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Social Movements

OLIVEIRA, Moiss Felix of 1 SOUZA, Vinicus Joo Pear tree of 2 Person who orientates, Allene Lage SUMMARY This article intended to study the MST and to identify practical educative the existing ones in the experience. We try to understand the way as the offered education inside of the social movements of the field creates the awareness politics in the children without terrinha. Beyond searching to demonstrate the influence of the organization in the formation of the identity of its militant ones and also to know until point the present politicalization in the citizens inside of the social movements assists to them in favor of its fights. We dialogue with Boaventura de Sousa Saints, Freire, Dalmagro, etc. In the experience story was of qualitative nature.

We conclude that practical theory and is in accord inside of the Movement Without Land. 1 – Graduating Federal Pedagogia-University of Pernambuco- Academic Center of the Wasteland. 2 – Graduating Federal Pedagogia-University of Pernambuco- Academic Center of the Wasteland. 1.APRESENTAO OF the RESEARCH AND ITS OBJECTIVES This article originated by means of an exercise of research carried through in a social movement, which approaches practical educative differentiated of the used ones in the majority of the schools, from there that the investigations in regards to the way appear for which this differentiated education occurs, and then perceives the necessity to evidence of that it forms this education acts in the life of the citizens study that it. The children are considered non-political beings, without voice in the majority of the schools, where normally criticidade slight knowledge are not taught the same ones. However, the worked education inside of the social movements in this social movement is differentiated for the fact to be given lessons in intention to forge critical citizens, which, when adults become, can act inside of the society in which if they find inserted.

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