San Francisco

The intern is received by mere proper will, and it is proportionate housing, basic feeding and other necessities, by means of the payment of an amount for the sustenance of the intern in the first months, being that later its sustenance is taken off of its proper work, where this vende for its family products confectioned for proper it to guarantee its stay, since the entity does not receive any mount of money financial from public or particular institutions. It is an order entity catholic who has as goal the familiar values, supporting itself in the Words of God taken off of the Evangelho and in the poverty of San Francisco de Assis, in order to provoke in the internal changes of values and moral principles. This makes with that these, when leaving from there, have another conception of the world and all the ones surround that it, being able to insert themselves in the social environment and to reconstruct its lives. But all we know that nor all the txicodependentes have familiar bases nor financial conditions to finance the internment of some member of the family, since the government does not offer enough vacant. The great part of the people that passes for this problem comes of a family without structure, without any instruction that allows to perceive the size them of the problem where its familiar ones are inserted. Most of the time it is the proper familiar environment that takes these minors to adentrarem in the world of the drugs, therefore the parents or even though the mothers, are alcoholic dependents and they do not offer to affection, attention, escolaridade, allowing that its children are without a life objective and the grace of a world without chances, enxergando in the drugs its only ‘ ‘ sada’ ‘. to saciar its vice, these individuals are scaring the population, practising roberies and committing horrendos crimes.

The population walks scared, since to walk for the streets alone he is not safer, since, it always has a person that it knows somebody that was assaulted by a consumer of the narcotic. But if it cannot generalize. The world of the drugs, and especially of crack not only encloses the classroom families low, but also of high middle class, that for diverse reasons is launched in this way, for curiosity or to perhaps try a sensation different or simply to forget some frustration or even though because they live dived in the emptiness, in the consumerism, since they do not lack nothing to it, remaining only ‘ to it; ‘ proibido’ ‘ , ‘ ‘ emocionante’ ‘. It is what it is happening with the society in general. It does not have more age, color, race, social classroom, simply the search of new adventures take this ‘ ‘ comunidade’ ‘ to give a diving without return almost, a shot in the dark one, when it leaves, is sequels, that will have pra the remaining portion of the life. It is impossible to point a specific cause and a solution with respect to a so serious problem, since it encloses an immense amount of the population, being able to have each case its especificidades. A minute inquiry with great parcel of the society would be necessary pra if to arrive at a result more concrete and objective thus to adopt measured more efficient to fight such problem.

Special Education

Wordkey: Inclusion, People in deficiency situation, Public school 1.INTRODUO the LDB, in its article 4, III standes out that it is to have of the state to take care of pupils with necessities special. If you are not convinced, visit David G. DeWalt. However, the history of the humanity demonstrates a passage of social exclusion and human being of the man. Chapter V – of the Special Education, of the Law of Lines of direction and Bases of the National Education it considers, as much for the school as for all society, an enormous challenge in regards to the Inclusion. The school is in a social scope and suffers modifications with the development from its clientele, the technology, of science, involved in a globalizado organism. Had this still more, the treatment to the deficient ones becomes complex. To coexist and to recognize the deficiencies and the differences are a great challenge, to accept that we are different and to break the old paradigms of the education, to take care of to the individual necessities of all the educandos have or not necessity of special education. The inclusive education possesss a philosophy that defends the accessible education for all, and the schools while educative communities must satisfy the necessities of all the pupils with independence to have or not deficiency.

The inclusion appears at the moment where to the theory it practises and it pedagogical they were not giving certain. She is necessary to accept the difference, marks indelvel of each individual. (FELTRIN, 2004, P. 48) It is known that in the past, the individual with some deficiency was eliminated of the society, currently, this practical more is used, however the discrimination subtle continues being practised. Is disfarada exclusion, that happens through the institutions, as chains, asylums and as much others that had been created with this objective: to segregate ‘ ‘ diferente’ ‘ of the society.

