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Danylleny Barbosa

Each literal, verbal or written production, carries through a sort because it is a social and discursivo work. Practical social or the discursivas ones, in turn, they determine the adequate sort. For Bronckart, the sorts are understood as all unit of verbal, verbal or written production, contextualizada, that it transmits a message linguistic organized and that produces a effect of coherence in its addressee. Already according to Schneuwly and Scheneuwly (1996, p.152), the literal sort is characterized by steady and conventional linguistic forms that correspond the necessary situations of communication. In this direction, it can be compared with one ' ' mega-instrumento' ' used for the interlocutors in the different situations of language, being differentiated by three dimensions: propagated contents, common communicative structure to the sort and specific configurations of the linguistic units that compose the text. The literal sorts that practical literal are tied with the social life, entities partner-discursivas and forms of social action are part of the communicative situation. They appear side by side to the interacionais necessities.

In this direction, it has, constantly, an explosion of sorts. Thus, the pedagogical work with the sorts gifts in the society can become the much more interesting lessons and significant, to develop in the pupils its literal ability and to contribute so that the pupil, of certain form, is prepared to make the use of the communication in the many spheres of communication human being that if constitute in the social interaction. As the literal classifications of sort they are always on to the situation of use of the text, the purposes for which a text is produced can modify the initial clssificao. Therefore, each text alone admits classification after analyzes of all the factors that involve its construction: the lingustica structure, the purposes of the text and the social situation of the interlocutors. Each literal, verbal or written production, carries through a sort because it is a social and discursivo work. Practical social or the discursivas ones, in turn, determine the adequate sort. Danylleny Barbosa hunter

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