Complement informing to the reader who is necessary a basic knowledge of music stops to understand 98% of the book, in which it says on nothing nothing more less than pure music. But to not only know it, Ozzy, the huge one, but also to have knowledge on the history of music, of the rock, the evolution, the styles and its respective times of ascension, beyond possessing the diploma of ' ' language musical' ' , language in which this writing almost half of its autobiografia. I also believe that made what me to be so entertained with the workmanship was my inexplicable ability of the o to read its stories, to imagine it in a room, counting this for me, articulating, gesturing, laughing, counting to its way, relaxed, relaxed, dislxica. Ozzy is dislxico, and not yet passed 50 years of its life using all the known drugs and some, drinking all day and living a life always to the extremities. This made its dislexia to increase in surprising levels, today it badly obtains to form a simple phrase. What it confuses the reading; the reader has science of that obviously it is not Ozzy that he writes.
However some times, no matter how hard it seemed impossible, this still leaves the reading better. I do not know of the others, but I for vary times I imagined Ozzy and a man in a room, Ozzy speaking, and the man typing each word that from there of its mouth. in the words of the proper Ozzy (p 216), I imagine the man typing and ' ' almost having one orgasmo of in such a way rir' '. The fact also confuses the reading of that the majority you copy of them joined in the bookstores are translated into the Portuguese, being thus is inevitable that in some times it is not possible to recount the facts the way of Ozzy, with its language, its ' ' sotaque' ' acquired in ' ' viagens' ' for Cuba and Colombia mainly; they understand if me.