Learning Communities

In addition, we clarified that holistic educators are working for a new society where learning communities, covering a point new education with heart holistic education we need to link with the construction of a society compatible with it, should be a much more balanced society in all respects, better than the industrial society and information society. "A society would be one that had integrated the conditions, structures, institutions and other elements that make it possible for individuals, such as integrated beings, could reach the highest level of evolution of consciousness." A new sustainable economic model necessarily requires an integrated education, an education that one mind and heart, which is integral individuals, a truly holistic education. The economy, education and spirituality are not contradictory aspects, the human needs of all three to live in this world. "The purpose of learning communities is the evolution of consciousness through a comprehensive and ongoing learning. Learning communities are space conscious creator of a new visionary all, sustainability, foresight, integrity and secular spirituality, a comprehensive, profound, and postindustrial transmodern for the XXI Century. "Dr.

Ramon Gallegos Nava." holistic education and learning communities have profound implications for human evolution, not merely reproduce the current global culture, but rather to the emergence of a culture of peace, a new stage of development of human consciousness. "Dr. Ramon Gallegos Nava. In essence, we see that the implementation and development of a learning community, provides the fundamentals of holistic education by giving coverage to the 30 quadrants of the educational model multi-multidimensionality of this emerging paradigm.

Proper Education

To move in the education, in the truth, is to change everything that happens between adults young and the influence of those on the new generation. Perhaps it has a incontido fear of the results that such changes can bring, only that in way to the fears happen the disobediences in education substance the ideas, the habits and the structures move very to devagar. It does not have alive interest or same attention for some sectors, (poverty education lack is always income-producing) to the time where if it lives in the elaboration of politics for the field of the education, the reports of the current evaluations (SARESP/ENEM/ENADE) healthful increments for itself to know at least in general way as it is to the education promoted for the public agencies, give account of the chaos and scare, imediatistas actions seem solucionadoras, questioned for educators and compared the previous proposals they do not factuam, they do not emplacam and they are predestinold to the same ones you saw previous, proposals need to leave the paper, to leave of being only intentions. There it appears to the particular school as only alternative for a society acuada between the offered school and a school that charges values to the incompatible times with the income gained for the majority of the population, this school has that to fulfill accurately what if waits of a contracted service, an Education beyond the mercantile Product, understands that to the measure that if presents efficient the cost is charged that if raises the measure of the organization and fulfilment of the legal requirements that they are citizens. It implies much more in the qualification of the team that composes in the installations and brought up to date equipment, an environment I propitiate the education, has certain minimum requirements, but a school that if imprisoned will not be limited to the minimum, it will always invest more and it will always have a vision of what it can be made to improve the service that if gives, still, but when if has in mind intention and position beyond the 2 business, the education of children and the future of them directed well with the galhardia of who dealt with lives, not only customers. We will have to observe in this work the functionality and legality of a school of basic education with objective defined in educating at the same time that a sustainable company. Without leaving of side the factor teach-learning and the factors influence that it.

The closing and constant changes of the schools of infantile, basic and average education, are the consequence of what it says the proper comment of the SEBRAE that the majority of the companies they are created does not resist to the first year of existence, and the lack of preparation and empreendedorismo of such entrepreneurs also in the educational sector. In short good part of the schools does not obtain to equate good education profit. We will observe relative factors to the Education, Education, learning; not necessarily in this order some details empreendedorsticos. To take care of the changes that the world contemporary demands and to offer to north to the students ranks in the school for politics of universalizao of education and those that differently are interested in to learn; changes have that to have urgently and emplementadas.

The Professor

However, the school seems that it is walking in opposing direction, has not folloied the celeridade of this evolution. Consequentemente has demanded professional more competent to take care of the necessities provoked for this globalizado world, in the education has demand for competent professional-professors, with this, understands it on the basis of relevance of the inquiry analysis of the necessities of the professors of basic education the pedagogical abilities: an experience in a confessional school, however, was pledged in the search and in the identification of which pedagogical abilities they are necessary for an efficient docncia serving of base for the analysis of the identified formative necessities in the school. Making then, a parallel enters both can be standed out the importance to develop the pedagogical abilities in education learning. The present study it will contribute so that the professor as a professional of enclosed education in this environment of constant modifications and numerous collections, it must be a citizen endowed with values, appraiser and formador, that really different difference and in the society makes, that is, a competent, practical citizen, pedagogical politician and. As theoretical base to answer to the questioning considered for this inquiry it could be counted on the contributions of the following authors: Zabalza (2006), Echeverria (2005), Almeida (2010), Perrenoud (1999), among others. The method adopted for this inquiry was delimited in a quantitative study, as Richardson (1999) is a type of research that makes possible a bigger precision of the results and prevents distorted interpretations. This article was structuralized in three sections. The first section is about the presentation of the ability concepts.

