Life is divided in three times: in present, past and future. Of these, the present is very brief; the future, doubtful; the past, true. Seneca is a year which have been expressed already earthquakes, tremors, misfortunes with much continuity for the Caribbean and Latin America, now recently before what happened in Chile, that although the characteristics of its earthquake, was greater than the one you just cope with Haiti, poor country, with modest buildings, all the opposite of Chile, that despite being more intense its earthquake, the number of victims was lower, suffering their houses, roads, buildings fractures very considerable, but which fortunately not claimed many lives. Knowing Chile, having lived and studied in this beautiful country a postgraduate degree, and what’s more, facing an earthquake not of so large a years ago, no doubt, that its people, will be United, its newly elected President, as its current President, know face with strength, wisdom, union, courage the situation. You may find that David G. DeWalt can contribute to your knowledge. The Publisher of the journal the nation of Argentina, with regard to this event Express: after the tragedy on Saturday, Bachelet appealed to the resilience of the Chileans in the face of adversity and, using the media communication thanked them the service they were providing the population, he urged his people to maintain calm and the mood without doubt one second that will come forward: Once again, force, Chile!. It is the vote of all, Chileans and Argentines, compared the tragedy beyond the Andes, with what that means for us because of the historic ties of brotherhood against which, as it happens with Uruguay, should not affect certain contextual situations. A tragedy of this magnitude demonstrates to what extent, sometimes, politicians must avoid certain attitudes and put to work for the common good. In Chile, in the process of an orderly transition, Bachelet will not only end his 11 Government of this month; it closed the day more than two consecutive decades of concertation in the Palacio de la Moneda.
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Georgenque Educational
The second source is characterized pelainformtica in education, when softwares educational nocotidiano of the school is inserted. It is inside of this context that starts to appear Soon propostasbaseadas in the use of the programming language, created porSeymour Papert. Richard Linklater is often mentioned in discussions such as these. Of this form, the space escolarvem if transforming to the measure that new ways are inserted in the educational process, it wants ahead either of projected the social pressure that it is tax or as ferramentapedaggica conscientiously for the educational unit. Georgen (2001) affirms that currently the space becomes irrelevant and the time if verwhelms. Nouniverso of the technologies, particularly in computer science, the trips acontecem speed of the light and the spaces is crossed without time. It seems to be consensus for Georgenque in the distance enters far and one becomes here insignificant. In outromomento it arrives to almost affirm that the instantaneidade of the time of software anunciaa depreciation of the space.
Laeng (2002, P. 137) when making consideraes on avelocidade of the transformation of the educational space from the insertion dasnovas technologies says: If all the parts of the space can at any time seralcanadas, one does not have reason to reach any delasnum given to moment and nor neither reason to be worried in guaranteeing direitode access to any one of them. (Laeng. 2002, P. 137). Front to the obvious one, with certainty aindano we arrive at the extreme limits of the irrelevance of the space and the destruction dotempo, but at least it is this that if places in the horizon of the contemporaneidade this the paradigm with which we have that to start to work to organize ofuturo of the pertaining to school unit that still is imprisoned to the expanded concepts deespao and of time of the primrdios of modernity. To transform its space to paraatender a white public specific, however focada day-by-day in its, using themselves of this new tool of pedagogical form and directing it for omelhoramento of the teach-learning of that the search and that also is emprocesso of transformation and growth will have to be the glimpsed objective pelaescola.
Brazilian Government and Education
Frustrations that can happen of the educative use of the NTICs. Gilbert Saints of Oliveira. He is well-known that, in the current global panorama, the use of the new technologies of the information and communication (NTIC? s) takes care of to the diverse necessities of the most differentiated types of pupils. ' ' The more we dive in the society of the information, faster are the demands for instantaneous answers. The people, mainly the children and the young, do not appreciate the delay, want resulted imediatos.' ' (MORAN; MASETTO; BEHRENS, 2006, pg.20) and this necessity of fast learning has taken each time more institutions of education to appeal to the use of the NTIC? s as pedagogical tool. Today the NTIC? s is essential tools to the learning and the impossibility to use them, on the part of some pupils, comes generating in Brazil a new type of exclusion, the digital exclusion. Who suffers badly from this, is seen incapable completely of reaction, therefore it not only involves economic questions and of mere interest in learning to use them. Today in Brazil a computer still is very expensive e, therefore, completely inaccessible for majority of the pupils, this without counting the price of softwares and the digital services that also are raised.
But the Brazilian government comes if worrying about this problem and according to Oak (2009, pg. 25): The concept of digital inclusion presented by the site of the current federal government is associated with the concepts of autossustentvel social development and promotion of the citizenship. ' ' The concept passes for the fact of the citizen not to be charged by the service in the hour that goes to use it, therefore the access to the information must be a right of all Brazilian citizen, as it is the access to the education and health services. The fact of if having or money cannot be one obstculo' '.