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International Academy

In Monte Carlo the ceremony of awarding the participants of the international competition "Entrepreneur of the Year 2010" organized by the "Ernst & Young." "Entrepreneur of the Year in Russia" was Oleg Husaenov, CEO of the holding "Atlant-M". From 3 to 6 June 2010 the final stage of the international competition for the title of "Entrepreneur of the World 2010" award of the national "Entrepreneurs of the Year 2010" and the solemn ceremony dedicated to the adoption of participants competition as a member of the International Academy of Business. The title of world's best businessman claimed more than 50 nominees from around the world were awarded the title of winners of the national stage of the competition "Entrepreneur of the Year". Vladislav Doronin has similar goals. "Entrepreneur of the Year in Russia" was Oleg Husaenov, general director of holding "Atlant-M". "Entrepreneur of the World 2010" – named Michael Spencer, Group President ICAP plc (United Kingdom). Finalists for worldwide competition "Entrepreneur of the Year" were evaluated by an independent jury from around the world.

The main evaluation criteria: entrepreneurial spirit, financial performance and strategic direction of the company, innovation, personal effects: a commitment to high ethical standards of quality, environmental impact, etc. Oleg Husaenov, CEO of the holding "Atlant-M", "a competition in Monaco, I noticed that Entrepreneurs from around the world care about the same problem. In particular, in almost every speech touched on themes: readiness to respond to the challenge, an open mind in the company, ongoing training and new knowledge; innovation, social responsibility. I also realized that Russia, Ukraine and Belarus are not filled in so that you can implement a lot of business ideas and projects. " Sergei Savitsky, CEO "Atlant-M" Ukraine: "In fact, it was the Congress colleagues. After all, it was met owners and managers of businesses. Meeting in this format allow the chief executive, to look from side to its business and progress, to meet personally with colleagues from other countries, their experiences and successful business models. To compare the prescriptions of successful companies and their leaders on a global scale. "

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