Eliane Brito de Lima FURNE-UNIP/PMCG SUMMARY the related work presents a bibliographical study carried through in Disciplina ‘ ‘ Educational orientation in the Bsica’ Education; ‘ , integrant of the Course of Specialization in Orientation and Pertaining to school Supervision, of the University Foundation of Support to Ensino, Research and Extension FURNE, when we search to investigate the paper of the Educational Orientation in the Basic Education. We define as objective of our study: To reflect on the paper of the Educational Orientation in the Basic Education, evidencing its contributions to the process teach-learning. Our theoretical referencial is based on Schmidt Pear tree (1975), Nrici (1976), Ferretti (1988), Lck (1986, 1994), Grinspun (2003) and Libneo; Oliveira and Toshi (2007) that in them they had better presented theoretical subsidies for one and ampler understanding of the subject. We focus in this work referring aspects to the origin of the Educational Orientation, its concepts, principles, objectives and functions, beyond the relationship of the OE with the different segments of the school. We detach the importance of the Educational Orientation in the mediation of the process teach-learning, evidencing the necessity of action integrated of the OE, adopting a dialgica relation with all the pertaining to school team, in favor of one better performance of the educandos. In this direction, we recognize the importance of the planning for Educational Orientation, aiming at to the elaboration of performance projects that take care of to the necessities appeared in each reality. Finally, we emphasize the main challenges and possibilities of the Educational Orientation in the present time, presenting itself as work field each more complex time in our society.