Journal of Geo-Science Education » News

Ambient Education

Thus, she is evident the importance of the ambient education to sensetize the human beings so that they act in responsible way and with conscience, conserving the healthful environment in the gift and the future, therefore is known that the ambient education is a subject very little boarded transversal line in classroom. The present article will have, therefore, as objective generality to implant the best form to work, to apprehend and of if knowing the ambient education in the school, approaching and showing to the consequences of the performance of the human being in the half-environment, promoting itself it joint of the educative actions come back to the activities of protection, recovery and ambient improvement, and of potentiality the function of the education toward the cultural and social changes, that if the Ambient Education in the strategical planning for the sustainable development inserts. Add to your understanding with David G. DeWalt.

For in such a way will have to be observed the following specific objectives: to define the ambient education, that is the processes by means of which the individual and the collective construct to social values, knowledge, abilities, attitudes and abilities directed toward the conservation of the environment and to the healthy quality of life and its support; to make possible to all the pupils the knowledge, felt of values, active interest and attitudes necessary to respect, to protect and to improve the way – surrounding; to present the importance of the Ambient Education, leaving clearly that the Ambient Education in the school is of basic importance so that educator-professors can use it as a great tool to intervene inside with this process of the classroom and, also, with the purpose to acquire knowledge its pupil-community and society regarding the preservation of the way in its some aspects. to show how much it is basic that if it nowadays knows on this subject, mainly in the school, since the Ambient Education is essential for the knowledge, learning and socialization of the pupils, therefore works the ambient questions by means of dynamic, practical and action for the preservation of the environment, aiming at one better responsibility of the new generations Nowadays, in all the segments of our society, has an utmost concern with the environment and the public health, because to each day that if passes it is had since the planet is threatened by the pollution, and the worse of everything this, the human beings are the responsible ones for this great evil..

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