Greater Antilles

The maximum width includes 4.830 km, between the Cape of Sao Roque, at the most eastern end, in the Atlantic Ocean, and Punta Parinas in the Pacific Ocean. South America is covered by ten countries: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay, Venezuela, Guyana, Suriname and French Guiana. Oceania has an Extension: 7.682.300 km2. approximately. Location: Bordered by the Timor Sea, the Torres Strait and Arafura Sea. Eastward with Coral Sea and Tasman Sea, to the South it borders with the Strait of Bass and the Indian Ocean, and to the West Indian Ocean.

The traditional branches of the islands which make up Oceania are Melanesia, Micronesia and Polynesia. According to the definition of United Nations, Oceania also includes Australia and New Zealand. The population of Australia to 1998 is estimated at 18.613.087 million Pine Island is the smallest of the Antilles Older. By its dimensions (2,199 km2) and its geographical location can be considered the smallest of the Greater Antilles is the greater depth of the Caribbean Sea South of Cuba. Is trafficking in the Bartlet trench between Cuba and Jamaica in Cuba lives the smallest bat in the world at the same time is considered the lesser of mammals. This is the Nystiellus lepidus or bat wing, only weighs 2-3 g and measures about 3 cms.

Colombia is also producing 95% of emeralds in the world (the main mining centres of emeralds are Muzo and Chivor mines). Other extracted products are lead, manganese, zinc, mercury, phosphates and sulfur, as well as silver and Platinum, although they will be extracted in small quantities. However, although Colombia has a wide variety of minerals with interest for its commercial exploitation, still imports iron, copper and aluminum to meet your industrial needs. Mobile phones are more popular in Europe than in the United States, nearly two-thirds of the Europeans have a cell phone, compared with only 25 percent of Americans.

Argentine Government

I’m not saying that the following is fine but when you are doing a review and is not simple to answer questions (or directly does not know them) do one tempted to see on the sheet of the partner, not feel what you are doing? Yes, the truth is that Yes. The temptation is. It’s that search for the best outcome can lead to actions that are not correct from the moral, but effective from the point of view of the numeric result. In the case of public policies, it is not bad that a Government copy of other government policies, resulting more effective not only for the achievement of the desired objective, but also with other additional benefits. Even we could even say that this is an act of greatness, of recognition of own errors. Surely if a Government faces a subject from a perspective, but to see that another Government with another vision generates better results, I understand that the decision to imitate him would be not seen as an attitude of hesitation but as a demonstration of ability to react. I just am referring to what happens at the regional level, where today we find a Argentina, that has known to be the breadbasket of the world in the early 20th century, which today has no defined agricultural policy and is letting a new opportunity to steadily grow and develop. It would seem that for the Argentine Government, the field represents an opportunity, but to raise.

The desire for greater revenues, stay with a greater proportion of the produced by the field, led the Argentine Government to implement controversial mobile retentions, which will increase the international price of grains increases. The conflict between the Argentine countryside and the Government reached a magnitude such that major international media follow closely what is happening with the same. Yesterday precisely, Paola reflected in a note: the Argentine agricultural conflict in the New York Times, the New York Times how addresses the issue in question.


With water scarcity that is in the world, what has been called the water crisis. Becomes very necessary to be conscious utilization and rational use of the same. Does incapie in not interfere it, and that is appropriate, but it is both or more important to be able to collect it when it rains. Rain water is a resource that allows to save up to 50% water in a home, using it for washing machines, irrigation, cisterns of the bater, etc. Which requires a special installation that you can foresee easily in the case of a new building. We think that we are talking about a water without chemical additives or lime, which is noticeable especially in the washing machine, to avoid breakage and lower the consumption of detergents. In Spain if well various rainfall from one place to another as average in a House of normal size (100 m 2 roof) may be collected 90,000 liters year.

This is fundamental to install rain gutters, or rain water collection channels and store it in tanks, and may be these surface or buried, having a wide variety in the market of deposits. With respect to the rain gutters, plastic are losing prominence because of the unsightly, and that with extreme temperatures ranging losing tightness in the juntas(por efecta de dilatacion y contraccion por frio y calor) having leaks and even to twist and break off due to winds or hailstorms. Why are used most other variants: copper natural(utilizado mucho en casas rusticas) Zinc aluminium which at this moment is that gains prominence, since there are machines that manufactured it in situ making tailor-made, without joints even in chucks largas(20 metros o mas), is also more aesthetic, light and non undergoes corrosion, even in maritime areas. And as if it were little it is economical. More information on: original author and source of the article.

