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Fourth Crusade

Research conducted by Brian M. Fagan, Professor of anthropology at the University of California, and world authority with regard to prehistory. The shroud of Turin is a great linen fabric of 4.3 metres long, 1.1 meters wide that has front and back image of a man who apparently died crucified. This fact already aroused interest; but the assertion that is true mortuary mantle of Jesus Christ has become a magnet for controversy. The same claim has led to a thorough scientific examination and the holding of international conferences. In 1978, an exhibition of the shroud attracted three million people. Some believe that the history of the shroud of Turin began in the year 1357, when Geoffrey II of Charney he exhibited at Lirey (France). Earlier mentions of images of Jesus are known.

In the 4th century a source tells that Addai or Thaddaeus painted a picture of Jesus in Edessa (Syria). Another source of the 6th century recounts that Jesus dried is the face with a towel and it was printed his image. Christ gave that image to an emissary of king Abgar de Eddesa; from the year 944 Byzantine troops took the image to Constantinople (Istanbul), the image remained there until the year 1204, when the Knights of the Fourth Crusade sacked the city and took their treasures, including the image. This would explain how he came to France and was exhibited there in the 14th century. When look the image of the shroud that looks?; see a yellow silhouette on a white background, it is a negative image of a crucified man face and back. Three-dimensional information can also be seen. The image shows an incredible amount of details; such as: human anatomy is represented with great precision, including injuries caused by beatings, we see blood coming out of the wounds made by nails in the wrists and feet, blood in the scalp and details of the hair and beard.

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