Oscar Castro Poet With A Legacy Wonderful

OSCAR CASTRO words make verses, only the heart is poet. Alejandro Sanz Chile has had great poets, writers, creditors of the Nobel Prize for literature, two in total, which bequeathed us their works, which can not pass by unnoticed by the extraordinary thing of your content, your messages inviting you to consider it, enjoy, its effects will manifest according to the sensitivity level of each person. This time, we focus on a writer and poet interesting, as it was the Rancagua Oscar Castro Zuniga, who is known, was born on March 29, 1910 in Rancagua, Francisco Castro and Maria Esperanza Zuniga, being the third of six brothers: Graciela, Javier, Elva, Irma and Raul. In 1917 entered as student regular school top N 3, however sick with whooping cough and he is forced to leave school Sobre he brings us Wikipedia, which in 1926 wrote his first poems which are published by Don Faust magazine, under the pseudonym of Rail Z, to honor of his younger brother. In 1929, was published his first poem signed with his real name, which is titled poem to his absence. In 1934 he died his brother Javier.

On October 25 of the same year he founded the literary group Los useless, along with eight writers and journalists from the region, including to Nicomedes Guzman. In 1935 he joined as an editor at the newspaper La Tribuna. That same year he married Ernestina Zuniga poet, better known by his pseudonym Isolda Pradel. This fact is disapproved by his mother who expels it from home. The couple lives difficult, being subsequently forgiven by her mother hours. His literary breakthrough came in 1936 when he wrote Responso Federico Garcia Lorca in tribute to the Spanish author died in the Spanish civil war. On June 12, 1937, died his mother. That same year the birth Editorial published his first book of poems road in Alba.

BreakWater Hotel

A math teacher math teacher sent his wife a fax with the following message: dear wife: you understand that now that you are 54 years old I have certain needs that you can no longer meet. I am happy with you as my wife and I sincerely hope that don’t feel hurt or offended to know that you for when your you receive this fax, I’ll be spending the night at the Grand Hotel with my assistant who has 18 years. I’ll get home before midnight when the husband up to the hotel found a fax waiting for that says: dear husband: thanks for the warning. I take this opportunity to remind you that your you also have 54 years and likewise you communicate when you receive this message, I will be hosted at the BreakWater Hotel with my tennis instructor who also has 18. As you are a mathematician you will easily understand that, in these circumstances, 18 enters 54 more times 54 enters 18.

I don’t expect, you reckless tomorrow. Your wife mother of six had once in a village, a father exaggeratedly proud of his wife for having had six children, so much that she called her mother of six, this his wife bothered him a lot, and one day they were in a wedding yells the husband so everyone listen: are already ready to leave mother of six?With fury your contesta:Claro wife that Yes, father of four! The logic of man – a marriage is at the Court divorced and have custody of the daughter problem. Wife is for and tells the judge: I costume this child into the world with pain, keeping me corresponds to my! the judge turns to her husband and says: who has to say in his defense? man sits for awhile contemplating, then said slowly:-Mr. Juez, if you put 1 coin on one machine of beverages and get a coca-cola, who is the coca-cola of the machine or yours? Source: Original author and source of the article.

The Conscience

Do not understand that the realization of this be within ourselves and we are determined to find out. He has lived eternally in us. We must awaken to the misunderstanding itself that we are one body, that we are an ego of sensory impressions. We must awaken to our divine nature. Today’s education is in the hands of politicians. The education policy and holistic suddenly could think they are antagonistic, but they are closely linked. Required of politicians with more comprehensive visions. Politicians who fight for a more equitable economy for society.

Politicians who disposed of consumerism and give back to materialism, opting for social policies actually aimed at serving the majorities. More humane social policies. We must achieve a partnership between politics and economics to be able to eliminate poverty. Single economy can not solve this problem, the application of comprehensive political, equitable social policies is necessary. A policy holistic that increases awareness, freedom and greater possibilities for resolving conflicts. Politicians who act in a more compassionate way to their peers.

The human being is the only one capable of evolving in consciously. It is the only one capable of intentionally seek evolution. Spirituality evolves on its own, is a natural part of the evolution. We are in an era in which consciousness must be greater openness, but the transition time is perhaps the most dangerous. The educational system in our country has been focusing its policy on the idea of quality education, generating a self-deception. Education is not a matter of quality but of integrity. The importance of integrity which is finally where the conscience, where is the orientation must be recognized. When the human being is prosecuted solely to economic success and is told that this is the ultimate aim of their existence not satisfied. His ordinary personality does not evolve, rather upsets and are depersonalized. It becomes a thing.