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It thinks on the future of the business, where if it wants to arrive, as it is gone until there, as to more quickly go, what to make and what to prevent, during the way, to prevent uncertainties and risks. For this you need a tool that will allow it to get valuable information on the market, to interpret and them correctly them. This business-oriented tool is the Plan, where it can create and follow a logical and practical cronograma that it makes possible that you insert the most diverse data on its business and of the market which you are inserting. As for example, you can place in the paper the goals that she desires reaches long and the short-term one. Swarmed by offers, Gerald Weissmann, MD is currently assessing future choices. thus, you will be able to invest of conscientious form and to prevent a presumption damage. But what it is Benchmarking? According to Camp (1997), it is a process that must be made of continuous form to measure the practical ones, merchandises and the services given for the competitors whom more they are distinguished in the market, that is, it would be a made analysis to identify to the rightnesss and the imperfections of the competitors. still Spendoline (1993), apud Chiavenato (2004) adds that: The Benchmarking is a continuous and systematic process of research to evaluate products, services, processes of work of best the recognized companies as representative of the practical ones, with the intention of organizacional perfectioning. This similarity between Camp and Spendoline in the alert one on the error to visualize this process as modismo, and to facilitate the understanding is Heading: Picture I However, Chiavenato (2004) affirms that: ‘ ‘ Benchmarking is the process to locate Benchmarks in the market, to analyze them, to learn with them e, if possible, ultrapass-los’ ‘ it does not have passed experiences, then it will use of external experiences.

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