The second section presents the pedagogical abilities and its dimensions. In the third section it is described on the sprouting of the formative necessities and its basic one importance for educative area and as it develops itself. This work brings a significant contribution for the professors whom they intend to develop in the pupils the abilities that will follow in elapsing of its life, either in the academic, professional aspect, or pessoal.CONCEITO OF COMPETNCIAO term ability it comes of vocbulo ' ' competer' ' , a intransitivo verb that it means to belong.

Playing Bingo

The system for playing bingo sport certainly does not give 100% gain, but using it you will see that it may well increase the number of correctly predicted numbers, and all that you will miss it so little luck. If you do not have their the system then you have nothing to lose, use this. If you have your own system you can place it on the page The essence of my system than in water. To get started, answer the following question honestly, you ever run through the numbers … .1 2 3 4 May 6 (Not for fun and really believing that such a combination of numbers may well fall out) I think not.

Although the theory is a combination of winning numbers shall have the right to exist. That is, this combination can virtually eliminate what we do. The essence of the system in that we create the rules by which we will not guess what the number will fall to the track. Circulation, but instead will try to predict what numbers will not get in the winning list (after this will have fewer numbers of them with a little luck you will guess the winning combination) thus increasing the likelihood of success. Of course from a mathematical point of view, the probability of winning does not change.

For me, such as the number 3 which has already dropped out twice in circulation (eg 159i160) the probability of loss in tirazhe161 well, very small and I had safely excluded, and I will be fewer numbers of them have to guess the winner. But on this we will not stop, we invent rules by which we continue to exclude certain numbers in a given quantity. Of course we need to have statistics about the winning numbers. For example come up with a rule by which the number of the date of the circulation is not in the list of winners in this draw, any one who can estimate the statistics of how many of the prior editions, this rule is true. So we have excluded the two numbers. Next to come up with different rules …

Fear Affirmations

From hunted becomes the pursuer. Watch this film is mandatory. Methods of getting rid of fear are many, but effective, I believe four of them. In different situations you can use a more appropriate occasion or a combination thereof 1. Radical (commonly used in extreme situations:).

Based on the principle of 'know the truth and the truth shall make you free. " If you're afraid of something, find out about it as much as possible and do it. If you step on the way to his fear, he turneth away from you yourself, thus you win it. And the fear of losing power over you. If you do not do this, you will soon master the fear of you and your life. Zulu proverb says that if you see before him two dangers: one behind, the second – ahead, it is desirable to choose the second, as always, no matter what, you should move forward to a new, albeit unknown. Our today's hero, choosing between their fears, overcome the fact that it seemed the lesser evil. However, he won his first fear, and this gave him a powerful charge energy to overcome the rest.

2. Affirmation – a simple statement that a person repeats aloud or silently. Perhaps the affirmations – this is the easiest way to influence the subconscious mind. You can do affirmations anywhere, anytime. Simply choose an affirmation that expresses your desires, and repeat it several times. Affirmations work on the principle of substitution. At any time the mind is capable of holding just a thought, so are the affirmations is filling the mind thoughts that reinforce your goal.


The principle I will describe some personages who had been part of my history, its vision and what she marked in my life. First I must speak of me. Dan Milmam: It wanted to be optimum did not matter as, was self-sufficient, irresponsible, arrogant, but dom had one. The Technician of the college Mr. Garry: – Who works hard with me obtains resulted. Well, this age what it always spoke, but when somebody did not obtain what it glimpsed, received its total disdain, it not it had security, on its work. Tomy: Member of the gymnastics team, one of the few people who I would have to be next in the gymnastics team, but that I did not act of correct form with it.

Dory: Namorada de Tomy. On Dory, I prefer not to comment, I must learn and forget. Joy: I knew it by chance, serious it my future bigger dream. A wonderful girl, who wise person as nobody the power of the cure for the hands. Scrates: Server, prestativo, listener, with a leadership power generated respect, authority and responsibility, promoted the incentive for the experience and admiration.

For the description of the qualities he was one of the personages who had more marked my history. According to James C. Hunter, in its book the serving leader, it define the leadership concept as: The ability to influence people to work enthusiasticly aiming at to reach common objectives, inhaled in the confidence by means of the force of the character. Thus I could define Scrates. After now describing some important people in the context of history I can to start. Everything starts with a dream. Where somebody together my pieces, crumbs that if spread, pieces of me, were a fall, an error. I feel pain, but it has somebody that this joining each piece of me. I remember the different shoes.

