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Conclusion Therefore Aristotle

Music would have to be taught to the young, being forbidden the use of flutes or any instrument of blow, since they hindered the use of the word. (p 159) Types of constitution and governments the constitution is the great ordenadora of the diverse magistracies and is it who determines the sovereignty of the state and the type of government, therefore it has six types of constitution, three pure ones and three impure ones, each one corresponds to a type of government. The three first ones correspond, the royalty, the aristocracy and the republic and the three last ones, the tyranny, the oligarchy and the democracy. (p 168 – 169) Aristotle summarizes the diverse types of government in two: ' ' the democracy and the oligarchy ' ' (pg. 171). It has the democracy when the power is at the hands of the free men and has the oligarchy when the government is under domain of the rich ones. The democracy has for base the equality, that is, in it in such a way the poor person how much the rich one if finds in the same platform, already the oligarchy has for bedding the inaquality, in it who orders is the rich ones, fitting to the poor persons to obey and to be oppressed. (p 175 – 177) Causes of the revolts and prevention the governing must be intent to its citizens, therefore these can be rebelled with the type of government and finish wanting change.

(p 225) Therefore Aristotle goes to say: ' ' the ones are rebelled that inhale the equality, when imagine that, although the equality of the rights, them is inferior to a certain classroom of privileges; the partisans of the inaquality and the privileges disturb the peace, when they imagine that only they possess an equal or lesser part of poder.' ' (pg. 227) This desire generally part of the poor persons in relation to the rich ones, or of the rich ones in relation to other rich ones, when they perceive that others possess privileges more. The disproportionate growth of part any of the state is cause of conflicts, for example, when the rich ones grow disproportionately in relation to the poor persons or vice versa. When enemy of the government they assume an important public office it can be responsible for revolts in the city, for example, somebody that the oligarchical government defends, but lives in a democracy. (p 229-230) Many states conserve its integrity for remaining itself moved away from the causes of the revolts, as of they will be prevented against possible revolts. Between the prevention we have the control of the limit of richness of each citizen, in order to prevent that some if becomes more powerful of what the state. (p 242 – 243) Aristotle in sight to brighten up conflicts between groups partners defends that the classroom measured would have to surpass its extremities, therefore stimulates to all the legislators to invest in this classroom. (p 185) Conclusion Therefore Aristotle establish diverse types of government, as of orientation so that the magistrates and governors govern with tranquillity its city, in order to favor the unit of the customs between its citizens and the progress of the state.

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