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The Child

Of this form, infancy had a long duration, and the child finished for assuming responsibility functions, burning stages of its development. Until its clothes it was the examined copy of the one of an adult. This situation starts to move, characterizing an important landmark in the wakening of the infancy feeling: In century XVII, however, the child, or the least the child of good family, wants was noble or bourgeois, she was not more dressed as the adults. It now had a private suit to its age, distinguished that it from the adults. This essential fact soon appears to the first one to look at launched to the numerous representations of child of the beginning of century XVII (ris, 1978:33).

The great occured social transformations in century XVII had contributed decisively for the construction of a feeling of infancy. For more information see this site: Kindle Direct Publishing. Most important catholics and protestants had been the religious reforms, who had brought a new to look at on the child and its learning. Another important aspect is the affectivity, that gained more importance in the seio in the family. This affectivity was demonstrated, mainly, by means of the valuation that the education started to have. The learning of the children, that before if gave in the convivncia of the children with the adults in its daily tasks, started to give itself in the school. The work with educative ends was substituted by the school, that started to be responsible for the process deformation. The children had been then separate of the adults and kept in schools until being ' ' prontas' ' for the life in society. (Aris, 1978). A concern with the moral formation of the child and the church appears if it puts in charge in directing the learning, aiming at to correct shunting lines of the child, it was given credit that it was fruit of the sin, and would have to be guided for the way of the good.

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