The emotion intelligence in the educational institutions management of emotions in educational institutions is necessary to sketch from the characteristics of the current society: society of information and knowledge, the same, as already described, is characterized by the complexity of the industrial and technological world, and a trend towards economic and cultural globalization. For this reason it requires the use of all our capabilities and new personal, social and professional skills in order to achieve an effective performance and face the continuous changes we face. Taking into consideration the previous approach, it is appropriate to resume the previously cited Delors report of UNESCO (op cit), which refers to the changes in lifestyle that the contemporary world, discusses the tensions that this causes and proposes solutions and alternatives for the education of the 21st century. After recommending how must overcome these tensions, the report says verbatim: that we propose means to transcend purely vision instrumental education considered as the path necessary to obtain results (money, careers, etc.) and it involves changing to consider the role that education in its entirety: the conduct of the person, that entire must learn to be. Then the report explains the four pillars of education and that is made clear reference to the emotional world: the competence learning to learn, is equivalent to master instruments of knowledge. But ensures that methods that must be used to learn, should promote the pleasure of understanding and discovering i.e.
emotional factors linked to learning that enhance it and make it exciting. Learn how to do, implies to acquire training in order to perform a job and at the same time a series of personal skills, such as teamwork, decision-making, create synergies, etc. These are skills that are part of emotional intelligence. Learning to live together and work on common projects. This is one of the challenges for this century, where the coexistence between different people compels us to discover what we have in common and to understand that we are all interdependent.