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After discussing the meaning of the different kinds of intelligences and their respective ontologies and then derive some practical consequences. Finally we present conclusions and some suggestions for further research. Recently Nike sought to clarify these questions. Intelligence contemporary spiritual life has become increasingly complex and problematic, which is why most people must face constant challenges, perceptible and imperceptible threats and dealing with unusual situations. The substantive capacity to determine its mode of action is intelligence, understood as the tool that allows intelligent, detect, and plan actions to realize consistent. Classically, this capacity has been perceived as the intellectual power, the gathering of information needed and a good imagination flow to interpret reality and plan consistent solutions. In a very general could grieve that a good formal education provides these elements and thus the person would be prepared to successfully insert in life. In more specific terms can be assumed that the case would be the prototype of the professional university, who with the kind of education and would have agreed to such a degree of training that can make for your personal development, social and emotional development.

If While this is true, the demands of life in recent times has shown that it is absolutely true. In other words, it takes more than a good formal education and the possession of one kind of intelligence understood in everyday terms. Then immediately the question arises: why is it more? Among the most characteristic responses that have occurred is one which deals with "other types of intelligence." In this context, have introduced the concepts of multiple intelligences (1), emotional intelligence (2), practical intelligence (3) and spiritual intelligence (4).

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