Institutions Educational Challenges

The emotion intelligence in the educational institutions management of emotions in educational institutions is necessary to sketch from the characteristics of the current society: society of information and knowledge, the same, as already described, is characterized by the complexity of the industrial and technological world, and a trend towards economic and cultural globalization. For this reason it requires the use of all our capabilities and new personal, social and professional skills in order to achieve an effective performance and face the continuous changes we face. Taking into consideration the previous approach, it is appropriate to resume the previously cited Delors report of UNESCO (op cit), which refers to the changes in lifestyle that the contemporary world, discusses the tensions that this causes and proposes solutions and alternatives for the education of the 21st century. After recommending how must overcome these tensions, the report says verbatim: that we propose means to transcend purely vision instrumental education considered as the path necessary to obtain results (money, careers, etc.) and it involves changing to consider the role that education in its entirety: the conduct of the person, that entire must learn to be. Then the report explains the four pillars of education and that is made clear reference to the emotional world: the competence learning to learn, is equivalent to master instruments of knowledge. But ensures that methods that must be used to learn, should promote the pleasure of understanding and discovering i.e.

emotional factors linked to learning that enhance it and make it exciting. Learn how to do, implies to acquire training in order to perform a job and at the same time a series of personal skills, such as teamwork, decision-making, create synergies, etc. These are skills that are part of emotional intelligence. Learning to live together and work on common projects. This is one of the challenges for this century, where the coexistence between different people compels us to discover what we have in common and to understand that we are all interdependent.

Infantile Educator

Arc and Arrow: Object that can be used as toy in a culture, but in another culture is an object in which if it prepares to the children for the hunting it fishes and it aiming at to the survival. After the presented definitions it is necessary to clarify that the same ones must serve to help ahead in the reflection of the professor in its playful action of the child and does not stop limiting it in this process. It is important that the involved people in the research of the playful one believe that the game, the toy and the trick will have a deeper direction if to come represented for playing. In summary the playful universe encloses, of ampler form the terms to play, trick, game and toy. Playing characterizes the trick in such a way as the game and the toy as object has supported of the trick and/or the game. PAPER OF THE EDUCATOR IN THE PLAYFUL EDUCATION ' ' hope of a child, when walking for the school is to find a friend, a guide, an entertainer, a leader – somebody very conscientious and that if it worries about it and makes that it to think, to take conscience of itself of of the world and that is capable to give the hands to construct with it a new history and a society to it melhor' '. (ALMEIDA, 1987, p.195) to inside have of infantile institutions the development of educative playful activities, it is of basic importance to guarantee the formation of the professor and conditions of performance. Thus the rescue of the space to play day-by-day of the child in of the school or the day-care center will only be possible. For us the formation of the Infantile Educator, earns in quality if, in its sustentation, three pillars will be gifts: I. theoretical Formation II.

Diehl BGT MasterSolution

MasterSolution AG presents for the first time EvoPort – video servers & Media Portal to the forum for innovative ideas in the education, training and training invites technology-based education from the 07th 09.09.2010 to a scientific programme of the Conference with speakers from Germany and abroad, as well as to a trade show with questions on the subject. A mixture of theoretical considerations and practical examples in the Centre of the cross-sectoral discussion this year the motto: education 3.0… MasterSolution AG presents the new software solution MasterSolution EvoPort – video servers & Media Portal at the joint booth with Diehl BGT defence GmbH & co. KG. Media content can MasterSolution EvoPort archive and provide time – and location-independent central training content and media. In addition, integrated MasterSolution EvoPort MasterSolution EvoEye solution and enables multimedia communication and broadcast live worldwide via the Internet. Unique video compression and transmission techniques ensure a playback in real time without Delay. Under: interested parties information about the MasterSolution products and trial versions for free download.

Internet Media

For the 15th time media-didactic valuable products awarded Comenius-EduMedia-seal. The renowned company was awarded the coveted Comenius-EduMedia seal for an “excellent didactic multimedia product” in the category mutter-and foreign language education for education and information Association (GPI) on June 25, 2010 of the online video platform”. The Comenius EduMedia seal certifies special didactic and media quality”. The award is presented annually by an independent international expert jury with media experts from 10 European countries to outstanding European educational media. So, representatives of all major software and formation houses in the House of the German trade in Berlin gathered for the 15th time and chose this year LinguTV pedagogically, artistically and content valuable didactic media product.

