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Healing The Soul Through Family Constellations

Family Constellations relieve the pain of the soul using the tools of systemic therapy. This method developed by Bert Hellinger has revolutionized psychotherapy, because it acts in depth and fascinating. It is aimed to solve the pain of the soul, bringing peace, relaxation and respect to the experience by members of the extended family. It makes everything included excluded as ever again be tube. No one can be whole and healthy if it accepts and honors those where it comes from, since the force of life and what you came for them. We joined our family through bonds that connect us to our generations. Sometimes, and knowingly, such links generate identifications, loyalties and implications invisible moving from one generation to the other or others, by a blind love. What are the benefits of working with Family Constellations? * Discover hidden dynamics that influence the life of the person who constellations and reorder.

* Dealing with different family situations and alleviate painful. * Understand how physical or mental illness, addictions, relationship problems, etc., are related to ancient secrets or disorders of Love * Understand what is the origin of personal or professional conflict and encourage reconciliation. * Make a personal change: transforming suffering into strength and weakness and welfare * Stop with love and respect the circle of repetitions in the family system by the invisible loyalties Order Only where there is love flowing Constellations allow us to restore peace in our hearts, and all systems to which we belong. Family Soul looking for a solution, the balance through symptoms, tragedies, diseases and difficulties in the development of life itself. Many times it happens that the meaning is not the problem of a person in his family, but generations of grandparents, great grandparents or great grandparents. Still do not know history, with the configuration of a system of relationships, whether family, partner or Labor, you reach a clear and rapidly information that was withheld. No matter the time elapsed, the Family Soul struggles for inclusion, order, peace, LOVE can flow.

What can be treated with this technique? Difficulties in personal relationships, family, couples with children, work, separations, divorces, deaths, orphans, grief, accidents, abuse, incest, adoptions, children are not recognized, sterility, abortions, diseases, fears, conflicts over inheritance , economic problems, emotional problems, fraud, suicide, theft, depression, addictions, stress, uprooting, learning difficulties, problems to finish a race or to select it. “When a family has restored the natural order, the individual may leave the family. Then feel the strength of the family supporting him from behind. Only when the connection to the family is recognized and responsibilities are clearly seen and distributed, the individual feels that he has taken a load off, and can continue with their personal affairs without nothing from the past who manages and limits

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