Repudiation Against The New Education Act

Democracy without freedom is a chimera Marcelo Ferrando Castro surprised the way how the current Government has acted in relation to the law on education, extremely important aspect for a country, and more, when education in recent years has been facing serious problems in favor of achieving its excellence academically, very needed to deal with the serious crisis that the country currently lives in the politicalsocial, economic. The truth, that a total repudiation has been manifested by the national, public and private universities in relation to the decision carried out on December 23 this year, to approve the new law of education, which according to their contents, articles that make it up, some of them, undermine democracy, freedom of functionality and autonomy of the houses of studieswhich will never accept what is stated in some articles it. . Is known that a group of Deputies, former allies of Chavez, he retired hours before the Chamber in protest, arguing that the adoption of a law abruptly they not convalidarian with its presence. It adds the country, com, that the new Education Act would determine that classes are based on the so-called doctrine Bolivarian, in a reference to the ideals defended by the hero Simon Bolivar, such as national self-determination and Latin American unity.

Critics warn that Chavez uses the term Bolivarian because thus it describes to his leftist political movement and therefore are afraid to enter a Socialist indoctrination in the classroom. The law leaves discretion of Ministers on duty Act when they consider that published content causes terror or incites hatred among children. But for the majority of members and this Act Government will return the social, ethical and humanistic character education and will give equal opportunity to students of any social class. Attacked journalists, in particular, warned that the law leaves open the possibility of immediate suspension of the activities of the media, when the governing bodies of the education so decided it worries as tells them to us when it comes to income, permanence, promotion, promotion and performance of the teaching of both the public and private sectors will be subject to the opinion of a social control; It is not more than the community committed to the Government.

Emotional Education

In the last years one comes listening to with insistence the association between emotional education and school. On the one hand it turns out paradoxical to think that it surprises the association since the aim first and last one of the school are to educate. However, it is necessary to have presents/displays that this necessity to educate in emotions has not become declares until does relatively just a short time. And in that sense, the school is discovering a new roll in its function of educator by nature. To educate in emotions or the emotional education aims at that educational and students find in the school true spaces of personal growth, professional and academic. When educational and students are able to recognize their own emotions begin to would observe improvements that repel in the academic results but that also they improve considerably the quality of the coexistence in the scholastic institution.

These two aspects, as well, contribute to improve the self-esteem of the students, on the one hand, and the educational ones, on the other. The students feel motivated and recognize in the daily effort the best form of to achieve the success; improvements in the work in equipment are observed and manage to become jumbled in collective actions. The educational ones, by their side, perceive a recognition to their task that allows them to position itself like authority in the classroom from the place of the dialogue, the consensus and the affective and effective construction. The emotional education leans on three pillars sustain that it they maintain and it in the time: in the first place the recognition, the identification of the emotions; secondly the social capacity to develop with naturalness and success (Assertiveness); and finally the self-esteem. Each of these pillars constitutes the fundamental competitions in the emotional development of educational and students, as well as of all person. These three competitions cannot be acquired nor be transmitted as a finite corpus of knowledge but gets up through the experiences of each of them in doing newspaper.

Institute Villa

Jose MORENO VILLA (1887-1955) out of solitude so vague and so concrete a thread of water; the water of exile, very similar to crying. Jose Moreno Villa. THE voice of poetry naked poetry nude and frankly human said Moreno Villa – have tried to do. And adds the Malaga poet: I have tried to say as more as possible and the simpler and more direct way. This purpose persists in effect, through his poetic work. Very beautiful are told us the songs of Moreno Villa Antonio Machado-.

I believe that none of us would make them better. The poetic work of Moreno Villa acknowledges a trend to the weighting and balance. He is a poet of his time who does not seem to be interested in the fashions of the day. Jose Moreno Villa was born in Malaga on February 16, 1887. It was always a lover of his native city. In twenty years I said – not you can see what is there.

Between Malaga and Churriana passes his childhood and both cities evokes in his exile. Learn the first letters in schools San Rafael and San Agustin. In 1897 joined as internal students of the colegio de San Estanislao, the Jesuits, the stick. There he studied three years. The fourth leaves school to be examined at the official Institute of Malaga. There finish your Bachelor’s degree. At the age of seventeen moved to Freiburg to study chemistry, but not to finish the race. According to Moreno Villa, tells us he could not nor I wanted to devote myself to analyse wines in Malaga to his return from Germany, after a short stay in Malaga, he moved to Madrid to open road. In 1911, it starts to travel over several Spanish cities. He starts his collaborations in Spain Magazine magazine of the West and, above all, in the newspaper El Sol.