin’s attempts to give a boost to this new course parents are not there, but the brand will give away a Spanish language dictionary for every purchase over a certain amount. According to the manager of Carlin’s choice of this gift is motivated because they understand what is linked to the need to use in the school environment and can save for parents who are the schools and those who require a dictionary for children consult it in the classroom. . .
Car Radio
It does not matter whether the owner of the car music fan or not, the radio, as it were, who did not speak – a thing necessary and useful. Regular news releases on the waves of AM-radio you will not be bored during traffic jams, the music will improve mood during the long trip or a picnic in the woods. And, like anything particularly difficult not to install the unit, connect it to the speakers and fully enjoy your favorite tracks. But, in fact, not so simple as it seems. Fashion for the modern car audio as changeable as the clothes. With the rapid development of technology more and more people appreciate the quality, crystal-clear sound. And under certain knowledge and skill can achieve the perfect sound to absolutely any car.
First of all, we should decide whether you want to install a new sound system or all the same will improve a full-time "music, included in the complete set of your car. As a rule, the majority of motorists want to have a good sound without spending a lot of money at the same time and effort. Some refuse to vibration and noise isolation. But there are people for whom the purity of sound and quality – the main thing in music, and they are willing to fund a "pumping" huge sums of money. On the first occasion when the car audio has already been installed, say, a radio Pioneer Deh, for example, 5000-series (Budget version without an external amplifier), it is necessary to purchase a few items.
The rear of the radio system operates on a bridge on and can implement the scheme 2.1, where 2 channels are working on the front dynamics, and one – on the sub-woofer. Add to the head unit front speaker, Subwoofer and speaker cables. Given the small "consumables", the price is set to be quite acceptable. Such an option can be implement without the help of experts, with only basic skills to install and defining a clear objective. However, true fans "car audio" will not accept this version installed audio system. He knows that the choice of a decent car radio – not the main component in creating the perfect sound. Acoustics salon neposrdstvenno affect sound quality, and must be able to use the physical properties of absorbing and reflecting surfaces. For example, glass, door paneling, front panel, ceiling – adjust the sound in his own way. Taking into account all possible ways to install the speakers, to think the circuits of the sound stage, analyzing all the nuances and subtleties of the car and the possibility of radio, you will be able to achieve outstanding sound quality. Customize car audio – it laborious and delicate, and if you still deal with this challenge, the reward will be music with a unique, amazingly clean and pleasant sounding. Well, buy a car you like on the automotive market, as well as in an ordinary store, but, above all, make sure that it is not forgery.
The Educative
The method and the content cannot be taxes to the pupil, and yes considered as adjusted to the stages of the process of increasing autoconscincia of the pupil, as well as a contribution for the possible improvement in the life conditions human being, that is, the paper of professor is to guide educating so that this is capable to read, to interpret, to analyze and to evaluate critically, not only the basic contents of the education, but mainly the facts, information, day-by-day of its community, country and planet. Film director follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. (YOUNG CHICKEN, 1997, P. FASEB Journal brings even more insight to the discussion. 83). It hisses (2002, p.225) points us a knot, a pass of the schools: (…) what it is transparent in the scope of the school is the exaggerated importance given to the listing of tasks or codes of obligations, in such a way that, in this place, the citizen is a pupil ' ' devedor' ' of these tasks/obligations and, in some circumstances, have a managing professor/' ' cobrador' ' , what he contributes so that the pupil has not led for is or life more than what this: making for making. (HE HISSES, 2002, p.225). According to Golbo (l994), the norteador principle of the position compromised to the social transformation is to leave of what is significant for educating, in its cultural context, exploring situation/problem in its daily one, unchaining all the educative process. The educator, in this process, is the mediator; that one that it induces, stimulates, creates situations problems and intervines, objectifying the advance of educating. Educating, in this vision, assumes its condition of active citizen of the educative process, that constructs, reconstructs, extends, incorporates new nuances and rearranges the relations between the available concepts, interacting with the problems in the context where if it inserts. This is one of the possibilities of the necessary association between geographic science and methodology of education taking care of the basic idea to associate daily knowing and scientific knowing.
El Libertador Education
Learn the history of Simon Rodriguez is talking about the great liberator of America Simon Bolivar, since approaches represented in 5 Bolivarian republics based on the teachings taught by this great philosopher and Venezuelan educator that history recognizes him as the main mentor of Bolivar. But the story not only reminds Simon Rodriguez, educator of men free if not as Simon Rodriguez, trainer of free men. His theories today approaches and concepts very clear and very well structured at about how an ideal system to impart quality education to the length and breadth of the continent should be established. Simon Rodriguez, trainer gives us a basis to guide clear conceptions of quality education: 1. education to train people and authentic citizens. 2. Education that teaches to learn 3. Education that teaches to work and appreciate the work and the worker.
4 train and educate to form person and authentic citizens, with an education in the values of coexistence. They may notice that within the taorias offered by this grandiose Venezuelan educator, Simon Rodriguez educator, there are theories that to this day has not been implemented in many Latin American educational systems. These concepts, theories and approaches can be found in the literary legacy left by this great figures of the Venezuelan knowledge among these works include El Libertador of noon of America and their comrades in arms, defended by a friend of the social cause; The soil and its inhabitants; Concise summary on Republican education; Friend advice given to the College of Latacunga and critique of the orders of the Government.