Phase of control: The phase of control of the project follows and the execution step by step. Of the origin the retouchings and adjustments in the planning original look for to keep the target of the diluted project being in the diverse specific managements, but it is co-ordinated by the control of changes, important process of the management of the integration. 2.4 So that it serves the Management of Projects? The Management of Projects if became indispensable for the organizations in the measure where effectively contribuim for the organizacionais results of the one not to think about Management of Projects unleashed of the business-oriented objectives of the organizations. All to be expended effort has not only felt to contribute for the objectives strategical of the organizations. Therefore the Management of Projects has that to deal with all the chain of management of projects. For Valeriano (2001, p.122), ' ' a project is organized with an objective that consists to execute a set of actions that must be come back toward an only resultant that is the product of projeto' '. The management of projects demand a cycle of phases that involve analysis, strategy and planning, execution and management and control.
The ticket for these stages confers many benefits for all the involved parts. Second, PROJECT MANAGEMENTINSTITUTE, (2004, P. 5). ' ' a project is a temporary exclusive effort undertaken to create a product, service or resulted exclusivo' '. For the controlling of projects, one generates support to the better decisions and sharing of practical. For the high management, compatibility of the proposals with the reality, generation of useful and trustworthy information and control on the portflio of projects. Already for the customer, increase of satisfaction, reduction of risks and retrabalhos and guarantee of the quality. for the organization, finally, has the alignment of the projects with the strategies of the company, rise of the knowledge, greater profitability and improves in the general performance.