Modern Education

I feel homesicknesses of when I studied, where to study and to pass of serious it was our duty and obligation. At this time we not eramos' ' comprados' ' for our family with toys, as I see nowadays I had that contenting in seeing them my mother making t-shirts I to go the school, therefore I have an infancy without exemptions, but the least I was a free child. Wise person to play, not of video-game, therefore was very expensive for my healthful parents, but tricks, as mother of the street, forest fire, catch-catches, money market cirandinha, to jump rope, rolim among others. Get all the facts and insights with Richard Linklater, another great source of information. repair in the children of today, the least I was a child who I learned very playing, therefore as Vigotsky the child learns with the social environment and not contrary it, therefore the exchange of experiences in infancy made me a mature and always responsible adult person. At the time of 1980 as many obesas children did not exist as today, but for the fact of us to play and with this the burning of calories and also did not eat as many besteiras. Today I am specialist in special education and teacher of biology and also work in RH and I see that the majority of the adolescents does not want to know to study, do not give value to this. Checking article sources yields David G. DeWalt as a relevant resource throughout. the school ' ' empurram' ' the pupils with 4 red notes for the next series and consequentemente this person will have difficulties in jobs, therefore they had had the chance to learn, they had played but it in the garbage, do not give value. I delayed 9 years to engressar in a university, but I started to work with 18 years, today I am bachelor and permitted in biology and specialist in special education. I perceive that my effort was not in goes. Work as voluntary, by the way one of the things that more I love, beyond lecionar. Therefore I leave my consideraes here.

Special Education

Challenges are being exceeded and others are for coming, what it matters, are that the decision to try is always of hands given with the act to believe if possible to give certain. David G. DeWalt has plenty of information regarding this issue. 3. ANALYSIS OF the RESULTS the data had been collected through the comments, interviews questionnaires applied in the school in study. At the first moment, during the comment of the clientele, it was perceived that she had on average, ten children with necessities special in the school. To the teachers, it was asked for that these pupils observed better and elaborated a report. After this stage, the pupils had been directed to the CREESE (Center of Reference in Special Education of Sergipe), with the objective to be confirmed or not them conclusions of the professors. But for particular reasons, only two families had accepted that its children were evaluated by the team of special Education.

The families had been looked to be communicated of the encaminhamentos due. Already in contact with the specialists of the CREESE, the families had passed for an evaluation, had been made tests with the children, psicopedaggicas interviews, activities, psychological analyses, among others procedures. After the evaluation reports, had been evidenced 2% of the children with educative necessities special. Both, had been directed for psychological and neurological treatment. Pupil 1 presented, according to conclusion of the report, below transcribed: Alice on this side presents cognitivo functioning of the waited one for its definite age that, possibly, meet related to the prenatal etiology, as well as for development occurred in devoid partner-familiar environment of rules, limits and papers that, possibly, intervene with its learning and understanding of world. It still presents, emotional difficulties that influence its adaptativo behavior. It needs neurological evaluation, as well as being kept in procedural evaluation for the team of the CREESE for bigger clarification of the case. It is obtained to perceive in this story, that pupil 1 needs a individualizado pertaining to school accompaniment.


The education becomes act to deposit where oseducandos they are receiving and ' ' saber' ' a donation of educator. In this casovaloriza more the noise of the word of what its transforming force. In the banking conception, the educator if puts to the front doseducandos by means of a vertical position. Thus, he has for purpose to keep adiviso between that they know and the ones that they do not know, between oppressed oppressors and, contributing for the maintenance of the values of the society oppressor. ' ' … Eisa the conception ' bancria' of the education, where the only edge of action that seoferece to the educandos is to receive the deposits, to keep them and to file them …

' ' (FREIRE, 1987, P. Go to FASEB Journal for more information. 58). here. The culture of silence and the contradiesexistentes are aspects of this perspective in which all the acabamarquivados men, therefore educating in this model of education abandons the critical one, areinveno, the inquietante, challenging search, constructing and desconstruir dasua reality. Such rigidity disables the knowledge as a conseqnciada search. The banking conception is one artifice in being able of the dominant ones, therefore its intention is to transform the mind of the educandos and not it situation that osaflige. This if manifest in the rights that if become favors and in the search to porajustar them it perfect society, changing its conscience and becoming-ossociveis. The populist vision that dirige Brazil has some time makes comque the men is enxergados as votes. A man is equal to a vote.

