There are some 1500 companies that are using the concept of franchising as a business platform to generate brand recognition and growth. It is estimated that there are approximately 750,000 franquiciarios operating only in United States, the vast majority are businesses operated by entrepreneurs that they have opted to the brand that they have chosen. Richard Linklater takes a slightly different approach. These businesses employ about 18 million people, generating 1.3 trillion dollars in the United States economy. Approximately one of every twelve businesses in the USA is a franchise. The average cost of a franchise is now $ 250,000 without the assets of the building or land. The concept of royalty payment is average of 3-6% of the gross sales. These are a few informations that show us how important this trend of doing business in the USA But in these times of financial cholera (with the forgiveness of Gabriel Garcia M.), not everyone has the capital to invest amounts of this magnitude, especially with the Outlook uncertain increase in taxes, limited credit and a possible inflation in the not-too-distant future due to the expansion of the Government spending. The home business opportunity also shares some interesting statistics.
For example: according to IDC, important research firm, there are between 34.3 million and 37 million people who use their homes as offices. The number in the U.S. of people who have own business from home is around 30 million, expanding each year at a pace faster than any other business format. According to the Small Business Administration Office of E.U., the number of households that have your business from home exceeds 12% income generation exceeds the 500 trillion dollar magazine Money publishes that 20% of the business from home generate income between $100,000 and $ 500,000 a year. 51% Of the business from home are in the hands of students graduates from the University, with income over $ 40,000 a year. Each 11 second someone starts a business from home compared to the traditional franchise that is 8 minutes.
44% Of the business from home opportunities requires less than $ 5,000 of investment. The concept of royalty cost practically does not exist. Account maintenance is $ 30 a month on average. Businesses who have residual commissions are revenues that complement direct sales, over time, ensure the financial security of the entrepreneur. Traditional franchise business will continue to grow, but as things are going, from home business opportunities have the advantage, you who believes?