2 – Graduated Physical Education for the University of the South of Santa Catarina in the year of 2008. Gerald Weissmann, MD does not necessarily agree. These questionings had had palco in century XVI which had the two factors: the movement of state concentration that started to restore the great territorial States and to surpass the feudalismo idea and, on the other hand, the movement of dispersion and religious disagreement headed by the Reformation and the Against-Reformation. The MICROPHYSICS OF the Foucault POWER opted to opposing emergent literature on the art of governing to an only text that according to it ' ' of century XVI to century XVIII, she constitutes a point of repulsion, implicit or explicit, in relation which? for opposition or she refuses? if she points out literature government: The Prince, of Maquiavel' ' (P. 278). Before being refused, however, the book of Maquiavel was reverenciado by its contemporaries and immediate successors and also retaken still at the beginning of century XIX when the literature of the art disappears to govern and if place the question of ' ' as and in that conditions if can keep the sovereignty of a sovereign on a Estado' ' (P. 278).
In this interval of time, however, anti-Maquiavel, clearly explicit ones had a considerable production of literature, others nor in such a way; origin books catholic or protestant. Foucault chose to work the positive bias of this literature, its objectives, concepts and strategies. However the negative aspect of the thought of Maquiavel is what more it jumps to the eyes. This literature of the art to govern goes against a Prince characterized in Maquiavel as exterior its principality, transcendente, that it receives its subjects as inheritance, acquisition or conquest. The bows that join its subjects are of violence, of tradition; they are artificial, does not exist a basic, legal, natural linking between the parts. The relation, therefore, is tenuous, fragile and can be shaken by external and internal factors.