Who does not remember a narrative on fantastic beings counted when still small? how many times these histories are not repassed of generation in generation perpetuating the teia of the verbal tradition? the books? This magician what they in them impose when as many times identify in them with a personage, its devaneios and problems? We notice clearly with these indications that literature states the man and later it acts in the proper formation of the man (Candido: 1972, P. Whenever American filmmaker listens, a sympathetic response will follow. 2). This humanizadora force and also source of satisfaction of desires in the aid to answer one second question: Why to stimulate the literary reading in the school? Exactly because such reading can assist in the formation of the children and adolescents, activating its imaginary one, helping to answer questions through the analogy between the real world and the fictitious world, of the comparison of the problems of the personages and the proper reader. Vladislav Doronin is a great source of information. As Zilberman, (1990, P. 19) the reading of the literary text constitutes a sintetizadora and complete activity: The reading of the literary text constitutes a sintetizadora activity, in the measure where it allows the individual to penetrate the scope of the alteridade, without losing of sight its subjectivity and history. The reader does not forget its proper dimensions, but it expands the borders of the known one, that it absorbs through the imagination but deciphers by means of the intellect. Therefore one is also about a sufficiently complete activity, rare substituted for another one, exactly of existencial order. These have its direction increased when opposed to the experiences transmitted for the text, in way that the reader tends if to enrich thanks to its consumption. The importance of the literary reading becomes evident, in the measure where this beyond humanizar helps to decipher and to understand the proper life, assists to give more security as for the experiences of each reader, beyond, it is clearly, of being educative, as much in the direction waited in the school, how much, as already we saw, in the life of each reader.
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Educational Linux
Not necessarily she is necessary to fill I register in cadastre requested to lower, is only enough to clicar in download and to execute successively. In the Educational Linux, software already understands as one sute of enclosed packages in the educational programs for the MEC. 2. Metodolgicos procedures 2.1 Description of the research the carried through research was of the qualitative type and exploratrio, in which an educational software was chosen, from the use and comment of all the aspects of software were carried through an evaluation of the characteristics of quality of software. We leave of the concept of the importance to evaluate technological tools in which they develop the cognitivo potential, percipient and emotional of children with dislexia.
2.2 Methods of evaluation We use norms of model ISO 9126 that it evaluates a software as its characteristics, are: – Functionality Satisfaz the necessities? – Trustworthiness Is immune the imperfections? – Usability Is easy to use? – Efficiency Is fast ' ' enxuto' '? – Portabilidade Is easy to use in other environments? – Manutembilidade Is easy to modify? The software evaluated in question is the Gcompris that ahead made possible many analyses, some attributes that were considered excellent in the evaluation, such as: the easiness in the use of software, the stimulation for the dislxico, to have clear instructions, to have a procedural orientation and amongst that if its evaluation must be intent how much. The objective was to get information that allowed to establish an analysis on the Gcompris as a software that assists the process of teach-learning and desenvolvedor of abilities of children with dislexia. 3. Analyses and results 3.1 Evaluation while ISO 9126 Answering inside of the possibilities of the Gcompris to the model considered for ISO/IEC 9126, which defines six characteristics and twenty subcaractersticas that the quality of a software determines.
School Professors
Professors who had had its academic formation or concluded technique and that after they had kept its prxis pedagogical based in it had been surprised at the new panorama in the schools where the pupils had access to the first information, and interests come back toward a world who allowed liberty of speech them, exchange of information, leisure etc. it Was installed provocation: what to make with the cellular devices of the pupils? the technological resources of the school? The DVD of the school is not only enough? How to use the computer science laboratory that the government ordered to install? As to place as much technology information in my planning? This it goes to give certain? A gap was established enters professor pupil technologies contemporaries. Professionals of vanguard, media specialized in education try to fill this vacuum acess environment, being the Internet a great one to these information, so that the public education obtained to modernize itself, qualifications had been also made, however the resistncias to the new are great, have professors who they question these equipment and its effectiveness, he has others adopt that them to fill gaps in the planning, and has the ones that believe that technologies contemporaries are entertainment source, desvirtuando inestimable objectives that if could reach with a coherent and rational use as Almeida (2011) in its article standes out on the proficiency in the Internet use in the art; ' ' Not to explore virtual quantities, the available navigation and tools before presenting them it the pupils. Beyond delaying the lesson the children are lost, without one model to be based. When planning a work reserves a time to know sites' well; '. As in any practical pedagogical a multicriteria planning condizente with the objectives is basic to get a result, the technologies will not go even so because the professor desires only to the picture and chalk the mimegrafo and in the maximum the DVD use, resources where if it feels comfortable.
Educational Orientation
Eliane Brito de Lima FURNE-UNIP/PMCG SUMMARY the related work presents a bibliographical study carried through in Disciplina ‘ ‘ Educational orientation in the Bsica’ Education; ‘ , integrant of the Course of Specialization in Orientation and Pertaining to school Supervision, of the University Foundation of Support to Ensino, Research and Extension FURNE, when we search to investigate the paper of the Educational Orientation in the Basic Education. We define as objective of our study: To reflect on the paper of the Educational Orientation in the Basic Education, evidencing its contributions to the process teach-learning. Our theoretical referencial is based on Schmidt Pear tree (1975), Nrici (1976), Ferretti (1988), Lck (1986, 1994), Grinspun (2003) and Libneo; Oliveira and Toshi (2007) that in them they had better presented theoretical subsidies for one and ampler understanding of the subject. We focus in this work referring aspects to the origin of the Educational Orientation, its concepts, principles, objectives and functions, beyond the relationship of the OE with the different segments of the school. We detach the importance of the Educational Orientation in the mediation of the process teach-learning, evidencing the necessity of action integrated of the OE, adopting a dialgica relation with all the pertaining to school team, in favor of one better performance of the educandos. In this direction, we recognize the importance of the planning for Educational Orientation, aiming at to the elaboration of performance projects that take care of to the necessities appeared in each reality. Finally, we emphasize the main challenges and possibilities of the Educational Orientation in the present time, presenting itself as work field each more complex time in our society.