Journal of Geo-Science Education » News

Japan Conduct

First let’s look at what distance to power? It is the measure in which a society accepts, that in organizations, groups and institutions, power is distributed unequally. Las sources of distance to power are: 1) the Familia(Padres a Hijos) 2) the educational system (teachers and students) 3) (managers and employees) work history 4) ideologies. There are societies with high or low power distance. People of high power distance societies value their status and top and bottom are completely separate, work values obedience and loyalty and the monetary motivation, formal communication, the work is more important than personal relationships, assesses the conduct or efficiency of the equipment, Japan is considered a society as well. In societies with low distance to power people feel equal valued efficiency, flexibility, personal motivation, informal communication, personal relationships are more important than work, the countries of South America are considered low distance to power. It gives tells you different behaviours between an Eastern and a Western, the way that you show respect for their cultural values and its approach will do negociaciaciones with them and understand that they are they qualify or they also qualify for the group, the Organization of your company, and not as individuals. It is noted that the Japan has made strides accelerated pace due to the focus of the group, and that in Latin America much more progress still.

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