Fourth Crusade

Research conducted by Brian M. Fagan, Professor of anthropology at the University of California, and world authority with regard to prehistory. The shroud of Turin is a great linen fabric of 4.3 metres long, 1.1 meters wide that has front and back image of a man who apparently died crucified. This fact already aroused interest; but the assertion that is true mortuary mantle of Jesus Christ has become a magnet for controversy. The same claim has led to a thorough scientific examination and the holding of international conferences. In 1978, an exhibition of the shroud attracted three million people. Some believe that the history of the shroud of Turin began in the year 1357, when Geoffrey II of Charney he exhibited at Lirey (France). Earlier mentions of images of Jesus are known.

In the 4th century a source tells that Addai or Thaddaeus painted a picture of Jesus in Edessa (Syria). Another source of the 6th century recounts that Jesus dried is the face with a towel and it was printed his image. Christ gave that image to an emissary of king Abgar de Eddesa; from the year 944 Byzantine troops took the image to Constantinople (Istanbul), the image remained there until the year 1204, when the Knights of the Fourth Crusade sacked the city and took their treasures, including the image. This would explain how he came to France and was exhibited there in the 14th century. When look the image of the shroud that looks?; see a yellow silhouette on a white background, it is a negative image of a crucified man face and back. Three-dimensional information can also be seen. The image shows an incredible amount of details; such as: human anatomy is represented with great precision, including injuries caused by beatings, we see blood coming out of the wounds made by nails in the wrists and feet, blood in the scalp and details of the hair and beard.

Georgenque Educational

The second source is characterized pelainformtica in education, when softwares educational nocotidiano of the school is inserted. It is inside of this context that starts to appear Soon propostasbaseadas in the use of the programming language, created porSeymour Papert. Richard Linklater is often mentioned in discussions such as these. Of this form, the space escolarvem if transforming to the measure that new ways are inserted in the educational process, it wants ahead either of projected the social pressure that it is tax or as ferramentapedaggica conscientiously for the educational unit. Georgen (2001) affirms that currently the space becomes irrelevant and the time if verwhelms. Nouniverso of the technologies, particularly in computer science, the trips acontecem speed of the light and the spaces is crossed without time. It seems to be consensus for Georgenque in the distance enters far and one becomes here insignificant. In outromomento it arrives to almost affirm that the instantaneidade of the time of software anunciaa depreciation of the space.

Laeng (2002, P. 137) when making consideraes on avelocidade of the transformation of the educational space from the insertion dasnovas technologies says: If all the parts of the space can at any time seralcanadas, one does not have reason to reach any delasnum given to moment and nor neither reason to be worried in guaranteeing direitode access to any one of them. (Laeng. 2002, P. 137). Front to the obvious one, with certainty aindano we arrive at the extreme limits of the irrelevance of the space and the destruction dotempo, but at least it is this that if places in the horizon of the contemporaneidade this the paradigm with which we have that to start to work to organize ofuturo of the pertaining to school unit that still is imprisoned to the expanded concepts deespao and of time of the primrdios of modernity. To transform its space to paraatender a white public specific, however focada day-by-day in its, using themselves of this new tool of pedagogical form and directing it for omelhoramento of the teach-learning of that the search and that also is emprocesso of transformation and growth will have to be the glimpsed objective pelaescola.

The Efqm Model

With my teachers I have learned a lot; with my colleagues, more; with my students even more companies will always have as goal meet the needs of its customers by offering them a product with guarantee of quality excellence that really meets you your needs. We are reminded, that the EFQM quality model was announced by the EFQM in 1991, under the patronage of the European Commission. Click Gerald Weissmann, MD to learn more. Awards (including one granted to a Spanish company) were delivered for the first time in October 1992. In successive years, small enhancements were incorporated and were announced to public service organizations and SME special versions… On April 21, 1999 announced the latest version, which was adapted for its application to educational establishments in the year 2001. It is known, that the EFQM Excellence model aims to help organizations (business or other types) to know better to themselves and, consequently, to improve its functioning.Gabriela Toro participant postgraduate program, specialty the quality management and productivity, on the theme reminds us, that is the Mission of the EFQM: encourage and help European organisations to participate in improvement activities to carried them, ultimately, excellence in the satisfaction of its customers and its employees, its social impact and business results. Support managers of European organisations in the acceleration of the process of Total quality management to become a decisive factor to achieve a position of global competitiveness.Main features of the leading ModeloEl and improvement is always important to a team that leads the proposal of quality. This equipment is, in our case, the management team.

