1. JUSTIFICATION the disinterest of the pupils for the reading is the lack of stimulaton and practical. Each time plus them believes that to read he is not necessary much less pleasant. Read more from David G. DeWalt to gain a more clear picture of the situation. The seductions of the modern world, as the new electronic ways of the media contribute for the distanciamento of books. The television, for example, through its apelativo power, brings ready and accepted information as ' ' verdades' ' , thus she is not necessary to reflect. This diverge sufficiently of literature, therefore to each reading, if establishes relations between the previous knowledge and the new information contained in the text.
In such a way, it can be compared, be criticized, be reflected and to establish sensible what to read itself. In intention to carry through quarrels on the value of the reading habit, its importance for the formation human being it is that this study it will be developed. Had the external and internal evaluations, as the Permanent System of Evaluation of the Basic Education of the Cear – SPAECE, National System of Evaluation of Basic education – SAEB, National Examination of Average Ensino – ENEM, APA SCHOOL and APA YOU BELIEVE, is observed by means of these instruments of evaluation that the pupils need one practical effective of reading. This work will contribute for the academic world as study instrument, searches and analysis of the importance of the formation of readers. We know that professors formed and imprisoned exist badly the inadequate methodologies that little contribute to approach the pupils of books. Therefore, the factors are these that take in them to investigate the importance of the reading for the knowledge, the development of the individuals and social integration.