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Different Landscapes

PORTUGUESE PORTUGUSOBJETIVOS CONTENTS To understand the direction in the messages you pray and writings of that – Reading and production of text; It is destined direct or indirect. To know to attribute meant, starting – Letters; To identify possibly excellent elements Intention according to; Constraint-Language; Of the author, announcements; Quadrinhos; To participate of different situations of verbal communication, receiving – Stories; You happened, considering the opinions other people’s and respecting the different ways, fbulas; Tickets; Of speaking. – Prescriptions; Orthography; To produce coesos and coherent critical texts, considering the reader. the object of the message, starting to identify the sort. the support that better takes care of the communicative intention. To write text of the sorts, using the alphabetical writing.

Being worried about the ortogrfica form; To consider the necessity of some versions that the production Of the written text requires, pledging itself in produziz them with. Aid of the professor. Geography Contents Obietivos Everything is nature To know organization of the space Conserving the Environment Geographic and the functioning of Transforming the Nature: Nature in its multiple relations Different Landscapes In order to understand the paper of the Place and the Landscape Society in its construction and the Paper of the technologies in Production of the territory. Of landscape Construction of urban Landscapes Of the place. Agricultural; Identificar and to evaluate the actions of Urban and Agricultural way of life. Men in society and its Consequences in different spaces times. In order to construct Referenciais that makes possible one Propositive and relative participation In the questions local ambient partners. Compreender incapacity Secular age of the phenomena Geographic studied in its Dynamic interactions.

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