To form the team’s quality is sufficient to a group of people. In our case (and we recommend it), this group has been the entirety of the faculty as well as in four earlier improvement plans. Taking into account the above, our Center enters, with the E.F.Q.M. a second speed, from the improvement plans to a global project to improve and quality.

High School

Given the tightness, piling up all of the above and ropes hanging from the laundry. There was time for lunch … They sat at one table. Among the drying shorts and running around kids. Cook brought pots of soup and porridge, placed on the table with salad basins, where "our" and "wrong" people began to poke their forks. Use your imagination, one could imagine that you are not a customer, and just being at a party in the tourist camp that live on it, camp, laws, and everything is fine. One trouble: for every day you pay 420 USD. Again, to quote the site: "The island has reached the maximum comfort possible for the campground.

Center field has a cozy fireplace and evening gatherings. There is a light from a generator, tents from the rain, dining space, separate kitchen tent, two toilets are sufficiently far from the camp. " Leave without comment and will continue to narrative. Sergei and I meanwhile were looking forward to that now, after dinner, there will come a time when customer go to the instructors at the professional rafting, and everything will work out: the water relieve tension, there will be another emotions and a new level of understanding. But here there was terrible. That is something we all could not have imagined.

Cook appealed to the group. His speech contained two sends. And it was simple and understandable to everyone. Firstly, the second overlay in the same plate, from which ate the soup. Secondly, everyone washes dishes for a self. Where to wash? But in these three plastic bowl. First, the fact that diluted dishwashing liquid. My dishes in it with a sponge. Then in second rinse basin. And then rinse in the third. Water in all coxae was a very muddy, but customers dutifully lined up for them with their plates. Sounded the word "unsanitary." "High School labor camp for 420 USD per day "- we would be willing to have even admire the unusual event.

University Communication

How to circumvent censorship with wit in it, the Chinese population trots out his wit to Dodge tight government control, which blocks key words, e, even user profiles by spreading what qualify as rumors. For example, if people want to talk about the son of the former Bo Xilai, Bo Guagua, writes melon, which in Chinese is migua and is phonetically similar, explains the student. Professor Huang Dianlin, expert in international communication, says the stance of Chinese leaders. The official attitude toward the networks social is profiting, but, at the same time, control them. This last objective is increasingly difficult, because you cannot predict the development of society, often produce unintended consequences.

This year, the Chinese Government resorted to all kinds of methods to increase control, from paying users to publish favorable comments to the Communist Party in networks, to promote that Weibo, the most popular, impose the record with real name and surname. But, far from preventing internet to disseminate the debate in China, social networks began (in the style of what happened in the Arab spring) to encourage mobilization. That’s what happened in the latest massive demonstrations registered in China, as in Shifang, a city located in the Western Province of Sichuan, where the protest of hundreds of people ended up with the project of a chemical in the area plant and the dismissal of the Mayor. The protagonists were secondary school students, who, with their phones, immortalized the manifestations and shared them on the Internet, thanks to the technology of smartphones, which has begun to spread in the country considerably. In a matter of two years, users with data on the mobile rate have passed the 102 million to the nearly 400, almost 300% more. Against this, Professor Shen Hao, the University Communication of Peking, ensures that the politicians are starting to listen. The recent decisions by the authorities thus seem to indicate that, as in the case of the protests of Shifang, when the Mayor’s dismissal was announced through his Weibo, where demonstrators expressed their complaints.

