Confession Of A Mediocre

My parents I not warned of the Odyssey that is scheduled to run in order to get a good job; I not warned of the sacrifices I had to do to keep that employment; I not warned of the abysmal difference between secondary and higher education; not warned me that apart from study hard should develop cunning and ability to cope with life; warned me not only was son of a middle-class marriage, raised as almost all children in this country, with a few loving parents, a pending my needs MOM and a dad that not him shaking hand to afflict me when he had, received basic education and my parents did all class of sacrifices to get my utensils. However there was a flaw in my upbringing, there was an error that sparked a terrible effect dominated, I’m still not sure which was the terrible mistake but I have some evidence. It is something typical that most parents worry about the welfare of their children, however there are a few (almost all) that confuse the faculty with something called pandering, very common word of the journal live, this little peccadillo is the cause of many problems in our children; they become lazy, careless, lazy and often discourteous. My mother was for example demanding but suffered from the deadly sin of Sloth thing that I inherited and when to my me placia did my homework, if she was dominated by this sin not objected and was very easy, as they say, pass it by cookie. This is something equally common in many households, by children or young graduates obtain poor academic performance and they are losing interest in the art of studying what causes (phrase used by my mother). In contrast to the disonos parents or concerned about their children, are neglected; those parents who forget that they have children, bring them to the world and let them abandoned to their fate.

Brazilian Academy

I am certain of that Freire Ribeiro was an adept of the theory of the transmigrao of the souls, as they believed Scrates, Pitgoras and other thinkers, I see that all its ressuda workmanship this I smell of the root of the universal life and its mutations. Proper it if allows me, seems to have been a perpetual caminhante in this interminable trip for the roads of the existence human being. is as soon as, 30 years later, and as a reaffirmation of my thesis, the Poet comes back to speak in facts of its previous ticket for these strange ways it who says in them: Vises of my life in these my passing In the Saara without end! In sovereign lines Your mstico profile, iris of the caravans Of Tunis and of Made, in the long ones walked! Candies memory of a thousand loved things: Ciganas Fumos of narguils, nostalgias! Songs of dream and pain alone for me sung In the mysteries without pair of the Muslim nights! Crying out for the sky of muezim in prece Rose rubra to bleed, your heart suffers, Remembered the love that the vile world undid! They guard the sun to die flake clouds golden: With homesickness of you, langue flower of Morocco, Minh? soul goes to cry in the peace of Mequinez. Clodoaldo de Alencar, poet of fine lineage, close friend of Freire Ribeiro, wrote: ' ' Deep estilstica affinity, between Malba Than and J. Film director gathered all the information. Freire Ribeiro irmanou these two original writers.

First, the orientalista one of it chats and as, of the lyric and polmtrico verse. Nobody better, in the Portuguese language described the great caravans and the lines princesses of its time, loving itself it the shade of miraculous oases of the desert of the Saara. I believe, exactly that, a historical lapse only took Malba Tahan to leave to enter the Brazilian Academy of Letters.

Women And Education

The present article has as objective to explicitar as it was the society of century XIX and how the woman lived and was educated. One specifically searchs to inform through bibliographical research all the difficulties found for the women to have access to the education as well as of that it forms was this education, being searched bringing to tona the true historical reality where this was inserted. Word-key: Woman. Richard Linklater is often quoted as being for or against this. Education. Century XIX. Society. Introduction In accordance with Maria ngela D? Incao and Margareth Rago, century XIX together with the Announcement of the Republic was marked by some social transformations and economic bringing I obtain the consolidation of the capitalism and the modernization of the cities.

The urbanization and the commercial and industrial development started to demand of the woman its participation in the public life and in world of the work, but at the same time this time nailed a symbolic representation of the woman where this would have to be restricted to the familiar environment and to be unobligated of any productive work, depending on the bourgeois woman the success of the family, where submitted to the public opinion, it had that to learn if to hold in public and to coexist in way educated in the places where it frequented. Knox that in a society based on the patriarcalismo affirms inserted Miridan, this woman was excluded of participation in the society, not being considered citizen politics, therefore exactly the woman of the elite with certain degree of instruction was restricted to the private space. All this pressure played concerning the feminine behavior also reached the popular layers and the women who needed to work had faced all type of preconception and difficulties to have access to a profession, since the moralista speech nailed that the participation of the women in the work market would be one ‘ ‘ pecado’ ‘ , affirming that they would abandon the home, children and the husband, being badly seen by the society.

Superior Education Professors

This article is based on the constructive experiences of the importance of a continued formation through the pedagogical action, blossoming the so necessary professional abilities to the professor educator contemporary. The research was resulted of the expositivas lessons in the course of after-graduation in didactics of superior education detaching multicultural the teaching formation and the importance of the interpersonal relationship in superior education. Word-key: Multiculturalismo, Superior Education, Flexibility. ABSTRACT pedagogical This article is based on the constructive of experiences the importance of continuing education through action, flourishing professional skills necessary will only be the contemporary teachers. The research was result of lectures in the course of postgraduate teaching in to higher education emphasizing the multicultural to teacher education and the importance of interpersonal relationships in to higher education. Keywords: Multiculturalism, Higher Education, Flexibility. Autonomy and Release are two basic words to understand the process of transformation in the educational branch defended by the writer Pablo Freire (1996) and its followers. Ahead of some notes related to the question of the educator, Freire explains with much category and to know them to experience necessary to practical the educative one, translating them as manual of instruction for the professor of the future..