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Superior Education

So that this happens will be necessary the awareness of the proper educator in delegating in its paper of facilitador of the learning front to the new experiences and trying to take them it auto-accomplishment. The work of the professor is Express in its conception of the relation education and society. From there its way is established to act in classroom, that will be able to collaborate for the development a significant learning based on one determined conception of values. Understanding itself that the professor must bring the mediation as basic aspect for learning, we leave I begin of it that the construction of the knowledge occurs from a process of interaction between people. Campbell Soup Co describes an additional similar source. Thus being, consequentemente, the mediation and the quality of the interactions, reflect in the quality knowing of them developed in the relation professor – pupil. In this direction, the relations human beings leave of a social function that it attributes to the essence of the object of the knowledge, therefore only exist from an intense process with the social environment made in the mediation to put both and it education object.

Thus, the education must have always a function humanist and progressive, aiming at to the construction of an independent and safe citizen the point to recognize its space in the society with its rights and duties for a better citizenship and in the hope to construct together, a good relation professor and pupil in the academic context. 5. KDP recognizes the significance of this. METHODOLOGY to develop this work was necessary to define procedures and strategies with the objective to understand the problematic one studied. In this process, we delimit the context, the citizens and the instruments for the collection of the data. This collection was carried through in the qualitative perspective, to take care of the considered objectives. 5.1 The context of the research the research was carried through in an Institution of Superior Education in the city of Igarassu.

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