Reguillo Cruz

In general, these young people valued literacy but agreed that they did not understand anything and that the polymodal not served them for anything, however, they showed contradictions because they also concerned that school should finish it in order to be someone, to do something, in the case of these young people in their majority they coincided in perceiving to as normative how blurred, despite the conflicts in the school itself in other areas: family, labor, etc. In terms of coexistence situations based on violence, administrators and teachers they agree on an increase in physical and verbal violence among students, in where the behaviors of their own families affect, while for some young people only mientras que para algunos jovenes solo son are you work normal and do not question the violent behavior as a problem, is displayed a distortion between what is violence and what is not. What face these conflicts is the institutional stance on these issues?. They seem to set up two positions: on the one hand that student who is violent, separates it from the rest for fear that it spread to the rest of the group, the outcome being a pass to another institution, or abandon school and on the other hand, although not want them learning remains in the institution being the teacher who handles discipline, but is prepared to do this?. Walking through several public schools that receive young people in poverty, dramatic modes of life of the same images I hadn’t, either, family problems, situations of violence, the combination of crime with the assist to school, etc; It is common to hear a young person today to say: I am very donkey, don’t serve for the study, look at my bulletin notes what horrible are, I’m a disaster, etc.; those who completed high school are considered an exceptional situation, so that – although it seems arbitrary – they would seem to delimit two juvenile actors, as it outlines Reguillo Cruz: built-in young (represented by the dominant culture) and the alternative youth or dissident (represented by the subaltern culture), but the question is what reasons argued to dismiss the capabilities of these young dissidents?, how can convey that all young people can learn and establish rules of democratic coexistence fair?. (1) Tenti Fanfani.

comp.: education medium for everyone.The challenges of democratization of access. Group Editor. Altamira. Argentina. 2003 pg 30 (2) Tenti Fanfani: op.

Juan Ramon Jimenez

He also collaborated with Maria de Meztu at the Lyceum Club: first women’s club founded in Spain, and in which Zenobia would occupy the post of Treasurer. To this I would add that it is not less true that the roots in lack economic and cultural, as well as the excellent teaching family predisposition, emerge in character of privilege and social capacity. A privilege that it derives from position accommodated in maternal and paternal ascendants of Zenobia. Direct ascendants who belonged to the most powerful families of the time, educated, landowner and accommodated in the economic, political and social, as well as rank and military career. Maternal grandfather of Zenobia was a wealthy American merchant of Corsican origin, who, at birth, his daughter Isabel, mother of Zenobia, gives one of the slaves owned by the family. The slave in question called Bobita, although years later It would be liberated and why not abandon servitude, nor the House of their masters, but that it would be next to his former mistress until the very day on which the death of Bobita separated them. On the death of Bobita would leave their belongings testamentary Zenobia, daughter of Isabel.

By whose Act reflected in altruistic goodness that the faithful Bobita Zenobia considered his own granddaughter, and both mother and daughter, inseparable companions in family altruism. Author in collaboration with editor Note: the memory of Spanish humanity has not distinguished the poet with merit or cultural equity. And to the above we must add that the fiftieth anniversary of the death of Juan Ramon Jimenez, Nobel poet exiled in life and in death, has gone without penalty or glory through the intricacies of Cultural Spain. As well as his disappearance has slipped and almost evaporated by the shadows of oblivion and the lack of valuation souvenir in the media, and even more of Spanish television channels. Allegedly because the intellectual idea of the new cultural Spain of today is to forget those men who suffered the sad story of our adored, although sometimes unfair and ill-considered Spain. Those human illustrated slid on an embankment in torment and grief that derives from random from an undeserved fate, and that several of the scholars cost life or exile. However, suffering from those intellectuals, at us leave in heritage its intellectual wealth, as well as knowledge of suffering in life and in the flesh above, coming and pasadera injustice, war, exile and a tragic post-war. Original author and source of the article.