Journal of Geo-Science Education » News

The Japanese

In this way the 1970s becomes a moment of economic boom for Europe and Japan and that of the 80, home of a great competition that sharpens in the 1990s and reveals what is today known as the wild capitalism, where the real axis of evil is the severe competition. Obviously, these governmental decisions are not alien to the world of business and it starts to undergo changes of an organizational nature since they are impacted by different technological, economic, political and social changes and are therefore forced to leave that world of quiet navigation to enter the world of the turbulent navigation which became evident by the complexity and uncertainty of their operations. It was clear that already in the nineties of the last century companies not could put on the market any product or service as a result of fed simple production processes It doesn’t matter what quality by inputs. The Japanese approach of orientation to the customer and provide higher quality, more value-added products, was imposing joined other technological type changes. Changes of economic type as the decrease of the life cycle of products and the crises of economies of scales would on the other hand, in the same way, operating. No less important are the changes of a political nature, including the disintegration of the Socialist camp and the reduction of the role of the State with the emergence of the neoliberal model. Complete this cycle of changes of a social nature with situations such as the obsolescence of skills, unemployment, polarization between rich and poor; the increase in corruption and the rise of women to work, as well as the degradation of the environment and sustainable development. All these changes impact the world of organizations and it poses new challenges, new demands, to those who run them. The necessity of having a positive attitude to change because the competitiveness, the complexity and uncertainty are variables that have to deal with it with a thought open to the constant analysis of the environment.

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