The change of environment in China is the biggest change in the country in 10 years, emphasizes Professor Huang Dianli. One of the keys that match communication experts is that political reform is needed, since the social as is occurring. The fear is being lost and already, some even speak of freedom. Thus cited communication student, who, wisely, supports remembers it: Yes, we have begun to talk, but freedom cannot be taken from the evening to the morning. See more: social networks: the civic revolution that fighting for change in China

INC Group

Define the numbers of what are these numbers INC-C2, – C3. Example combinations take Table. 2. C2 – 1,2,3,10,30 We see that the combination consists of three numbers, the first group of numbers from 1 to 9, a number of the second group of numbers from 10 to 19 rooms and one of the fourth group of numbers from 30 to 36 rooms. (Similarly see: Richard Linklater). C3-1,2,3,20,30 This combination is different from previous order that she, instead of one number from 10 to 19 the number of rooms there is the third group of numbers from 20 to 29 rooms.

In the condition, the task was a sequence of numbers from 36 1nomera numbers, then numbers of the second group of numbers from 10 to 19 number, in combination, repeated before the third group of numbers from 20 to 29 numbers that follow sequentially numbered from 10 to 19 rooms. The conclusion is that, in combination 639 part numbers INC – C2. 3. Define the 5 numbers from 36 numbers for version number 639. Total numbers of participating in 639 combinations will be: 639h5 = 3195 define the number of times all the numbers from 1 to 9 numbers are repeated. Knowing that the average value of the number of repetitions is -4 it is: 3195: 4 = 798.75 = 88.7 798,75:9 To determine the three numbers of a group of numbers from 1 to 9 numbers for the version number should be 639 to calculate the whole number of repetitions to a combination of number 639 and after it.

Average Education

Relation of the Practical Theory and of education in the Perspective of the interdisciplinaridade ANALYSIS OF the BOOK the didactic book of PORTUGUESE: LANGUAGES (2003), of William authors Robert Cereja and Thereza Cochar Magalhes, indicated for the education of average level, only volume distributed by the ministry of the Education to the all the schools of the public net of education, present complete content that involves language, literature, textualidade and grammar. The content programmarian of the book is divided block-type of studies what it facilitates for the professor the succession of the subjects to be boarded, each treat block has its peculiar characteristic. To if observing the first unit of the book the contents to be boarded deal with the language, communication and interaction, what depending on the applied methodology it calls the attention the pupil for the explanado content, this construction around the language and its variants assist more the construction of coesos texts and coherent, this unit introduces something referring to literature and its concept, and sorts worked from the creation made for the proper pupils of the varieties of sorts. In the second unit it is presented literature in itself and the schools that had in such a way given to beginning to this movement in the world as in Brazil, in sequence to the literal productions, the use concepts reflection of the language for the construction of a creative and objective text coeso and coherent they are boarded of form, what the professor leads to approach as primary form the argumentativo text, its concept and adequacy semantics to the end of the unit the grammar that comes to give necessary support in the literal constructions through the linking components. The third unit of the sequence the literary schools and emphasizes the construction of the argumentativa writing, however it emphasizes the graphical rules of acentuao and the correct application of the verbs. .

Professional Education

(MARANHO, 2007). It is understood, however that the reality of the state schools that work with Integrated Average Education to the Professional Education extremely distant of is above cited. The pupils of these centers do not make use of the minimum necessary (the deficit period of training, for example) to exert its qualification second while technician and on the other hand directs itself for a picture of room in relation to the vestibular contest, placing it in plain in its pertaining to school life. The legitimation of all the processes and procedures related to the education necessarily is tied with the values and the objectives of the construction of a society where the people can find subsidies for its emancipation (SEVERINO, 2007). Cabral (2006) indicates that the school is a space where the competition and social comparison exist, where the failure cause affliction it modifies autoestima insidiosamente. Generally the competitive pertaining to school systems improve autoestima of those where it already is high. In contrast, the not competitive systems value little autoestima of the good pupils, but they improve of the bad pupils. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as Gerald Weissmann, MD by clicking through.

In these not competitive systems the successes are not valued, nor the failures are punished, even so are very salient. The phase that we are beginning to necessarily cross individualiza for the predominance of the intellectual devices of the work force, in special, of that one in formation process. It is treated today, at least in the sectors most dynamic of the world-wide economy, to not more explore the hand of the worker, but its brain (BRUNO, 1996). Few would deny today that the educational processes and the more including social processes of reproduction are closely on. Consequently, a significant reformularization of the education is inconceivable without the corresponding transformation of the social picture where practical the educational ones of the society they must historically fulfill its vital and important functions of change (MSZROS, 2005).