Journal of Geo-Science Education » News

Ambient Education

We can speak that ' ' mother natureza' ' , she is not happy with the attitudes of the man, who would have to love it and to conserve it. It clama, asks for aid, manifest through catastrophic reactions, such as: floods, droughts, thawing of calota polar, hole in the ozone layer etc. Resulted of the ignorance and/or greed human being who has decades degrade in violent way innumerable ecosystems of the land. Perceiving the importance that has the environment for our lives and that the ecology allows in them to know the linkings between the beings livings creature (animal and vegetal) and the environment where it lives, we feel the necessity of deepening in them the study of this thematic one, for understanding that to preserve the environment it is to preserve the proper life. This preservation if constitutes in changes of concepts, attitudes and procedures in the social context, politician, economic and cultural. We believe that nobody can save the planet alone, however, if the level of ecological awareness to grow in each one of us, to the few we will have an army fighting against the degradation of the nature and the life.

In this perspective the ambient education appears as a position of respect and responsibility with the ambient conservation inside of a new optics that in allows a general vision them with that it encircles in them. Through the Ambient Education we can see the world with more clarity, respect, love, beauty and solidarity and feel integrant part of this all. Analyzing the phrase: ' ' The planet asks for aid! ' ' , we perceive the Ambient Education as a light that allows to walk and to act better in this world, searching to assure a more coherent way to live, with intention to construct to a society more joust and balanced ecologically. The proposal of diffusion of Ambient Education as tool of change in the relations of the man with the environment appears in the decade of 60, from the center-cultural and ecological movements.

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