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Great Works

His first work, the flight to Egypt, allowed the painter to demonstrate its great dowries at the time of reproducing landscapes. It uses loose brush-strokes and vivid and luminous colors that also will characterize to their later works. After years of restoration, the picture finally is ready to appear to the public. This exhibition will constitute the first time that is outside Russia from 1768, when empress Catherine bought the Great one it in Venice Next to the masterpiece of Tiziano will exhibit contemporary Venetian works that will show how the artist adapted ideas of other painters to create his sophisticated composition. In addition, the gallery also counts on the exhibition Inside Art (Art from within), that explores the creative answers to a collection created by a group of delinquent young people who participated in an artistic challenge.

In 2011, Education National Gallery sent to the third edition of four projects of practical art of one week of duration in reformatorio HM Young Offenders Institution Feltham, who welcomes in young men among 15 and 21 years. This fascinating exhibition includes works of the 37 young people who participated in the projects. The factories concentrated in practical techniques like the drawing, the engraving, the painting and the carved picture, and approached several interesting like the creation of pictures, died natures, abstract subjects and the representation of the world. If it does not like the art, during its visit to London can either lose the Tate Britain, that at the moment welcomes an intriguing exhibition on Picasso and the British modern art, available until the 15 of July. The main exhibition crosses the ample legacy of the famous painter and how their works played a significant role in the acceptance of the British modern art. Also it explains how it influenced generally in the British art, besides the lasting relation of the artist with this country and its affection by him. The Tate Britain, indeed, is stopped obligatory for any lover of the culture that wishes to cross the most artistic places of London. In addition, if it visits the museum before the 27 of May, it will have the luck to enjoy the exhibition about Alighiero Boetti. The important Italian artist was one of the member keys of the Povera Art, or poor art, a group of young Italian artists of the years 60 that left to their mark in the world of the art when creating works with simple materials of easy obtaining.

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