Teaching English

The proposal above-mentioned has as construto theoretician (UNDERBRUSH LOPES, 2003; GIMENEZ 2006; PAIVA, 2003 among others), that they asseveram the importance of the English for some reasons, such as: the status of the Language in the world contemporary, the possibility to offer to the pupils contact with a new culture in order to make to understand them its and of the other, thus to act in the world under a critical perspective. On the other hand, it is also had as arcabouo theoretician the law of the education of nine years, whose proposal does not include the obligatoriness of a Foreign Language in the initial series. Rank this, appeared the idea of an extension project: A colaborativa action between the University and the City that it aims at to implantation of the English Language in the basic resume of the initial series of Basic Ensino, in the city of Cornlio Procpio, developed for the academics of the course of Letters of the UENP- campus Cornlio Procpio between 2009/2010 Word-key: English language, initial series of Basic Ensino, basic resume. ABSTRACT: The present article aims you explicit the importance of the insertion of English Language in the first gratings of elementary school. Proposal The above has the theoretical construct (UNDERBRUSH LOPES, 2003; GIMENEZ 2006; PAIVA, 2003 among others), who assert the importance of English will be several reasons, such: the statuses of the language in the contemporary world, the possibility of offering the students the contact with new culture, in to order you make them understand theirs and to other? s, you act in the world to over the critical perspective.

Summary Pro Day

The film Pro Day To be born Happy approaches the daily one of some young, of diverse social classrooms, in its schools. These adolescent ways of experience interviewed them involve subjects as the preconception, the precariousness, the violence and the hope. The film is of 2005 and was directed by Joo Garden. In this set of documents, the heard pupils are of the periphery of great capitals as So Paulo and Rio De Janeiro, as well as of a poor city in Pernambuco. Moreover, pupils of particular colleges of those capitals also compose the interviews.

One is about a comparative narrative of different places and different citizens. Of this form, the film portraies the situations that young are displayed and pontua questions to the pupils how much its relationships with the parents, the taste to study, the future or the fears. These questions translate the way that the immersed young is e, with images, illustrate realities. The questions brought for the film make possible reflections on the situation of education in Brazil and the possibilities of solutions for our problems educational. Joo Garden ahead presented our educational bankruptcy with much sensitivity and seriousness of a reality that all deny to see. In general way, the units of education do not finish congregating the minimum conditions for the intellectual development them pupils, clear situation in some boarded examples. Differently, in the particular college of presented So Paulo, one perceives pupils of a privileged social classroom with intellectual qualification better that the pupils of public education.

The professors in the public net if feel discouraged ahead of the situation in this educational system. He still has of if to consider that the environment of the community where each school is inserted affects the individuals directly. In many cases, crime finishes involving the young, what it facilitates to the violence and the climate of unreliability. To understand the amplitude of the relations weaveeed in pertaining to school environments is necessary to know the spaces, the individuals and the relations in this field of work. E, if to want that changes occur of the situations registered in this film, for example, how much the Brazilian educational reality, is necessary to provoke such changes aiming at the education of the young of this country, in way that the future of our country is pautado in them educational pillars that we construct and guide the life in society of who we look for to guide and ensinar.PRO DAY TO BE BORN HAPPY. Direction: Joo Garden. Brazil: Copacabana Films, 2006. 1 film (88min), sound., color.

Professor Luis Machado

Now for the calculation.First of all, to add the fingers underneath, including those to touch.These are the ten.Here there are five of them, three in a hand and two in the other (marked in blue), reason why do 5×10 = 50. Next, the left fingers over those multiply to touch with the right fingers over which to touch.These are the units.Here there are two fingers of the left (marked in red), and three fingers of the right (green marked), reason why do 2×3 = 6.It adds this to the 50 already you have, and that does 56. There are separated the tens and the units in this technique, but it is tried to multiply 6×6, one is that the number of the tens is 2×10 = 20, and the number of units is 4×4 = 16.Added, this for 36 years, which is correct.Perhaps we can think about the 16 like one " llevar". This technique sees a little like magic, so here it is a test that it works. If you do not know to algebra, then you no it is going to understand this, so they ignore simply it.You do not need it to use the technique. We are trying to multiply two numbers.We call to them to and b. We touch to two fingers.In the left hand, there is 10 over the fingers touching, and b-10 in the right fingers.One multiplies these together ones to secure the units: (10 – a) (10 – b) = 100-10a – 10b + ab In the left hand, there is una-5 fingers underneath and like the caresses, and b-5 fingers in the right hand.One is to add and to multiply by ten: 10 xs ((A-5) + (b – 5)) = 10 xs (to + b – 10) = 10a + 10b – 100 To add these two together ones: 100-10a – 10b + ab + 10a + 10b – 100 = ab So the answer is ab or to, b times that are what we wanted. Professor Luis Machado C 5112565 086112108 SICOA Original author and source of the article.