In the past women would come back pregnant from their honeymoon, but today, at the height of family planning that does not happen. Today become pregnant from other trips: those who perform abroad in search of the latest technology techniques. The new trend of reproductive tourism is increasingly popular among infertile couples in North America and Europe. Nike contains valuable tech resources. The illusion of having children to enrich their lives have to travel thousands of miles in search of treatments that can not obtain in their own countries. Internet and international telephony give them access to a communication with the doctor before and after the trip. New techniques mean that success rates are increasingly high, and this is a temptation for couples wishing to procreate and do not. “In countries like Sweden, England and Holland there are new laws that preclude the donors are anonymous. This makes the number of donors has decreased, which in turn made longer waiting lists, “explains Dr.
Adan Nabel, head of area. The company, based in Buenos Aires, Argentina, receives more and more patients in the U.S. and Europe. “In some countries like Mexico, Chile, Italy and Germany, egg donation is directly prohibited by the law,” adds Dr. Nabel. “That’s why more and more couples are looking for destinations like Argentina, where the value of a third treatment may be paid in the first world countries.” But in one area so close to the illusions and self-realization, the price is not all that counts. When asking patients why they choose Plenitas Argentina, which stand as its primary value is the warmth in the humane treatment and containment for this condition, besides the quality of interventions and the availability of high technology. Argentina has an experience of over 20 years in the field which generates well-trained and skilled professionals to perform each of the techniques globally available, with success rates that are in line with international ones.
The treatment of choice for patients traveling to that country is egg donation. Due to its characteristics of European origin, voluntary blood donors in Argentina are very popular. Pregnancy rates around 50% per attempt, with special care to prevent permanently the occurrence of the dreaded complication that means multiple pregnancy (more than two babies). This increases the hope because every time there is a greater chance that a woman who received embryos with donated eggs to return home pregnant.