The Decision

It searchs to reduce the isolation between the different ones disciplines curricular, looking for groups them in the one all amplest one. Thus he commented Fertile valley (2002), ' ' the content leaves to have by itself meant, to assume a relative importance and starts to inside have a function individualized assets and explicit of all of that it makes parte' '. 4) The pertaining to school time? the time is one of the constituent elements of the organization of the pedagogical work. The calendar and the pertaining to school schedule have a hierarchic control e, are controlled for the administration and the professor. It is necessary time so that the educators deepen its knowledge on pupils and on what they are learning.

It is necessary time to follow and to evaluate the project pedagogical politician in action. It is necessary time for the students to organize itself and to create its spaces stops beyond the classroom. 5) The decision process? in the formal organization of the school, the flow of tasks, the actions and decisions is guided by legalized procedures, taking advantage the hierarchic relations of control and submission, of being able authoritarian and centraliser. An administrative structure of the school, adjusted to the accomplishment of educational objectives, in accordance with the interests of the population, must foresee mechanisms that stimulate the participation of all in the decision process. This requires distribution of being able and decentralization of the decision process as: installation of elective processes of choice of collegiate controllers of pupils, parents, association of parents and professors, estudantil bosom, etc. the 6) relations of work? it is important to reiterate that, when if searchs a new organization of pedagogical work, it is if considering that the work relations, in the interior of the school, will have to be sidewalk in the attitudes of solidarity, reciprocity and collective participation, conducted for the principles of division of work, the spalling and the hierarchic control.