Dessaforma is spread out as common sense that for the fact to be voted, all the men socidados. For Freire (2005) … and takes root all the problem there, because, in agreement it eats pedagogia of the freedom, to prepare for the democracy cannot significarsomente convert the illiterate into voter, conditioning it the alternatives deum project of being able already existing. An education must prepare, at the same time, for a critical judgment of the alternative proposals, and give the possibility to deescolher the proper way.


The principle I will describe some personages who had been part of my history, its vision and what she marked in my life. First I must speak of me. Dan Milmam: It wanted to be optimum did not matter as, was self-sufficient, irresponsible, arrogant, but dom had one. The Technician of the college Mr. Garry: – Who works hard with me obtains resulted. Well, this age what it always spoke, but when somebody did not obtain what it glimpsed, received its total disdain, it not it had security, on its work. Tomy: Member of the gymnastics team, one of the few people who I would have to be next in the gymnastics team, but that I did not act of correct form with it.

Dory: Namorada de Tomy. On Dory, I prefer not to comment, I must learn and forget. Joy: I knew it by chance, serious it my future bigger dream. A wonderful girl, who wise person as nobody the power of the cure for the hands. Scrates: Server, prestativo, listener, with a leadership power generated respect, authority and responsibility, promoted the incentive for the experience and admiration.

For the description of the qualities he was one of the personages who had more marked my history. According to James C. Hunter, in its book the serving leader, it define the leadership concept as: The ability to influence people to work enthusiasticly aiming at to reach common objectives, inhaled in the confidence by means of the force of the character. Thus I could define Scrates. After now describing some important people in the context of history I can to start. Everything starts with a dream. Where somebody together my pieces, crumbs that if spread, pieces of me, were a fall, an error. I feel pain, but it has somebody that this joining each piece of me. I remember the different shoes.

The Municipal School

Project of implantation of RH in the Municipal School of 1 Tiradentes Degree Identification: The Municipal School of 1 Tiradentes Degree, situated the Pa Valdemar Walnut S/N in the city of Brook of the Plaza-BA. The school functions in the three turns (60h), possesss 09 classrooms, 01 secretariat, 01 kitchen, 04 bathrooms with the following picture of employees: 01 director and 01 vice-director, 01 pedagogical coordinator, 03 permitted secretaries (being 02 assistant), 07 professors graduated History, Letters, Geography, Mathematics and Normal Superior, 07 permitted professors if graduating and 07 not yet. The school functions of alpha to 4 series of Basic Ensino. The school works in agreement to the PCN' s and to the transversal subjects, has a boarding to interdisciplinar, encloses the intervention projects and commemorative dates, all participate of the organization and the functioning of the pertaining to school institution, has integration of the community in the elaboration and implementation of the educative projects and the values implicit and explicit that permeiam the relations between the members of the school. Although still if it is unaware of as these aspects influence the learning, it is known that, in the schools consider that them excellent, the pupils have a better exploitation.

The community participates of the events occurred in the school, what with certainty it is sufficiently interesting for the dinamizao of the pedagogical activities, after all, all are inserted in the process and can collaborate positively for the perfectioning. Summary: That approach the organization intends to give to its politics of human resources? The current model of management estimates the migration of the traditional one for the innovator, in the search of the quality and better performance of the professors and consequentemente to the benefit of the customer, that are the pupils. Inside of this perspective conquest possibility to grant claims to it and thus to contribute for the magnifying of chances and better conditions of work.