When all we thought that already the great social networks were established, Google not to remain back sends to its service ” Buzz” in order to revolutionize again to the market. It has the advantage to be integrated with Gmail, which means that it has a great potential of hearing of million people. We took advantage of if it we can improve of radical way our businesses. All that is very assiduous to the social networks are not going to have any problem in using Buzz since Integra functions of Twitter, Facebook and the increasing Foursquare service. But there are some details that make unique to Google Buzz and for that reason you cannot let pass the opportunity to use it. 1) To reunite the Feedback of the Clients: Like Twitter, Buzz allows to leave a message you for our followers who subscribe to our updates.
But there are some differences with respect to the messages. The messages can have but of 140 characters including photos and links, whereas all the messages are grouped next to the original message. Also another one of the important characteristics of the service allows us to answer messages of direct way or through mails or Google Talk. 2) To collaborate with Others: For that they use gmail to communicate with other people, Google Buzz allows to create a community to us with our contacts. If we followed the people we can clikear where he says ” Buzz” so that we see its updates.
We can comment or follow them through messages or chats. 3) Collaboration: Buzz can be used to transmit a message to all our followers and to select groups of them. If ustede already had groups armed in Gmail they can also use them for Buzz. If they do not have created groups they are not going to have poblemas to create new. To publish a message deprived in Google Buzz has the same mechanism that to publish one public, they only must seleecionar the group that you want that this available one to see and later automatically the people of that group are going to be able to comment. 4) Marketing: He is very premature to say if Buzz is going to have an impact in the calls businesses ” brick-and-mortar” , beyond that buzz has a structure of businesses similar to businesses like Yelp or Foursquare. Insitar a our clients to that they do click in Buzz can be a way to realise mouth marketing in mouth towards our business. For more information see this site: Richard Linklater. 5) Sharing Contained: In the same way that Twitter and Facebook, Buzz offers the possibility to us of sharing content. We can use that tool to share articles of ours blog, interesting special agreements or links related to our niche of market. Beyond that Google Buzz has been beneficial for some businesses, it was in fact not created thinking specifically for the businesses. Google Buzz goes to make viable for the businesses when Google empieze to construct and to offer a specific application for businesses. Beyond that google already is working in the creation of a specific application for businesses, we must begin to familiarize to us with the characteristics of Google Buzz and to harness the realciones with our contacts.