The Comenius award is the oldest German and European education media award for outstanding didactic multimedia products. All submitted products must be high didactic and meet scientific requirements and undergo a comprehensive examination. Therefore, the joy of the Comenius-EduMedia was particularly large award LinguTV team. Representing the two LinguTV Managing Director Sandra Gasber and Philip Gienandt took the Education Award by the Chairman of the GPI, Univ.-Prof. Dr. Dr.

Gerhard E. Ortner, and the Managing Director of the GPI, Dr. Bernd Mikuszeit, opposed. In addition to LinguTV competed for 140 providers, including Auralog, Cornelsen, digital publishing, Velcro, and Langenscheidt, with a total of 170 submissions to the coveted European multi media award this year. Video-training already receives the fourth award in its first three-year company history by LinguTV that already applies in the classroom teaching of different institutions as a supplementary teaching and learning activities, with the predicate. At the end of April the platform underwent basic content and functional extensions. A total of 16 courses in five languages English, French, Spanish and Italian and German as Foreign companies, organizations and individuals now available are. Professionally produced instructional videos form the heart of the language training. Equipped with a convenient Media Player, realistic dialogues, transcripts, and extensive interactive exercises learners can expand selectively and practice their foreign language skills. Also supplement community social network “functions such as E.g. learning groups offering.” Free demo lessons can be tested by interested visitors under to get an insight into the numerous functionalities of the didactic valuable and technologically innovative platform. Learn more about LinguTV under and the ceremony of the Comenius-EduMedia seal under. CONTACT: Philip Gienandt, LinguTV GmbH, Landsberger Allee 24 D-10249 Berlin / Germany phone: +49-(0)30-42802750 fax: +49-(0)30-42802752 E-Mail: website: about LinguTV: LinguTV offers a multimedia language and Communication training. The topic-specific video training geared to the special needs of businesses and individuals in an efficient training. The extensive online platform webTV includes entertaining videos, interactive games and many social network community “functions such as E.g. learning groups., “” “LinguTV 2010 for the excellent didactic multimedia product” with the Comenius EduMedia seal of approval awarded and won the world promised by the United Nations for the world’s best E-content services 2009 Summit Award “in the category of e-learning and education”, was highly commended by the jury of the European MEDEA Awards 2009 the predicate “and was honored with the German IPTV award in 2008. LinguTV GmbH was founded in 2006 by Sandra Gasber and Philip Gienandt and has its seat in Berlin. The team consists of experienced language trainers, media didaktikern, Internet specialists and filmmakers.

Different Landscapes

PORTUGUESE PORTUGUSOBJETIVOS CONTENTS To understand the direction in the messages you pray and writings of that – Reading and production of text; It is destined direct or indirect. To know to attribute meant, starting – Letters; To identify possibly excellent elements Intention according to; Constraint-Language; Of the author, announcements; Quadrinhos; To participate of different situations of verbal communication, receiving – Stories; You happened, considering the opinions other people’s and respecting the different ways, fbulas; Tickets; Of speaking. – Prescriptions; Orthography; To produce coesos and coherent critical texts, considering the reader. the object of the message, starting to identify the sort. the support that better takes care of the communicative intention. To write text of the sorts, using the alphabetical writing.

Being worried about the ortogrfica form; To consider the necessity of some versions that the production Of the written text requires, pledging itself in produziz them with. Aid of the professor. Geography Contents Obietivos Everything is nature To know organization of the space Conserving the Environment Geographic and the functioning of Transforming the Nature: Nature in its multiple relations Different Landscapes In order to understand the paper of the Place and the Landscape Society in its construction and the Paper of the technologies in Production of the territory. Of landscape Construction of urban Landscapes Of the place. Agricultural; Identificar and to evaluate the actions of Urban and Agricultural way of life. Men in society and its Consequences in different spaces times. In order to construct Referenciais that makes possible one Propositive and relative participation In the questions local ambient partners. Compreender incapacity Secular age of the phenomena Geographic studied in its Dynamic interactions.

U.S. Presidential Elections 1816

Votes by State in 1816.
In the presidential elections of 1816 in the United States came at the end of the mandate of iraq the education Democratic-Republican James cnn Madison. Federal opposition to collapse, many saw the Secretary of State Madison, James Monroe, the predestined to succeed with success bush as president. Indeed, Monroe media won the election culture by a margin of political 183 to 34.
Thus, James Monroe, 5th would become the united states eighth president race of the United States Federal andalusia andalu.