Wordkey: Inclusion, People in deficiency situation, Public school 1.INTRODUO the LDB, in its article 4, III standes out that it is to have of the state to take care of pupils with necessities special. If you are not convinced, visit David G. DeWalt. However, the history of the humanity demonstrates a passage of social exclusion and human being of the man. Chapter V – of the Special Education, of the Law of Lines of direction and Bases of the National Education it considers, as much for the school as for all society, an enormous challenge in regards to the Inclusion. The school is in a social scope and suffers modifications with the development from its clientele, the technology, of science, involved in a globalizado organism. Had this still more, the treatment to the deficient ones becomes complex. To coexist and to recognize the deficiencies and the differences are a great challenge, to accept that we are different and to break the old paradigms of the education, to take care of to the individual necessities of all the educandos have or not necessity of special education. The inclusive education possesss a philosophy that defends the accessible education for all, and the schools while educative communities must satisfy the necessities of all the pupils with independence to have or not deficiency.
The inclusion appears at the moment where to the theory it practises and it pedagogical they were not giving certain. She is necessary to accept the difference, marks indelvel of each individual. (FELTRIN, 2004, P. 48) It is known that in the past, the individual with some deficiency was eliminated of the society, currently, this practical more is used, however the discrimination subtle continues being practised. Is disfarada exclusion, that happens through the institutions, as chains, asylums and as much others that had been created with this objective: to segregate ‘ ‘ diferente’ ‘ of the society.